MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES, Dec. 13, 1904 - page 292 (cttd)

year by the College.

    Upon motion of Col. Nelson, seconded by Mr. Ferguson and
 duly carried, the matter of additional compensation of 4300 a
 year to Mr. Spillman is referred to the Executive Committee with
 power to act, with the understanding that if such additional com-
 pensation be allowed, it shall begin as of January 1st, 1905.

      President Patterson: I move that a Oommittee of six be ap-
pointed to gather information as to the feeling toward the College,
and action in the various counties by the Teachers Institutesi in
order to be prepared to meet any action adverse to the interest of
the College in the next Legislature, and looking further to the P.293
securing of appropriation for the College from the next Legislature.

      Said motion was duly recorded, put upon its passage and

     Upon the motion of Col. Nelson, duly recorded and carried, said
Committee is to consist of the following named gentlemen, viz:
                                  Pres. Patterson
                                  Mr. D. F. Frazee
                                  Judge Stout
                                  Mr. McChord
                                  Mr. Ferguson
                                  Mr. Carpenter
     Upon motion of Mr. McChord, recorded by Pres, Patterson, all
absentees were excused for their absences.

     The Board here entered upon an informal discussion of the ad-
visability of establishing at. Dept. of Domestic Science.

     Mr. McChord: I move that the Chairman appoint a Committee of
three of which the Chairman shall be one, to investigate this
subject of Domestic Science, and to examine with ways and means,
said Committee to report at the next meeting of the Board.   Said
motion was recorded by Pres. Patterson, put upon its passage and

     The Chairman appointed on said Committee with himself Mr. lo-
Chord and Mr. Caroenter.

     Mr. Ferguson: I move that the Chairman of the Executive Com-
mittee, Mr. Frazee, be authorized to borrow sufficient money Page 294
to pay off the indebtedness of the young ladies dormitory.

     Said motion was recorded by Mr. Nicholas, and upon the roll-
call the vote stood as followers:

Ayes: Messrs. Nelson, Brooks, Ferguson, and Nichols.