
       assist all normal schools, colleges and
       universities and similar institutions in
       the State to instruct all their students,
       and particularly those students that are
       preparing to teachp concerning the principles
       and practices of hygiene in general conformity
       With the program proposed by the United States
       Interdepartmental Social Hygiene Board".

    (c) The Division of Educational Hygiene shall make
        every reasonable effort to effectively influence
        "selected schools to train teachers of Hygiene
        in all of its subdivisions" and it "shall influ-
        ence elementary and secondary schools to organize
        and carry on courses and classes for all children
        whereby they may be safely, wisely and properly
        instructed On the principles and practices of
        hygiene th&.. are fitting and appropriate to the
        age period, the maturity and the development of
        the child concerned".

    (d) The Division of Educational Hygiene will make
        every reasonable effort to bring about an edu-
        cational condition whereby every teacher will
        be as well educated and informed in hygiene as
        he is in English or arithmetic.

(3) Administration. -- Under the general administrative
   direction of the State Superintendent of Public Eau-
   cation this Division of Educational Hygiene shall be
   conduoted by a Director of Educational Hygiene.

   (a) Qualifioations. -- The director of Educational
        Hygiene shall have the following qualifications
        or their satisfactory equivalent: A college
        education; a medical education with degree or
        equivalent post-graduate study in hygiene;
        satisfactory teaching and administrative exiper-
        ience in a well organized educational system;
        some experience in municipal, county, state or
        national health service (not a fixed require-

     (b) Duties. -- The duties and functions of the Direc-
         tor of thio Division of Educational Hygiene shall
         be to supervi.se. and direct the Division of Educa-
         tional Hygiene and to focus the powerful influence
         of the State Department of Public Education upon
         every educational institution in the State for
         the purpose of bringing each institution to meet