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      H.    Candidates for Degrees - Community College System (PR 4A)

      President Wethington stated that PR 4A is a recommendation for approval of candidates
for degrees from the Community College System. He reminded the Board that they have the
responsibility for a period of time to award the degrees that have been completed by students
enrolled in the community colleges across the Commonwealth. Ms. Wickliffe moved approval.
Her motion, seconded by Mr. Shoop, carried. (See PR 4A at the end of the Minutes.)

      I.    Appointment of Dean of Students - Lexington Campus (PR 5A)

      President Wethington stated that PR 5A is a recommendation for the naming of a Dean of
Students. The recommendation is that Mr. Victor Hazard be named Dean of Students, effective
August 18, 2000. President Wethington noted that Victor Hazard has been employed as
Associate Dean of Students since 1988. Ms. Sims moved approval. The motion, seconded by
Dr. Reedy, passed. (See PR 5A at the end of the Minutes.)

      President Wethington asked Dean Hazard to stand and be recognized. Dean Hazard
received a round of applause.

      J.    Max Kade German House and Cultural Center (PR 5B)

      President Wethington stated that PR 5B is a recommendation that the building at 212 East
Maxwell Street be named the Max Kade German House and Cultural Center. He noted that this
house is made possible by a major grant from the Max Kade Foundation. The University has
been renovating the house over the past year. It is a 1904 Victorian house located on Maxwell
Street near the Gaines Center. The Committee on Naming University Buildings recommended
this name to Chancellor Zinser who in turn recommended it to President Wethington. On motion
made by Mr. Shoop, seconded by Ms. Sims and carried, PR SB was approved. (See PR 5B at the
end of the Minutes.)

      K.    Reappointment to Board of Directors of The Fund for Advancement of Education
             and Research in the University of Kentucky Medical Center (PR 6A)

      President Wethington stated that PR 6A is a recommendation to appoint Ted Hahn to the
Board of Directors of The FUND for Advancement of Education and Research in the Medical
Center for a two-year term beginning July 1, 2000 and ending June 30, 2002. Ms. Wilson moved
approval. The motion, seconded by Dr. Reedy, carried. (See PR 6A at the end of the Minutes.)

      L.    Agreement Between University of Kentucky and Kentucky Medical Services
             Foundation (PR 6B)

      President Wethington said that each year at this time an agreement is signed between the
University of Kentucky and KMSF, the Kentucky Medical Services Foundation. PR 6B is the
agreement between the University of Kentucky and KMSF. He noted that the changes reflected
in this document are summarized at the bottom of the page. Mr. Wilcoxson moved approval.
His motion, seconded by Mr. Grayson, passed. (See PR 6B at the end of the Minutes.)