MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES, Dec. 13, 1904 - page 281

      Upon motion of Mr. Carpenter, seconded by Pres.
Patterson, the minutes of the Executive Conmittee as read
waee adopted.

      Pres. report and various communications from Profs.

      Thereupon President Patterson read his Report to the
Board, and also read communication from the following Professors:
Anderson, White, Kastle, Norwood.

      Said report & communications are as follows:

                          State College of Kentucky
                            Lexington, Ky., Dec. 13, 04.

To the Board of Trustees of the State College of Kentucky,


      There is but little to report thus far, for the current
year. The annual review of the operations of a scholastic
year and the forecast and recommendation for the future fall
within the scope of the report made to your honorable body
at the meeting in June.

      The College opened with a matriculation not quite so
large as in September 1903. The shortage is felt mainly
in local attendance, and this is readily accounted for
by the order of the Board directing me to grant no exemptions
from fees except as set forth in the Resolutions. In
consequence of this order I have felt it my duty to
instruct the Business Agent to collect from many persons
who were ill able to pay, and many finding easier terms
of admission elsewhere, having terminated their connections
with us. This is in one sense to be regretted. The City of
Lexington, and County of Fayette are paying annually $3000
interest on bonds issued by them for the benefit of the
College and in 1910 will take up the bonds amounting to
$50.000. These, in the estimation of the public, constitute