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[ A few changes and additions, made too late to he noticed under the appropriate
heads in the Catalogue, render necessary the following supplementary announcements
j I, The payment of dividends on certain stocks in which a portion of the En-
  dowment Fund is invested hemg temporarily suspended, the Executive Committee,
  in order to provide means for the support of the University, have decided to advance T
l the Matriculation and lncidental Fee to $20 in all the Colleges except those of Law
l _ and Medicine. This increase of charges the Committee have adopted with less
{ hesitation,hecause coupons entitling the holders to a session’s tuition in the z1.mvr1}7/m'
2 Ca//(grrr can he readily bought for a sum not greater than S5 each; so that, even with j
2 the proposed augmentation, the fees for the entire Collegiate year need not exceed V
S30, and to $t;1te Students and Students of the Bihle College the entire fees will not V
l exceed $25. __ y
  2. Since the annual meeting of the Board of Curators, the chair of Sacred T
  _ History in the llihle College has heen offered to ll. \V. Everest, late l’resident of
Eureka College, lilinois, and he' has accepted the appointment, Hy reputation a
preacher of uncommon power as well as_varied culture, President Everest comes
also highly commended as an al.le, experienced and successful educator, and his - V ·
accession to the Faculty will no douht he regarded hy the friends of the University t
I generally as affording just cause for congratulation. {
3, The session of the College of Law, now extended to nine months, will hegin i _
I ll and end with that of the other Colleges. A corresponding extension of the course
A of study, together with the addition of judge lluclcner and Col. Breeltinridge to the
' other tlistinguishetl memhers of the har who compose the Faculty, will offer advan— _
tages for instruction in the law unsurpassetl, it is helieved, hy those aftorded hy any
J other Law School in the Southwest. I
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