xt7d251fn62h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7d251fn62h/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1986-04-17 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 17, 1986 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 17, 1986 1986 1986-04-17 2020 true xt7d251fn62h section xt7d251fn62h O
1 .
‘ ' ' ‘tif weird? e-~.-“AW ’ " .. -. ‘ niv r t otK Muck ,LOxin ton. Kontuck Independent since l97t Thursda ,A ril 17, 1986 -
l PR “W 5 “9*
SGA t ' ' '
v0 es 2.. . - 2 + .... -- .. I ,lb an ea er
~ . .. . In... . . ' '
t .t If I 4» q; 2.45:2" .' A ‘ 5-" 4 A ~ . ‘5 . _‘ ~.
0 pay 1 Se - - ‘_ . \\.\I K. 1-f\§-’_lf.‘t‘ ' g'iézts’? . .t-Su . ' I. .
- — their 3 ' - I. ’ .;
«m- con emns ,
next year .. , . 2 A : .. . .
t 2 ¢._ ‘~ .' ‘ ‘- 5‘ ~72? "1'15: ’ {‘3} . . . '
. ‘\—\‘ _\‘ \i . i '4‘?“ irks». 1:: Kh d f ' ° ' " ‘ .' '-
v Senators get wages V. 2t a a y appears on tel€VISlon 2, .; -. _. -. .2
mm‘ ’9 v 4 .4 . . I" '~‘;4s': ’.;L .. . ." .
' ' . ‘ .. ' g '; “_I-Iq,'i—~- By KE\'I.V(‘USTl-Il.l.t)l~l new i s .m- (it'iii'kN fawn-run ~ ‘ ‘2 " , 2. '
for the flrSt tlme RX ‘4“ “9"‘f‘! 1'33; ‘ A 1" 3,1_i: ‘WA'I'T' it; ’ Assomated Press against Tripoli and town» \l'll'll and t " ' _
It) .l.\\' lit..\.\"l‘t).\ _. " . . If .‘ 3,3. ,.-‘I»~¢"if a» ' ' I" 5'". M.” . east of here ltiit the l’eizInuoi: iien ‘ -, "h ',
StaffWriter . "‘ I. __,.A,.: 1’ .:~. IWr-ii'j “ 2 . . ' It -. 3.. _ _ $.13 TRIPOLI. Libya Moammar ied it. a id reporters llt'l't‘ innnn ni. . *I .. . ‘ ;.
3&2} _, t" .{wa’f : 1 I I. 1.174;». I‘ .. . 'T* I. . ”"3 “a“ ' - A; ... Khadafy emerged from two days" signsofncw lit)lltli;tl‘tilllt'.’.ls '-'?'-'. 1" j. :

SGA last night voted to monetarily "m“; . {3s i ‘ {.ngf‘é : ~~ »”"“_‘I(i.-‘~-f' a.‘ I . ”it; 2;; .ggm .‘ ”an x, . ‘ seclusion late yesterday. condemned For almost l'.\i> lull Il.i‘»\ nt’o : mil ' ‘ ‘-. .‘
palitselfonthcback. .. 3 * " 5"“ 41.. »"_ .3“:in ' ;."t’;f ' ‘35 «7, I II I. . .. 55E- the United States for its air attack damaging t' S nii liiillitlfi"I“..t'l‘.' oi '. ‘. If 1 (It; 1"_‘-f._

B-V a 12'8 margin. the Student GOV" g ‘ 1,952" ”1” ~3'i‘b .1", f: ”.s (it 7». ’ w I . 5g; "‘ --‘ ’« l " on Libya and vowed that his people Tripoli. Khadatj. had rim: ..r,2»; out I' “I" ‘1‘;
ernment Association voted to pay ,‘g‘r . 'I WK'rI'...‘ ' :F" T ”' . =‘ «i; .. 'flfll I "'1' arereadytofightonanddie. of sight l‘:£ll'ilt‘l' :~.t'\lll‘l..'- in mild Ii . ,..' -."
senators Sifitta semester. _ gag-”1335’ u” Ipfl’wyyfigfizfi‘g ”.3333 _. I; ‘ . t r,‘ .'*‘i - "twig But the Libyan leader. whose baby to appear for .2 ltl'tll'i sew int-ruin; , ' ',’-.'. 3 "‘

About $l2.t)o0 will be needed to , " gs. L‘ H :43; w“ .. H ~~ -’i j: ’ .L . . 9’ wt“ daughter was reported killed in the w'itliiiitirn:ili>ts;tthis lit-.2 ‘I:Li.i!"-" . ~ 2‘. '~ .5 ' ’3'
pa)‘ lhc Senators ~ $8.000 of which " ' 3t ’ ’1 " 5 ts: 42-9,... 3 2s ‘f'rrr‘fi‘lrt- ' r ‘ if"? I ‘ ,- 2”“ raid. told Americans. "We will not Then. ..i ii i - p31. ; 2' ; ix. Ll ‘ . ' >_
will come from the University ad- . 5“" "2.3..“ ;;d”.'.’7:iu3's ~§£§I i - I I. . ’6 .“l' I ...2 . kw». kill your children. We are not like lIJS’l‘ the Libyan ien-ier _.Illit'.:"t'rl I ‘ ':' r
ministration and the other $4.000 ’ o. ’ 4. .' . . ~. ;i“’ii‘:,?§kl.4 ; 7 ~. .-~. ' .i T.‘ "’i ’Tfil '» :32“: if you;wedonotbombardcities.” on state television, drew-r: .:. .2 i; .
from SGA. The senate will take the a 3‘2“; . 5". “a '1 :17 +!& .2 ‘1 ~ I; I. .. ’-.-’ (5H ; owl. , 1.3. : Khadafy‘s appearance on Libyan white army uniform .iiiiI we” z, - '7 ,‘ '. 7'5 if
money needed to pay senators from ' F L‘pr I I" 3.; ' . ... ’*;$aA—l 1‘; Jest. pal-'3'? ' Mi " “(w .. I}. ._ television. during which he (llSi a studio with a map in \zi'it.i in“ ,4 " 2 . '_ » g";
revenues from the student phone 1-». "’5 f’refi‘1;if4‘t4‘~ *r‘y . ‘ {“1}? I 24; .‘ 4"“? . 2"}; I . ‘, , ‘- . ‘. claimed responsibility for unll~ llllll ~. '- ..‘.'-" ‘
booksSGApublishesannually. ‘t ' “3;; " 3.5.4...» 2.3.4.“: 1, "‘1’: f .731”; t l ' I‘ .‘I 3'1 ‘f t " . I American terror attacks. dispelled "\\e are ready to far .i:.' .13" ".3. . . .

Senator at Large John Miller. prl- 2 . . g «I ". fi'qcr ‘. : o 3""!u 1.. ”3.4; «E: :1}.-..'-~';-".'1*~‘I,'I1I ’ ‘3 ,. "r speculation he had left the country ready to carry or. llflltiliiL tilt' 22.2 ' ’ . '._ 2. '
mary sponsor of the bill. gave three . . ‘7 i .. ‘2... Yam"; ‘ ". t z’ ,3, v 2‘.’ +1- _._r“% ' “ l’ ' g or been killed or seriously injured in fending our country no nut-1 _ '.
reasons for the hill. First. paying _ - l ‘3: ' ' 2. -’ g . ‘. i”’-I’.¢"§,".’.«.:”’ 4'44... 3 a..." g; “”4“ the Tuesday morning air raid. slx>akiiigiii.‘trnln<- ’ . .' ' 2 ‘ i
the senators would add accountabili- ’ r. ~3- ....,.. ' :- .. u‘f..+1‘ ".{4f¢%;fq9".r‘;a?i 13”. ,1. .‘-.,'-i.‘v~-i- staged by waves of l‘S. warplanes ., y I_ _ . .‘~ ’ ' - -.
tv. .../ . t" 3 r ""1! 3..."; e .. " .w .". ’.°~ i- 'u ' ' .1; ' s that dumped one bomb just to vards He "H“ t "MW“! hp“ "I m" " . " . i ’

' .. . . “ 1 . 2‘. "‘1‘” 1 «card r. h ‘ .3.0 ‘ A a)»: ‘c _ a ‘ -, . ‘ . sued orders to his (llllit‘l‘ Yillt‘t's to - '
if you re paying someone tobeat '. 1’ V‘— I. .. -« .. - }. ";.. ' ‘ =4 ;.' .- gamma", ‘ ‘ I‘ “”23““ , from the Khadafy reeldt’ht'e lh “15 k ll 'hliw \\ - . ._ . . l '

meetings. then we damn well better -‘f f A“. .i . . 4. b ’_}‘”I- . If. “I $5,}... .1; {4.4” ,‘e?;—w?- L ‘ 2 . fortress headquarters here .1 ”t” ‘ 1‘1"“ " "lI‘f "““" . . . I. . I ‘.

be accountable." Miller said. “You «1"; :11 3 ~ "4",. 1". "~ ' * RY. “ 1y .flt.~ {art'fi’ol’f {'42. 7"”; Earlier last night. alltl-all‘t'l‘all any mm“ ”mm” ”NW“ ’ " ‘ ‘ ~ .

let them know there are rewards for ,"11- Z T— 2 “ “3*:7‘. . ‘ ~~ "f. < ‘7.“ ”-.-";’.3r. '.' ’nInr' .. 39'4- “ fire streaked the black Skies over .. . . . ..\ . 3,. . .. . ,_ . , ‘ 7 -. ~ ‘ i \-

. _ .. .I I _. ~.-’. .. \m, ~. t... .‘ ”-1.. 3.". _.I . ,2». . . . .. . . .. lht attack. t\hl(.. in | 'l-t. . - . ,
doing work. . _ «\— , _ {I ,I _ q' ~.2 . , r 4’.-. 949:» w 1’... «w! this seaSIde capital f0i a second day Rm“ said MIN ,_ I. W”. 2.22 . ‘t‘ -. . .

Secondly. Miller said the rea- ‘ " 2- ‘ v- If - pQ$ . _ I. f . 5:13:13? 53,)”. -. 1 § . _. .‘ - ‘3‘ and gunfire ricocheted around the i. i I .1 I t» - .. ' . . i.

. . . . . , ~ a. . -. .e -_ .-- r.»- gmvfig .. .. . . turity and llllllldl} iiistnlintwi» .l . . - _»
soning behind paying senators Is not __ ~ . . 1 I)“ ‘§' I“ ,y, .Ifi “'5' Ir ' -\2_ - ;-. s. l headquarters compound (.overn- .1.” ”h 'llltl mI .-- .2”..- 1 -li- . _- .1 . II .
to pay them some exorbitant salary. ‘ " " ""0 r ‘ ‘ “‘ . ”I.” ~ .gfi75‘nf-‘k'vh fiat, ment officials denied the street gun- (h It: ,i. .(i J i , .; I 4: - ‘ '

but rather to minimize losses in- O - ‘ ,0“; #17?!"U';tf 'I‘I': .3 1”" h? 1’ fire signaled factional fighting . .’.nlt“."”']‘ far; ’:1\"’,“\I “‘il'IM’I'h‘ . . ‘. '1
curedhybeingasenator. ’ ' fl - ’ . " " ‘ ’q ' rm" . ’ ’ among the Libyans. ". UH km W lt‘? "H“II'M I‘“. IV“ . - ‘ ‘

. . anm'xmdsiou . . . “cstern lllpltlllldt> said at icd: loo . . . .

Miller said it costs students about Anti-aircraft crews first opened up .0 H. r-J H, hi. . , ,., .. . .
$50 to run for a senate office. He Hundreds of students gather near Patterson balls were dropped from the 18th floor as part in mid-afternoon yesterday at what p’_ Rkih’h if}. .Ml.'.n ‘nd’ ‘i ”I” '
also mentioned the intangible costs. Office Tower yesterday while 3,000 pingpong of Little Kentucky Derby week. officials said was a high-flying [S M“ ’ ” m ”'m‘ ”W” . I ~. a
such as missed meals due to meet- . . reconnaissance jet. A Washington Doctors said Khmidi; - 3.313.,23”. ‘ ' ' 2 ’ ‘
ingsandotherobligations. KD Off 10 week Of act] t source acknowledged that reconnais- old adopted daughtt r linnn ugh ‘ "

“The money is not going to pay I I e S V] y sance planes had flown over this among the dun! .mn' i;.. '3“. “m; . . _
anyone. just minimalize the loss," northAfricannation. aged 4 and .ii . ‘At‘l't' sewing. m . . '
he said. ' ' - The Libyans also said there were ured ‘ -

may. senate elections have m 1986 derby promismg to be best ever, chairwoman says " .
cently experienced a decline in both - ‘
voter turnout and the number of By EVAJ.WINKLE Also on Saturday will bea free faculty will have a chance to S k St W .
people running for senator. The Staff Writer outdoor concert. The concert. spend a day at the races during pea er says ar arS . _
compensation will help get people which will be from 1:30 to 6 pm. LKD's “L‘K Day at Keeneland.” ' . . ‘
interested in the elections. Miller Students who have to miss the near HS. Goodbarn. will feature The first 500 students. faculty and 1 . - '
said. real Kentucky Derby because of Thumper and the Plaid Rabbits. staff will receive a free racing prelude to nuCIear war ' . '

However. much of the controversy finals don‘t have to miss all the the Attitudes and the Atlanta form. ‘ I

- during the hour«long debate cen- derby activities because UK‘s RhythniSection. Hunt said the LKD carnival By RR \l)(‘tit)l’l-‘R ~ ., ' ’ '
tered on whether paying the sen- own Little Kentucky Derby fosti- A shuttle bus service will be will turn students "upside-down s‘éniorStaff 1“.er ' "Ma“ ’
ators would be in the best interest of valis going on this weekend. available Saturday to transport and inside-out“ with rides such ’ ’ - . ' ' .". x
the student body. “Little Kentucky Derby. having students to and from Common- as the Scrambler and the Sea If the United States and the Soth ’2 I' ' ' . .

Scott Ward. a journalism and En undergone a much needed faces wealth Stadium from four cam- Dragon. The carnival will run Union ever de l . ‘ ‘. . .. ' 3 3s“; 3' . '

. . . . . ‘ . . . . . .. , p oy the Star Wars do. .2
glish Junior. said that because the lift, promises to be the most ex. pus locations: across from Jewell from n-9 pm. tomorrow and 9 fense svstem the world will face nu- . My" ‘ .
senate had recently passed a fee in- citing ever in 1986," said Lynne Hall on Euclid Avenue. the cor- am. to 9 pm. Saturday in the ‘ . '- .. . - ’“ti ’3 ' 5 ‘ *-

. . .. . . . . . . . clear destruction. said a former di— 2,2 ..3_,_. . .. . .
crease. $4.000 seemed to be a heck Hunt. LKD committee chairwo- ner of (olumbia Avenue and (ommonwealth Stadium parking rector of the m ram 1:2; f . ' .
of a lot of money to pay yourself . .. man for the Student Activities Rose Street. Huguelet Drive and lot. Robert ngmgan current chair- . . i— .. . , _ . ' _
it doesn‘tstrike meas fair.” Board.which sponsors theevent. Seaton Center parking lot. "A Taste of the Bluegrass" man of the institute for Space and )3 w- '3 ' .. I’ ’ ' .

. Hi hlight of thes rin festival In addition to the pingpong food fair will give students a . , 3 - . , t — ". ' ' ‘ '

However. SGA, P'f’s‘dem John will ie the 30th ann’iialgLKD Hot drop yesterday. other derby festi- chance to sample a varietv of Security Studies. ml” about M.) Pm- ~ 3 . i . ‘
Cain referred to Vtard s employment Ai Ball Ra t' Sat I't'e' in ilude a R n for the R0- foods durin their ta 'tth - _ ple last night that the only way to »;.=- .. . .. . _ . .-2_;
at the Kentucky Kernel, saving that r. 00" ce a a pm. ur- H l b . C u. . .. g S y ‘JI .e “I" avoid a nuclear nightmare is by rev _; ’ I 'I..7 - -' . .
Ward received avment for’his serv- day. dem“ at mm" today on the Stu- m‘dt' W?“ restaurants M“ “at training from implementing the 7»:if::,.- W~ ‘ :i . .- . , . ..
ices p ' Weather permitting. 25 hot air dent (‘enter patio. Experimental up booths in the stadium parking Strategic Defense initiative 3, i: . I‘ . 3 - . 1'

' balloons will rise from the field mice provided by the SAB will lot. ‘ instead he’ said governments 4.. ,. . 1 ‘- -. . .

Although the Kernel is an indepen- by ES. Goodbarn to compete in a run down a specially designed LKD was begun in 1956 by a must work toward other gmh that ' 1 2 .- ._ 1. 2 :
dent student publication that receiv- “hare and hound“ race. where racetrack. sporting their spon- group of UK students and was de- would help the world ’ «h, I I i. '. . .' , . .
es no student fees. (‘ain stressed competing balloons chase a lead sors‘ names and colors. Sponsor signed to provide entertainment “What we are witnessing Md“. fag .‘ f . “-.. “.
that the money for SGA's compensa balloon and attempt to throw of the winning rodent will receive as well as scholarship opportuni- are offensive weapons disguised ’3“. . ' gs .. I' Z '2I' .7
tion was not coming out of students' markers down nearest to a target aplaquc- ties. It is patterned after the Ken- defensive weapons .. 330“me said . f , ‘ .- .7 '- '- ‘- T. ‘
pockets but from phone book reve- set by the leader. Tomorrow UK students and tucky Derby Festiva' “If both sides can‘ deplov a peace . ”i ._ a; 2 . >1 f
nues. shield. everybody thinks we will be 2 .2 . I. j, .:- .‘ ‘I I 'g‘.I-I'.'

. . safe. butitdoesn't workthatway " “08’1“ Ht)“ M A\ ' i, I" 52:.
P l t tt . 3°“'".“‘“ 54'“ H '5 unlikely that nuclear weapons obsolete. he said ' ’2 _’ f7"..-'1~".2
ane 18 S a emp 0 exp 31“ errorlsm the some.“ .w'“ dewmp a “my?” “Now the} are talking about lllilklll: .‘ . 9"".1' '. ': '~'
system Similar to the one the l nited people obsolete ~~ . . I, . 0‘. __ 7; 2f
. . . . . _ States is working on. ._ . 5...';.‘= , .3‘ i,» .th
33- SEAN ANDERSON The major theme of the discussmn promote their interests through con- cially the United States‘, with an However if the Soviet l'nion (1005. Al lllc ltt‘illllmtli: “l lllt‘ lt't'llllt' ‘ . - .. 2'. «‘1 .I.‘ ‘1 1:
StaffWriter were that terrorism. especially in ventional political behavior. they “effectiveforeign policyslogan." world nuclear destruction would be Bowman gave a brief outline oi the hi." 5 -’.'I'.
the Middle East. is often associated identify with other institutions such . _ inevitable hesaid Star Wars protect and how ii tipt‘l’ l '. I ' _-. .’ 3'" ..I3'

In light of recent US. raids on With fanatical religious beliefs and as religion. R°gets said the legal community Bowman said Star Wars ,5 when ales He then outlined Il.\ sliortcoin " 7‘. ’ ~ , .;' 3?
Lybia. phi Alpha Theta National is a weapon employed by a weaker The combination of political desir- “9909“"? two types 0‘ terrorism. able and has no use other than for ings _ _. u "._ A I'.‘ ,‘y. '~ '._
History Honorary‘s forum on terror. force that feels its cultural or na- es and religious belief facilitate the The first IS'tICI‘I‘Ol‘ISt acts committed aggression. "All lh'll would he [1(1(‘(I\\'1l‘\ in VI " , ‘2‘}: l
ism last night was timely. tional identity is being threatened. use of terrorism as a means to a po- by an '"d'v'dual or small groups "The onlv believable use for the destroy ah 9mm. cm. “2.“; '(h.,‘l.h‘(. : 2 . ..'

UK experts from the political. his- The panelists pointed out that ter< liticalend.he said. . . agatnstothergroups or countries. Star WarS’S)’Stem against ballistic system. all M)“ \iiiiild hith‘ to iio’is . 2' Vi ‘ ’-
torical and legal fields discussed the rorism l5 h0t necessarily an irratio- He_ said the COUPllhg 0t anticom- He said for the purposes of extra missiles is for an agressor to protect dig-able any~ t‘l‘lllt‘ill organ in the ,I . . . 2 I. ‘
history of terrorism and attempted nalorinsaneact. . . . munism and .~ anti-terrorism has dition and jurisdiction. acts such as himself against missiles he missed body,"he said - ~ 3; , . i .' .
todefineit. . . Terrorists “a.“ lama”). 0" formed the basis of the Reagan ad- hijacking or hostage taking by small in his first strike.“ Bowman said. "Any action you took that \Hilllil ' . . ’ ,

The panel conSisted of Vincent the" S'dei DaV'S said. He .Sa'd a ministrations'foreign policy. espe- groups arecovered by treaties. The orginal argument for the SyS- disable anv one part ol the sxsimn ~ , 2
DaVlS. head of the Patterson School weak force resorts to terrorism to eially in the Third Viorld. tem was defense __ an increase In would lea‘tt. mu with .l “mph. ml .‘ '
0f Diplomacy: Robert Olson. a histc acme“? its goals because those are . . "we've": "‘9 legal Pr°btem arises deterrence making nuclear weapons lltm dollars worth of innk in \li‘ice " ’ ' ' ' -
ry professor; and John Rogers. a the only tactics available to it. Ter- “The irony is that Western gov- when conSIdering how to deal with obsolete. Bowman said. he said ‘ ~ ‘ ‘ ' 2 - -
professorintheCollegeofLawI rorism “converts disadvantages to ernments have a foreign policy in- state-sponsored terrorism. Rogers "They wanted do away with the Bowman ham am “mum. “I“ ,_ ,

advantages." terest in terrorism continuing.“ said. because when nations are in- madness" he said "Ingtead they (m iike' tin-km oi ”h 1.. it ‘h: .

Danial Rowland. a history profes- Olson said when groups find them- Olson said. because anti-terrorism volved. it is difficult to define what are making things madder ‘ ' would :0 t I ”I 3‘“ i“ i i "In” (. . .
sor.moderated the panel didussion. selves out of power and unable to provides some governments. espe- acts are considered terrorism. “They were talking about making multimillhi:3:h;r$525.:‘5'“ 1‘ ‘ . ,

. UK presents Shakespeare play i .
. . .; jogs“ By JAMES A. S‘I‘OLL the Appalachian Mountains brought said the overriding message of the NM.
h“ M “I," “’ _ . Senior Staff Writer with them many of the traditions play could be summed up in a single ”33% --.
we I. » « K“ M ’7": and the languageof old England." word: "love.“ on s ..
, ' “ « Is UK ready for “The Bards of Rodgers also thinks that the more “He (Shakespeare) decided. in ‘ . ' t. .
(an M M . 3. . ,-.I...’..” Hazard?" familiar setting will help audiences this play. to treat love on every level -. ti... ‘ .
hem.” Audiences will find out tonight enjoy Shakespeare despite unfavora- hech think of.“Rodgers said. i. ..

g :i; , (is? when a rather unique version of Wil- ble impressions they may have got- Rodgers compared the feel of the -' '

M.“ ” ‘ " ’ * ‘i liam Shakespeare‘s ”As You Like ten during exposure to the bard in production to that of “a gentle rain- ' . at;

m“ M View“ It" opens in the Guignol Theater of high school. storm that just kind of flows over If 2.» . 34’ .

‘ . * 35km» 3 theFineArtsBuilding. “Obviously. the language is a bar- you." noting that there is very little - , ’ ’ _

2* m . v.31... Director James W. Rodgers. the- rier to somebody when they pick it plot action during Shakespeare‘s y? “2;? ’i- ‘

”is“ W.“ ‘2??? ater department chairman. has cho- up and read it for the first time.“ second. third and fourth acts. .5"); 1’ ' , ' ’3‘.
wiwrfd sen to set his production in pre-Civil Rodgers said. “And Shakespeare. "it‘s not melodrama that tries to I." ’ .- ._’ I

War Appalachia. perhaps more than anybody else. grab you and take you through a lot ’1’ v‘ .5 3 . i -. 3..
The decision to set the Elizabe- wrote not to be read but to be seen of twists and turns.“ Rodgers said. ; . 3+ .. . .,
than play in antebellum Kentucky onthestage." “I think a summer evening concert .2? _ .. § 3 _.‘ f2 I.Mg§..3;:

,2 . if. was made for a number of ransom. Rodgers said the play draws sharp is very good analogy to use‘ " ‘ - .1 i ytffififfiff‘ ;. __

”s‘ 2.3 Rodgers said that Ken Davis. dram- distinctions between life in the city Rodgers said the play should run . 3. . i ’3‘; >12};ng
am: .. _;;, it} aturge for the production. discov- and life inthecountry. about 212 hours. including the single , I. Mitit‘gfi 3”:- \-y ’

"”3?” x ’ MW: ’ _ i cred a number of similarities be- Shakespeare "sees the country as intermission. i .::;.‘" git" . - ‘ :L-a ta; 5
g“ . \“figfrmt” ' ; tween that time and place and the . . . an escape. a place to go to be- To say the least. “As You Like it“ 5;. ...}i-_: .4 .1 a t ‘”'
ignitesimwgwiti 23 ImidmofShakeapeare’s day. come renewed.“ Rodgers said. But will offer an unusual evening of Eliz- " » ' - ' wit
’/I%me‘tw§g .i. . 2.2; “M {m Wild came over the playwright also “wants us that abethan entertainment. To say the gum "°"‘""°"
£"§W§W* here and settled." Rodgers said. wecantstaythereforever. most. the theatrical 8*!”er Wt“ Julio Rodgers. loft, plays Rosalind and Lisa Wothington plays
9259s? . N4? .. “and many of them that settled in Despite the strong theme. Rodgers begenuinely unique. Sunny-u: Colic ina unique version of Shakespeare's "As Y0u Like It."


 1 l
2 - KENTUCKY KENNEL My, Apr. 17, I.“
Arts Editor
Assistant Arts Editor
\ «..wr =11: w '22. . - .- . : . , '.~. . :' . . w .smwmwxra°smv.
.s‘M’R-ie‘wkisrfi‘ 1. , ;::;;.. . -. ..3-5.1-2...;;:::.:. . . . ;' §sr%w.aata3$e»§§t§3i tiéifii‘m
Strikeout .. Local author’s ‘Rent’
( 9 ' 9 ' .- ~s- o
Slugger 5 Wife a miss but concerts take up cable slack .-. opens tonlght at I evas’
By \\1l-;sl.i.;\'_\|||.|.|-ji{ —-—-————-——-—-—-—-— When she watches him from the _.
Staff Writer _ _ stands. he‘s a superstar; when she - BY ERIK RI-Il-X‘l-I Though the set was put together
RE FLICK TIONS spurns his game toIpursue her sing- . \ Staff Writer on a reduced budget. Chaney said
\ This week's cable lineup .5 more _ ing career. he strikes out all the I_ .. . it that hasn't been a real problem. The
V memorable for ”3 variety 59“““15 Here to Maternity stars Carrie Fish- time. He's "9‘ the may one: Ne” - . 5 "Rent Past Due." the third and play takes place in a run-down
than its motion picture premieres er (“Star Wars:‘ ,I Lauren Hutton Simon also strikes out With this luke- .. --.. --.- final installment in Actors' Guild of apartment. so realism was achieved
‘ If 3'0” thought 'l‘ina Turner‘s cable and Arlene Sorkin as businesswo- warm comedy -romance. . '3 ( “it; :9 Lexington's first annual New The- rather easily.
' concert was good. tune m {0" a men who find their daily routines The last “me. Home Box Office ' . '. f ater Festival. Opens tonight on the (‘haney has had his hands full with
‘ Southern “’Ck 5m“ by a group that disrupted when they discover thev presented one 0‘ "5 Premiere Films. I 3; last strand ofashoestring budget. the festival. acting in one of the
defieb the label "50‘"th r OCk-H are pregnant ‘ ' viewers all 0V9" the country 80‘ to Ii, “Rent Past Due.” the only Play of plays t“lt's a Long Way to Tippe-
' Tom 9"") 5' m“ ”93'1””er We all know how good Vicki Law- laugh at Tommy Lee Jones as he I --. " the festival by 3 Lexington resident. rary") and directing “Rent Past
- ' ' , Pack l‘p the Plantation. an hour- rence. Karen \‘alentine and Jessica tried to blow up New Yorks Central is a first effort from Veronica Rich- Due." He thinks. however. that the
. . 1. . long concert film. debuts tomi’rm“ waiter were In T\"s similar "Hav- Park in “‘9 .Suspense‘7’ drama .. .,.. ards, an actress affiliated with Le» work AGL is putting into this collab-
.' ' 1 night ont‘iiiemax mg Babies" movie series. don‘t we? “The Park 15 Mme; "5 lat?“ looks .. is“ 71-h" .. ‘ ington’s Junkyard Players. oration of new plays will pay off in
5’ . The group Wt” perform many 0f \‘e.” (1071‘! “V“ to In a b" betth (1‘ couldnt be any II V”- . W 1“..-. .1? :ggg‘.‘ "Rent" tells the Story Of a father [he real”) 0f Anuiricun regional the.
.t‘I " , ' its earlier this. such as "Refugee" The best thing about The Slugger‘s worse). . .. . ‘ g who returns to his wife and daughter atcr.
' — - . and ”Th" \t'aiting.” along “"[h \\'ilt- «rated P(i-13~. which debuts on Charles Bronson (”09:th w'Sh ’ 16 years after abandoning them. and .. , . . . .. -. . h
- w H . . newer selections such as "Don't (‘memax Saturday night. 15 its tim- stars as union offiCial Jock REBECCA DE MORNAY deals with the consequent hardships I'lhe IlestiIial is doing better! art
' i _' Comt- Around Here" and “Born a .th premiering ‘only a couple of Yablonski in Act of Vengeance, plaguing each character. anybody IIwoulItIl . haw-II csputedI.
- ‘ ' Rebel M weeks after the baseball season WhiCh debuts Sunday night. ture Larry Holmes in his attempt to Director Vic Chaney says “Rent thaney MldI- 19% PIth dTIi‘IIl 1‘3
. I. - IV Petty's distinctn-e Vocals are started. The worst thing ‘5 the total Yablonski. angered by the corrup- gain revenge on [BF Heavyweight Past Due" is the kind of play he most impoitanl I ingyoiIiItIiIn .itIiIhIgI
' V; T if ' ‘ , I enough “m" ‘0 please or annoy the implausibilityol‘its situation. tion that has infiltrated the United Champion Michael Spinks for ending likes most to direct. "It deals with company ’I “"330 I“? “I” i" '5
. " 1 ‘- music lover. but this performance Actually. Michael tl‘Keefe (Danny Mine Workers. deCides to run for the his undefeated string just two fights real people rather than Stereo- as a breeding gt ()llnt .
a .' 1 v' should haw “we” pulling Dam" \oonan of “(‘adtiy'shack”' turns ina UMW presidency. Wilfred grimley short of Rocky Marciano‘s all-time types.“Chaney said. .. I II I” I . . . -I
. - L r the Torpt‘tltu’s’ out of the record bin (Md rformancc as an Atlanta (“The Thing." “The Natural ) stars record . I . Rt'nt IItlsl Din- utI N pt rto'viitt
‘ ' ' - - - g Re ' - t MW P ’d t Ton ' . . . According to Chanev. the original (it 8 tonight through satin-dirt- (it Hu-
3 V' J ' 10PM} (mt‘mUN “mt Braves omiwlder Who falls m love as COWUP U reSl en "Thy Because “Othmg mt the tlfle IS on version of Richards‘ ‘play was far Tilt-titer Dt)\\'lilltl(lt‘l in Lt-ttis' Rins-
.‘ "- . . « The other premiere varietv spe- with a sultry. though slightly off- 30349. 31‘" Ellen BUTSW“ ‘ e the line (except Holmes‘s pride — 1 ‘tht . h,’ . -t .. _ I ’1" J _! . <6 ,. _ ti . ..
- ’ . ~ - ~ -'. - _ ,- , , EXOFCISt ) is featured as . . t00 ong WI 00 many C drdt 0th tuu mil. l( n s (in . ,tH lt gin
3‘ - "I ma] 15 also on Cinemax, and n S {ll-St ke-M up-and»coming "mger' played Y b] k" ‘1' big deal)’ thereS.n0t mUCh t0 rec- eight. Richards reduced the t'usl [0 mill public and $5 tor students and
1' .. . showing will be Sunday night. fine- by Rebecca De Mornay t"Risky a ons '5‘“ e. . _ ommendI about this battle. Is there four and shortened the play to under mm” mm,“ Fm rmcrmhom
‘ ‘ . max ('omedy Experiment: From Business“ i. This Saturday mght. HBO W111 fea- sucha thingas a double knockout? , . ' . .,. , -
. - . ~ _ twohours. ((111-331311.
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Newman Center speaker describes . .- - ,
ay tsU.K. sF rst
o 0
modern Journey of 'l'rappist monk “Mm“
B ALE DERS CROUCH d nine Side of life The Orient did for in either case. audiences who "As You Like it" will be per Housing and
y W - delity, integrity an authenticity; . ' . . come prepared for a leisurely formed at 8 p.m. today. tomor- '
Editorial Editor it‘sabook on commitment.“ h'mI at the end or his I"? what Ca stroll through this “gentle rain- row, Saturday and April 24-26 and Transp°r*°'ion
. Merton‘s life after publication of tholiCism had done for l‘fm earlier. storm" of colorful characters. an- at 3 p.m. April 27 in the Guignol Fair
Anthony Padovano used the title the book was alsoa journey. he said. Padovano said-,Ca‘hm'mm rescued tebellum analogies and Shake- Theater of the Fine Arts Build
of his book — The Human Journey: and that aspect of his me is partic- him from cymcnsm; the East allow- speare's delicate verse should not ing. For reservations. ca” 257 April 23 1 1-3 p.m.
Thomas Merton Symbol of the C9" ularly appealing to Americans. Mer- ed hlmI ‘0 $0399 ”0'“ oppresswe bedisappointed. 1592, Rm. 206
wry - 135‘ night ‘0 diSClES the ton was "not a fully resolved indi- dogmatism. Old Student c", . . ‘
value 0f Merton's life as it reflects vidual. No one. not even his fellow I . _ , .
modern experience. monks. knew what was going to hap- The West sets up dualities. fueling 13', .’ .1» ,1 1‘6 ,‘v / Refreshments & Door .
Padovano made his points in seve- pen next. Americans favor lives that a tendency f0: “0116??“ 3195335! '5 ‘act I U l r b ‘ Prizes . - ‘
ral themes to his audience of more are openended." "I107? I" egra ionaI. e as . espe- r , ' For ""0. 257-6605 ’I ‘ . '
than 150 at the Newman Center. Americans are also "fascinated lcvlanty 23]“ Buddhisng. “:95“??th 17M Hairstyling *or LCd'OS‘GOn'S Frlboa's I
where he concluded this year‘s dis- with the process of self-scrutiny." a er on e (”90955 0 C9" empa 10" A i . I,
tinguished speakers series. part of the Reformation heritage. 89d the capac-ity forI Violence. also ANNING BED SPECIALS; a ) 2,3514“ - " '. .
He began by discussing Merton‘s Padovano said. which “made the directing him ‘0 500"“ Pmtebl. Pd‘ 6Vl8l18 for $17.00 “Sf Aug (4‘ I7, ‘I ~ 'I ' .
life as “the story of a significant self the arena for the drama of sal- dovanosaid. 1° V's", for $27.00 \ 9 4 , ‘ . ;“ 7‘. .-
writerandagreatAmericanlife.” vation.“ Merton is. after all. "the . . "I I‘e - - 'I - f
“The writing and the life work so most famous monk since Martin [.u- Padovano, who brought Ito his sub- PERM SPECIAL $29.00 I\I a; 4 l BBS-TVPG . . . . . f‘ .
well together." Padovano said. and ther.”he said. ject his academic speCIalities of lit- 252-0589 ' . (”4.4 It . ' , , , . .' '. 5' _
that interrelation is vital to ap- In his Journey. Merton embodied erature and religious studies. Icon- ("0" '0 “g“ l‘ ' ‘ For that . I. .~
proachingthe'l‘rappistmonk'slife.I and reconciled many apparent dis» IcIlude