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     Dear Mr.

     You are cordially invited to be the guest of the
     Board of Directors of the Student Union for luncheon,
     Tuesday, April 4, following the regular meeting of
     the Board of Trustees.

     Luncheon will be served in -Room 204 of the Union
     Building at 12:30 o'clock.

     We do hope you will be with us then.

     Sincerely yours,

     (Signed) Ruth Johnston, Secretary
              Board of Directors.

     The members of the Student Union Cormmittee and staff present
were Tom Rees, Chairman; Lloyd Ramsey and Runelle Palmore; Miss
Sarah Blanding, Dean of Women; Mrs. Ethel Lebus, hostess; James
Shropshire, manager; and Rondal Sharp, assistant manager.

     At the close of the luncheon, a most excellent one served
by the College Catering Company, Mr. Tom Rees, in well spoken
words, expressed for the Union Board and staff, appreciation
of the presence of Board of Trustees members and officers. Chair-
man Stoll. thanked the speaker and the Union Board and staff,
receiving the unanimous acclaim of all present.

     On miotion, duly seconded and passed, the Board adjourned.

D. H. Peak
Secretary, Board of Trustees