
         I am returning herewith one of the copies of the appJi-
    cation as that is intended for your own files.

         In regard to the plan for cooperation between the State
    University and the State Department of Education, you are
    right in assuming that this plani and this allotment are en-
    tirely distinct from the plan a.ni allotment for establishing
    the Department of Hygiene.   The Board has been willing and
    indeed anxious to assist certain State departments in ektab-
    lishing divisions of hygiene and has found that the only way
    this can be done is through such a plan as has been worked
    out in Mississippi.   The Board is authorized to make allot-
    ments to colleges, universities and other suitable organiza-
    tions and institutions.   Under the interpretation given to
    the words "organizations" and "institutions- by the control-"
    lingauthorities a State Department of Education is not an
    organization or institution, but merely a department of govern-
    dient and therefore no allotment can be made directly to a
    State Department of Education. It is admissable, however, to
    make the allotment to a college or other recognized educational
    institution in State which in turn may perform the services
    indicated for the State Department of Education.    This plan
    as worked out contemplates that the State Director of Hygiene
    shall be under the charge and direction of the State Superin-
    tendent and that the fun6tion of the university in this connec-
    tion is merely suggestive and advisory.

                                         Yours very truly,

                                              T. A. Storey,

                                                   Executive Seotetary
                                       Interdepartmental Social Hygiene

     13. Insurance.   A stateaent was received from the Business
Agent regarding the amount of insurance carried on Experiment Station
buildings.   After consideration, the Committee authorized the fol-
lowing statement with respect to the insurance on these buildings