MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES, Dec. 13, i9o4 - page 285 (con'd)

met in Maysville in midsummer. A request was made by this body
that county institutions should adopt them in their several
meetings during the summer and autumn.

     I succeeded through responsible agencies in disconcerting to
some extent this action in some of the County Institutes and in
the District institute held in Lexington about the end of October.
But in a large majority of the counties, through the manipulation
of interested parties these resolutions were adopted. Doubtless
their representative will be instructed accordingly.        PAGE 286

     Though the next Legislature will not meet for more than a
year it is well that we should-know the danger which confronts us
and be prepared for the issue.

     A serious embarrassment confronts the management of the Hall
for young women. The act appropriating money for its erection
and equipment made provision for an annual payment of $2000 by
the State, wherewith to meet expenses growing out of Matron's
salary, fuel, Engineer's wages etc. Since January last unpaid
bills to the amount of over $1600 have accumulated. Applications
was made to the Autitor for payments early in the year. He then
said that he would make quarterly payments $500 every three months

     When payment was asked in June he replied that a constitutional
question had arisen regarding the legality of the appropriation,
that he had referred it to the Attorney General and that if a
favorable oninion were rendered he would make remittance. The
Attorney General at my solicitation, expedited the matter and re-
cordede a favorable opinion on the Constitutional question sub-
mitted.  Still no money has come.  Creditors are pressing for

     If relief does not come, we shall be obliged to raise the
price of board and take other necessary steps to provide a fund
to meet expenses. Some of the annuities now granted may have to
be cancelled.

     I see nothing but embarrassment in the future and that of PAGE 2g7
the most serious kind, if the reliance upon which we depended
fail us.

     I desire to call your attention to the expediency of making
such an anpropria.tion as your means will allow for the conduct
of a summer Normal School, for advertising a summer school in
Engineering, for the Agriculture course of study, for the course
of Mining Engineering and for the alteration and equipments made
necessary in the Dent. of Chemistry by the removal of thy Experi-
ment Station to other quarters.

     Again commending the college to your consideration and care
and thanking you for your support and cooperation, I am,
                                   With much respect
                                       Your ob't Servant.