
and Dean Cooper and discontinuing the services of Mr. Wyatt immedi-
ately with the understanding that his salary would be continued until
July 1, 1920.

     11. Appointment of Members of the Atbletbic Council.  President
McVey reported to the Committee that the following members had been
appointed on the Athletic Council as provided by the regulations re-
cently adopted by the Committee.

     1. Alumni and Business Men;
             (1) Hogan Yancey, Lexington, Kentucky, for one year.
             (2) E. B. Webb, Lexington, Kentucky, for two years.
             (3) Louis Hillenmeyer, Lexington, Kentucky, for three years.

     2. Faculty Members:
             (1) Professor Enoch Grehan for one year.
             (2) Professor W. L. Summers for two years.
             (3) Dr. J. J. Tigert for three years.

     3. Students:
              (1) A. J. Muth, period ending June 1920.
              (2) E. E. Kelly, period ending June 1920.

     12. Subsidy from Interdepartmental Social Hygiene Board, Wash-
ington, D. C.   President McVey reported to the Committee that arrange-
ments had been made with the Interdepartmental Social Hyciene Board,
Washington, whereby a subsidy of $11,100 should be granted to the
University for work in physical education.    The following corres-
pondence with respect thereto, was presented and ordered incorpor-
ated in the minutes.

                                    Room 35, 1800 Virginia Ave., N. W.
                                         Wasfhingtot, D. C. March 4, 1920

      Dr. Frank L. McVey
           University of Kentucky
                Lexington, Kentuc-ky

      My dear Doctor MoVey;

           I am very glad to rev;ive your revised application for
      an allotment from the Educational Research and Development
      Fund.  When Doctor Small returned from Kentucky late in
      January he reported favorably upon such a revised applica-
      tlQn as had been agreed upin between you.

           I findohoveverthere are some differences between the
      budgetary forecast that he reported had been agreed upon
      and that whioh appears in your revised application.    His
      report showed the following estimates: