
to the University of Kentucky for the assignment of a Direc-
tor of Educational Hygiena, qualified to carry out under my
directions the purposes owtlired in this agreement, this
Director to be acceptable to me, his salary and traveling
expenses to be paid and his secretarial help to be supplied
by the University of Kentucky.   With this assistance from
the University of Kentucky, I, as the authorized State Super-
iutbndent of Public Education of the State of Kentucky,
agree to establish in the State Department of Public Educa-
tion of Kentucky a Division of Educational Hygiene under
the following conditions:

     (1) Organization. -- The Division of Educational
         Hygiene shall include all the activities and
         personnel in the State Department of Public
         Education that have to do with health teaching,
         physical education, and health care of pupils
         (and students) in the school of the State.

      (2) Purpases. -- The Division of Educational
         Hygiene "shall be concerned with the develop-
         ment and permanent maintenance of Departments
         of Hygiene or courses in the principles and
         practices of hygiene in all the educational
         institutions in this State, public, institu-
         tional and private; elementary, secondary,
         normal, collegiate, university and professional".

           (a) The Division of Educational Hygiene will
               make every reasonable effort to encourage
               and develop -'n the schools of the State
               effective ts.,-ch.nr of hygiene, which shall
               inolude "courses and conferences in informa-
               tional hygiene, and courses, conferences and
               training in the applications of hygiene,
               emphasizing with appropriate and due propor-
               tion and with proper tact and persistency
               the serious importance of the venereal dis-
               eases, their causes, carriers and prevention,
               and emphasizing at the same time the other
               important facts and applications of General
               Hygiene, Individual Hygiene, Group Hygiene
               and Intergroup Hygiene" in general conformity
               with the program of the United States Inter-
               departmental Social Hygiene Board.

            (b) The Division of Bduoatio'ial Hygiene will
                "within the limits of the authority and edu-
                eational influence of the State Department of
                which it is a part, in every reasonable way,