- ii
saying that the classes thus provided for were taught to the —
entire satisfaction of the Faculty. I I
1 · As regards attendance, behavior, and application to study, I
  the results have been most gratifying. Indeed, during the    
ten years with which Ihave been connected with the College I I
as its presiding officer, I have not known a session so satis- I A
factory in these respects.   ·
Instruction has been furnished in the several classes I
which make up the departments of Civil History, Political I ::
Economy, English Literature, Mathematics, Chemistry, I  
Agricultural Chemistry, Moral Philosophy, Modern Lan—
guages, Natural History, and Civil Engineering, and with I
satisiactory results.
I beg to express, in conclusion, my deep sense of the I
» intelligent direction and hearty co-operation of the Execu—  
` I tive Board appointed by your honorable body, and my  
A l thanks for the uniform courtesy, kindness, and forbearance I
~ which I have experienced at their hands. To those upon I
I whom the weight of responsibility has chiefly fallen, as well I  
» as to the other members composing the Board of Visitors, I `
I the Commonwealth, I am sure, owes a debt of gratitude for I  
' the measures so wisely devised and so ably executed. To I
these measures the Agricultural and Mechanical College I
I owes the success which it has achieved during the past year, I
A I and whose results yon now present to the State and the I
I I public at large.
I I am, gentlemen, 1
‘   Your obedient servant, I
` ‘     _]AMES K. PATTERSON. I
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