

in honor of
Dean P. Paul Anderson
on the occasion of his sixtieth
Thursday evening, February tenth,
nineteen twenty-seve- n



The League of- Nations As- -.
cnmr1iT line rninndfnfl J f r vnnmliaii i o
tions .to accept Esperanto on an equal

of people.


1927 will be graduated with more
than 400 member. The enrollment by
this year is: Arts and
Agriculture, 191: En
Law, 61: Education.

basis with seven other plain lang
uages in .'telegraph and cabfe dis
patches; the World Congress of Cham
Language Is Urged to Promote bers of Commerce has expressed its Lexington Papers Outline His- -' J2;
pa fraternity met at 6 o'clock Tues
in the Phoenix Hotel
desire that it be adopted as a common
Peace of the World; 5,000,-00tory and Development of Uni- - 755 women students." are men and
day evening for dinner at the Uni
Lexington, Kentucky
commercial language, and the World
Have Learned to
versity Since Founding; Pro-Saturday, January 15
versity cafeteria. After dinner i
Please reply to
Conference of Academies of .Natural
The graduate school of the univer-greSpeak It
Has Been Rapid
Alpha Gamma Delta entertaining meeting was held and plans for the T. J. Barr, University of Kentucky.
and Applied Sciences have pronounced
sity has shown a wonderful develop
with a tea dance at Patterson hall "proposed honor system were discussed
itself in favor of using Esperanto as
ment in recent years. "The school
PROF. JETT INSTRUCTOR the international language of science, ROLL GROWS
from 3:30 until G o'clock.
YEARLY now offers both the degrees of mas.
in-- 1
Tea Given
Strollers entertainincr with an
ter and doctor. It too has been in
Several French, English and AmeriMuch interest is being manifested
The Lexington Herald in their re- existence for only a few years
r. and Mrs. Frank L. McVey were
formal dance in the New Gymnasium
can publishers have undertaken pub
12 o'clock.
'at home to the students and faculty Mr. Meredith Smith, of Fort Thom- in the proposed Esperanto or uni lication ,of Esperanto works. Var view edition of January 12, 1927 this year there are 135 graduate stufrom 8:30 to
of the university on Wednesday af as is visiting at the Sigma Alpha versal language, whereby all nations ious Esperanto publishing houses in under the heading "University of Ken dents taking work on the campus. Bewill be able to communicate with
ternoon from 3 to 5 o'clock at their Epsilon house.
Brammer-Tiirnamerent countries turn out many iucKy onows xeany increase car ginning in September of next year the
"Mr. and Mrs. Sam Brammer, of home in Maxwell Place.
Mr. Grjand Harris, of Sapulpa, others by a common auxiliary lang books each year. More than 5,000 ries a list of the administrative of Graduate School will offer work leadMayslick, announced the marriage of
Okla., is a guest of the Sigma Alpha uage. On the local campus, an Es volumes, including textbooks, trans ficers of the university and deans of ing to a doctors degree and there are
Phi Beta Program
Epsilon fraternity for several days. peranto club has been formed of ap lated and original works, are now list colleges and short summary of the several who will be candidates for
their daughter, Julia, to Mr. Frank L.
Phi Beta, musical fraternity of the
Miss Mary Whitfield, of New York; proximately thirty members who meet ed in the Esperanto catalogues. Some history of the university and a re that degree now taking work.
Turner. Wednesday, January 5, at 3
uveiy "IT'
o'clock at the home of the irroom's 'university will give a musical pro. nnJ Mice liV,., WKUfi-- u
f tja- - under muay uigiib ut wiener xaau large commercial firms are using the view of the year s work.
"The Summer Sessions at the unithe supervision of Professor system for cable
Of the history oi: the university versity of Kentucky
n mCga
narents. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Turner. S111 at 3::30 Sunday afternoon at fin
and telegraphic pur
each year are atC C. Jett of the College
The Herald says:
tracting a larger number of students.
The wedding service was performed Patterson hall. All students, are in
neering, for the purpose of studying poses. Several of the standard type
... vit"ed- "The University of Kentucky is one The majority is made up of teachby the Rev. W. J. Loos, "retired pas- writer are equipped with Esperanto
luiss rean iucuormicK, wno Decame j the language.
of the agricultural and mechanical ers, superintendents and principals
tor of the Mayslick Christian church,
keyboards and in consequence ,
oaiuruay is at ine 01. Jos4ui
Holloway-Pribbl- c
colleges established under the Mor- of the state. Special
- of the
The following is a reviewin the Dresence of two attendants.,
are learning the use of the
eph's hospital and was reported much
emphasis is beThe marriage of Miss Emily Hollo- rill Act of 1862, giving it and sim- ing placed on educational work durlanguage from a recent issue of the language.
Mesrs. William B. Mathews and Chris
better Wednesday evening.
ilar institutions land grants in lieu ing tthe summr sessions although
New York Times.
1 llUUlCf Ul
,D. Russell.
Thus Esperanto is not only the lanMr. Emmet ONeil, a former student
Esperanto, which has been promot- guage of the intelligentsia. Through-- , of funds for their establishment. work is offered in all the departments
graduate of the
at Purdue and a member of Kappa
While the university was born as a of the university.
ed as a means of explicit speech and
Mayslick High school in the class of emni"d T"f d?y ening
Last summer
ond Presbyterian church, with Dr. Sgma fraternity, will attend school clearer understanding between races, out Central Europe it is popular result of the Morrill Act it was not there were 992 students in
attendamong the working classes, who con established
at the university next semester.
at once but was made one ance at the first session of the sumHie Illllll&lCr OJ. tlltj
was used recently in a London mar sider it sensible and easily learned,
t,; J
Mr. I. E. Blood, of Chicago, was a
of the colleges of Kentucky Univer- mer school. This was an increase of
church' officiating.
riage ceremony to give extra enir The grammar consists of only sixteen
and Mrs. R. L. Turner, of Mavslick
sity. In 1873 the act was repealed 315 over that of the year before."
Th(? bride- - was preceded
by the guest at the" Sigma Nn house last phasis to the bride's "I will." When rules.
and Maysville, is a young farmer. He
The yerbs ajre all regular,
week-enthe bride signifies her willingness to there being only one conjugation and and the Agricultural and Mechanical
The Lexington Leader in their rewas a- student at the University of bridesmaids, Miss Rachelle Shacklette;
Mr. Hunter Green, of .Louisville. enter the wedded state by replying
of Kentucky
establish view edition published Sunday, Jan&lss Carolyn Bascom, Miss Kathenne
Kentucky for a time.
only twelve verb endings.
ed in Lexington. As such, it contin uary 9, connects
Best, Miss Nannie Gay, and Miss Ky., visited at, the Sigma Chi house "mi volas," it was recognized that
After a short wpddinir trin Mr.
the two universities
A Strangely Familiar Sound
ued until 1908 when the name of the of the city, U. of K.
They were pre. over the week-enEsperanto was entering the practical
and Mrs. Turner will make their home Josephine Skain.
All nouns, end in o, adjectives in a, institution was changed to Kentucky ia, with the progressand Transylvanceded by the groomsmen, Messrs
Mr. James Dale is recovering from realm- - of serious contract.
with his parents.
of the city of
John George Heber, Samuel Royster, a recent illness and will" be able to
In recent years the world has great verks in i and adverbs in e. To those State University and again in 1916 Lexington. Under the heading-o- f "UniHarry Brailsford, Hugh Merriwether, return to school soon.
ly increased its interest in the so who hear it, it has a strangely fa- was modified to the title of Univer- versity, Transylvania Linked With
Dean Boyd Entertains
tongue sity of Kentucky .
City Progress," the Leader
Dean and Mrs. Paul P. Boyd enter- William Rodes and Jack, Winn.
Delta Chi fraternity announces the called auxiliary Janguages. About 300 learned sound, as of some
"From its beginning as an Agri the history and development outlines
the root
tained the heads of the different deThe maid of honor, the bride's sis pledging of Mr. James Wilson, of of them have been devised in times words are .early youth, forprevailing
taken from the
cultural and Mechanical College the Hlversity and its present status the
past. A language that all nations
partments in Ihe Arts and Sciences ter, Mss Mary Cole Holloway, fol- Pineville, Ky.
There are specialized University of Kentucky has grown purpose.
i could clearly understand and easily languages.
college of the University of Kentucky lowed the bridesmaids, and after her
Sigma Chi fraternity, taking ad
learn was first discussed in the Ro- - vocabularies in Esperanto, as, for ex until now it is one of the foremost
Tuesday evening.
came the little flower girl, Miss Mar vantage of the recent snow, enter
at dinner
In the days of the ample, terms adapted to law, science state supported universities in the
After dinner, the heads of the de- garet Huey, the daughter of Mr. and tained with enjoyable, sleighing par man Empire.
or affairs of state.
South. It now includes six colleges;
partments and Dean Boyd held a con- Mrs. Lloyd Huey.
The bride w"as ties on Monday afternoon and Monday Caesars a single .world language was
But Esperantists see in their ian a graduate school which offers the
because there was
ference on problems of the college. given in marriage by her mother, Mrs. evening,
degrees of Master and Doctor of
only one world power; but the twen guage not merely words held together
Thomas Cole Holloway.
Monday at 12 o'clock the Kappa tieth century has evolved a League of on a framework of grammar. To them Philosophy; an agricultural experi
New Members of Romany Board
After the ceremony the bride and Delta
Alumnae association gave heir Nations which seeks unity and un- it is a medium for gaining world ment station with an agricultural exTroy Perkins and Paul Porter have bridegroom left for a trip to Florida
peace, a common language in which tension service and a department of
been selected as members of the to be away for two weeks and will luncheon for January at .Chimney derstanding among many powers.
The project for a world language all peoples can express themselves university extension which has been
Board of directors of the Romany then be at home in an. apartment at Corner.
has long been the plaything of phi with clarity for it aims at clarity, not in existence only seven years and now
Theater. Mr. Perkins, who lias been Preston Arms.
losophers. Advocates 'of an interna- subtlety and they contend its use is giving instruction to approximately
The bride was a student of the Uni
. prominent as an actor and playwright
tional language have in the past in- will bring about better international 1,500 persons. More than 25,000 boys
in the Romany enterprise since its versity of Kentucky, and a prominent
Tire and automobil manufactur cluded numerous philosophers and understanding.
Ilie auxiliary lan and girls are receiving training
inception lour years ago, will act in member of Kappa Kappa Gamma so- ers have formed a pool to buy raw scientists, among whom are Roger guage has the advantage that it is through the Junior Agricultural Clubs
an advisory capacity to the Romany rority.
Mr. Pribble is the son of Mr. and rubber, according to news dispatches. Bacon, Descartes, Pascal, Locke, Vol- man's and every man's language;' it under the direction of the agricultur
directors and probably will appear in
some of the productions. Mr. Perkins Mrs. George Pribble of Butler, Ky., Pool or not,the chances are it won't taire, and Diderot. Leibnitz thought is free from all thought of national- al extension service."
Most striking of all features of the
is at present in New York studying and is now in business in Lexington help the consumer any. He'll get his out a number of language, which even ism.
university's growth is the fact that
cue, be pushed around the green, now, since one speaks so lightly of
JULY 2, AUGUST 29, 1927
The need for a means of expression
the drama.
with the Mutual Benefit Life Insur- - finally
pocket a loss and be left to billions, seems highly complex. An- that will help men to cast aside all new attendance Records have been
Excellent Itinerary Covering
Mr. Porter, wh6 is a member of The ance Company.
He was graduated
Eight Countries
Lexington Herald staff, will have from the University of Kentucky, a bawl ineffectually against profiteers. other German devised an artificial feeling of race and nationality has broken at the beginning of each scho
lingo, Volapuk, as forbidding as "its never been so urgent, the advocates lastic term. During the school vear
charge of publicity and aid in the var- member of the Alpha Tau Omega so- It's a great game, pool.
1925-2- 6
4,803 students received in
name sounds.
It was a jumble of of an international tongue assert. In
ious Romany campaigns.
cial fraternity; Lamp and Cross, honIvory" soap sculpturing has taken German and English, comprehensible every
struction and training through the
orary senior fraternity; and a footother field, they say,
parts of the men's dormitory by storm to the natives of neither land. At has developed adequate means society various departments.
This number
"K" Dance
ball star, captain of the team of 1922.
of in
at Antioch College Models of nym about this time Dr. L. L. Zamenhof tercommunication. Now that the na includes the extension department,
The members of the Kentuckian
short courses and summer sessions.
phs and aesthetic dancers are done emerged from the seclusion of his
Ocean Passages on
tions of the world are aiming at closstaff entertained with an enjoyable
in mezzo relievo with the cleansing library with the much more pleasing er cooperation
Giant Cunarders
and successful dance Saturday eventhe time has come Last year there were 2,327 students
Stroller Dance
in actual attendance during the two
Esperanto. Its name carred a hope when they must be able to exchange
ing from 8:30 until 12 o'clock in the
Strollers of the University of Ken- material as a
semesters. Five years ago the numwhich in the past four decades has thoughts freely and without misun
tucky will entertain with their anand
men's gymnasium.
ber of students who were resident
Although the total enrollment of become a reality. Esperanto is today- derstanding.
The decorations were of blue and nual dance Saturday evening in the
students totaled 1,259, while the
the graduate school at Ohio State being spoken, it is reported, by 5,000,-00- 0
white streamers and music was furn- gymnasium following the basketball
Conductor and Experienced
In the League of Nations, where short courses and summer
University is 13:37,, only 37 of the
sessions adished by "Peck's Bad Boys" orchestra. game.
Lexington Chaperone
there are already English and French ded 1,067 to swell the total to
The Esperanto movement began in sessions,
The committee in charge, of; arDowell Caldwell, president of the number are Ohio State graduates. The
Accompany Party
the business of which must one student less than the number
remaining 1300 come from 17 other 1887, and only small progress was
rangements was composed of Miss organization, is in charge of arrangePRICE LNCLUDES
colleges and universities including made during its first ten years, and be translated, the South Americans resident students last year.
Dorothy Stebbins,
of ments. The Rhythmn Kings' orchesTrip Ocean Fares, Hotels.
have asked for Spanish
that chiefly in Russia. After the Should the Germans add tosessions. years ago there were 986 students enthe Kentuckian and Mr. Pontain Itay-me- r, tra will furnish music and all students four foreign institutions.
Meals, Railroad Fares in Eurthis a rolled in the regular work while 542
lapse of a decade, a start was made
business manager.
are invited to attend.
ope, Guides, Museum Entrance
Students of Economics at Columbia to introduce the Zamenhof idea among plea for their mother tongue, and took advantage of the short courses
The affair was attended by several
should both be granted, the league and special
Fees, Briefly
College will no longer depend upon the Norwegians and Swedes.
They, would
hundred students.
Celebrate Birthday
stand a fair chance of rivaling
The enrollment at the ODeniner of
textbooks in their study of this sub too, became
its advocates. Then the Tower of Babel.
The followng invitations, beautifulschool last fall was 2,241 the largest
ject but will study life itself. Wil- France developed interest, and soon
Omicron Delta Kappa Meets
ly engraved, have been issued:
In New York City the International in the history of the university. This
iNu chapter of Omicron Delta Kap- - You are invited to attend a dinner liam E. Weld, associated professor of became a stronghold for the new laneconomics believes he has found, af- guage system. From France the Auxiliary Language Association of has been the case each year for the
Write or phone for descriptive
ter four years of research, a method movement extended to Germany, the United States, of which Dr. Her- last 10 years. In the same manner
to illustrate his subject by living ex thence to Austria, Switzerland, Italy bert N. Shenton of-- Columbia Univer- the graduating class has been larger
ample. The Technique.
and England. In the latter country sity is the secretary, is investigating each year and this year the class of
thirty societies were organized with- synthetic languages. The work of
Authorized Steamship Agent
Ohio Wesleyafi
University, Dela in a year of the introduction of Es- the organization is compared to the
646 East High Street
research done in a laboratory; it is Arthur E. Morgan, Mrs. Dave H.
ware, Ohic Dr. Floyd Spencer, pro- peranto.
Morris, Samuel W. Stratton and Mrs.
Phone 3o61
fessor of Greek, says that he found
Of all the synthetic languages Es- without bias or partiality.
no flappers during his recent travels peranto remains the most popular.
The question of a common form of Charles L. Tiffany.
in Greece and Asia Minor. Dr. Spen- Congresses are held annually to which speech is being viewed from all angles,
cer says that he found flivvers and the initial flock from the four cor- and psychologists, linguists and soMost
American movies popular in Greece, ners of the globe. Newspapers in ciologists, American and foreign, are
as well as many other modern cus- many countries contain articles in giving the association the benefit of
toms, but. bobbed hair and short Esperanto; for example, a German their studies and observations.
skirts are practically unknown there. daily publishes a column of financial
On the Grand Advisory Commit
news in that language, many medical tee of the International Auxiliary" Lan
The University of Pittsburg's "Ca journals in Japan
print technical guage Association in the United
thedral of Learning" is to be 29 stor- treatises in it and a new Russian States are: John J. Carty, Frederick
ies high instead of 52 as originally scientific magazine uses Esperanto G Cottrell, Mrs. James S. Cushman,
planned. Still too high for professors in its leading editorial.
Dr. John H. Finley, Arthur A.
to be dropping students from classes.
European statesmen consider the
Clarence H. Howard, Mrs.
Tar Heel.
spread of Esperanto of such impor- James Leeds Laidlaw, Bishop "William
tance that they have persuaded sev- Lawrence, Sidney Laidlaw, Bishop
Just by ordering two destroyers to eral governments to give official rec- William Lawrence, Sidney E. Mezes,
go up a Chinese river the United ognition to the movement and to aid
States can teach thousands of news it financially. In some countries it
paper readers the name of that river has been introduced in the schools and
and the town at which the boats stop. has become a part of the compulsory
What prjee education?
This winter four
schools, two in New York, one in
sewing club has been j Boston and one in Washington, have
ilia in
organized at the University of Cali- - added it to the list of studies they.
forma. These men darn socks and have to offer.
mend other apparel with the deftness
In. San Francisco the study of Es- of feminine hands.
peianto is obligatory in the Monta- w IIHII'.jllNlk.Wi'li
zumi school, and the Stanford Uni- .
5 Wllh'a!
Coach Zuppke of the University of versity gives a credit to all who have
Illinois football team says that the taken the course. Vassar has placed
Dest lootball players have big feet, it in its curriculum, and the first time
Any team that averages less than , last summer it appeared on the pro
8 2 is liable not to be any good.
gram of Columbia University. Many
educators, see not only an inherent
Northwestern University has open value in Esperanto, but find it of use
ed a radio course in the "new uni in the study of other languages, the
verse." The course covers many stern logic of its fundamental prinphases of modern thought and leads ciples giving, it is said, the pupil a
to a certificate.
better comprehension of language construction.
At- Oberlin College where there are
In Europe, where one of the main
more, than twice as many women difficulties in the path of interna1
as men enrolled, a special committee tional accord lies in the differences
has been appointed for the purpose in language, Esperanto has already
of making the college more attractive received wide endorsement from leg-- I
to men.
islative bodies representing millions
98-1- ;






"L -
























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