
    Resignation of Dr. C. B. Cornell, effective at the end of the
present year. Doctor Cornell resigns to accept a position in the
American Red Cross as Director of the Bureau of Education and Re-
search, Lakes Division, at a more remunerative salary.

                        Leaves of Absence

     Leave of absence was granted to Professor W. E. Freeman, Head
of the Department of Electrical Engineering, for a period of one
year without pay, to accept a position with the Westinghouse Electric
Coompany, Pittsburg, Pennsylvania.

     10. Discontinuance of Services of G. T. Wyatt. The following
statement with reference to the discontinuance in office of Mr. G.
T. Wyatt, District Agricultural Agent for the Extension Division,
was presented to the Committee by President McVey:

          At a meeting of the Extension Committee of the Board
     o.- Trustees on Monday, April 5, 1920, Dean Cooper called
     attention to the resolution adopted by the Board of Trus-
     tees at its meeting in January relative to Mr. G. T. Wyatt,
     which was as follows: "That the employment of Mr. Wyatt
     as district agent be continr.red at a salary rate of $208 1/3
     a month, his services to u-teri from month to month at the
     pleasure of the Board of Trustees."

          Dean Cooper recommended to the Extension Committee
      that the services of Mr. Wyatt as district agent be
      discontinued, that he be relieved from duly at once and
      continued on pay until May 15, 1920.

           Following the recommendation of Dean Cooper, the ex-
      tensibn Committee gave consideration to the matter of the
      continuation of employment of Mr. Wyatt as a member of
      the extension division and after full Aisoussiun, made
      the following recommendation: That Mr. G. T. Wyatt's
      services with the institution be discontinued and that he
      be relieved irom duty as of this date, with salary until
      May 15, 1920.

      In order that the Committee might be fully informed regarding
 Dean Cooper' s attitude with respect to Mr. Wyatt ana thb desira-
 bility of discontinuing Mr. Wyatt's services, Dean Cooper was
 called before the Committee to make a statement.    He stated some-
 what in detail the conditions existing, and indicated that a oom-
 plete lack of confidence, extenading over a considerable period of
 time, had forced him to the conclusion that it was in every way
 desirable to discontinue Mr. `aytt s services.    After discussion,
 a motion was made approving the recommendation of President Mctey