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cultural Products, Inc., $250. F. WV. Knapp, Use of Synthetic Insect
Juvenile Hormone Mimics for Control of Face Fly and Other Pests of
Livestock, Hoffman-LaRoche, Inc., $1,000 additional. H. Raney, Soy-
bean Insect Control, Chemagro Corporation, $400. J. G. Rodriguez,
Certain Phodia Pesticide, Rhodia, Inc., $500.    Home Economics
Program--D. A. Tichenor, Development of Single Concept Films for
Expanded Food, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, $5,825. Horticulture--
H. C. Mohr, H. Shach and R. E. Phillips, Donations for Constructing
and Sustaining the New Landscape Garden Center, Miscellaneous, $20
additional. Plant Pathology--J. W. Hendrix, Cropping Factors Affect-
ing Soil Populations of Black Shank Fungus, R. J. Reynolds, $4,000
additional. Veterinary Science--E. T. Lyons, Antiparasitic Activity
of Thiobendazole/Trichlorfon Combination in the H4orse, Merck & Co.,
Inc., $4,000 additional. J. T. Bryans and D. 0. Morgan, Serologica
and Pathologic Response of Foals Infected in Utero With TC-83
Vaccine, U.S. Department of Agriculture, $15,000 additional.


     Anthropology--L. Duffield, Kehoe Reservoir, Kentucky/Survey,
Southeast Archeological Center, National Park Service, $4,850.
M. W. Everett, Status of Anthropological Studies on Alcohol Use and
Alcoholism, Smithsonian Institute, $3,000. Architecture--J. A.
Prestridge, Lexington City Edges Study, City of Lexington, $42,000.
Chemistry--H. H. Bauer, Studies of Electrochemical Process, Depart-
ment of Army, $69,168 additional. Mathematics--J. E. Brennan, In-
variant Subspaces and Approximation in the Mean by Analytic Functions,
National Science Foundation, $5,200 additional. T. A. Chapman,
Infinite-Dimensional Topology, NSF, $5,400 additional. Physics--
C. VanWinter, Scattering and The N-Body Problem in Quantum Mechanics,
NSF, $8,400 additional. Political Science--K. DI. Coleman, Doctoral
Dissertation Research, NSF, $3,500. Sociology--J. A. O'Donnell,
Drug Use Among Young American Males, Executive Office of the Presi-
dent, Special Action Office for Drug Abuse Prevention, $714,953.
Statistics--A. Govindarajulu, Problemsin Nonparametric Statistics,
U.S. Office of Naval Research, $15,000. Zoology--J. Just, Factors
Controlling Expression of Erythropoietics Sites, Public Health
Services, $26,050. School of Biological Sciences--S. F. Conti, Bio-
medical Sciences Support, General Research Support Branch-Division of
Research Resources, National Institutes of Health, $11,730.


     C. F. Haywood, Services Pertinent to Reorganization of State
Government, Commonwealth of Kentucky, $2,000 additional. Office of
Business Development & Government Service--H. K. Charlesworth, Techni-
cal Assistance to Business, EDA United States Department of Commerce/
Commonwealth of Kentucky, Department of Commerce, $25,000 additional.
W. Gattis, Local Government Personnel Management (Preparation of
Paper for Presentation in Local Government Issues Conferences), Common-
wealth of Kentucky, $600. J. L. Gibson, Management by Objectives
Administrative System for Kentucky Department of Health, Kentucky
Department of Health, $32,000 additional.


     Office for International Programs--W. H. Griffin, Faculty Research
Abroad, U.S. Department of Health, Education & Welfare, Office of Edu-