Minutes of the Meeting of the Executive Committee for the
Regular Monthly Meeting on Monday, April 26, 1920.

     The  xeecutive Committee of the Board of Trustees, University
of Kentuoky, met in regular monthly session on Monday, April 26,
.1920, in the office of the President of the University at 11:00 a. m.
The following members were present: kichard C. Stoll, P. P. John-
ston, Jr., Rainey T. Wells, Richard P. Ernst and Robert G. Gordon.
Frank L. McVey, President of the University, and Wellington Patrick,
Secretary of the Committee, were also present.

     The minutes of the previous meeting were adopted.

     1. Memorial Building.   President MGVey reported progress on the
Memorial Building and presented the following letter from Professor
We E. Freeman, Campaign Manager, with respect thereto:

                                         April 15, 1920

     President Frank L. MoVey

          University of Kezntuoky

     My dear President McVey:

          In reply to your letter of April 10, I wish to say
     that the total amount of cash and subscriptions now on
     hand in the Kentucky Memorial Building fund is about
     $162,000.   This sum may be divided as follows:

          Due from the Gounty Df Fayette by Fiscal Court
             Appropriation .............,.e.,.. $25,000

           Due from the City of Lexington Bond Issues....  75,000

           Invested in 4 and 3/4 per oent United
             States Treasury certificates of Indebtedness 32,000