The Keatucky Kernel
The Kentucky Kernel is the official newspaper of the
students and alumni of the University of Kentucky.
Published every Friday throughout the college year
by the student body of the university.

K. I. P. A.

Subscription One Dollar and Fifty Cents a Year Five
Entered at Lexington Postoffice
Cents the Copy.
as second class mail matter.



H. Glanz

EDITOR Byron H. Pumphrey.
ASSISTANT Melvina Heavenridge.


Kady Elvove
Leida Keyes
James Porter
John W. Dundon, Jr.
Wilbur G. Frye

Ollie James

Jessie Sun
Harry Towles
John Murphy
True Mackey

Tom Riley
Margaret Cundiff
Bernice Byland
Scott Keyes
Elizabeth Carter
Bob Thompson
Catherine Eyle

Joseph C. Graves
Sara Elvove
Ellen Minihan
Lillian Combs

Evalee Featherst'n
Roy Baldridge
W. A. Kirkpatrick
Jane Ann Carlton

Bill Reep

Jack Cousins
H. B. Ellis
Z. L. Peal

Carlos Jagoe
Lucille Short

"circulation mgrT
Harold Schimmel
Ben Golden

W. D. Grote

A. L. Pigman
Ted Strunk

There is a constantly growing demand for the services of the graduates of the University in the profession of teaching. To fulfil that demand adequately,
and at the same time to give those already in the profession of teaching. To fulfil that demand adequately,
one of the chief functions of the summer school, held
each year at the University.
Not that this is its only function. The summer
school offers to the student, who desires to complete his
college course before the usual four years, an opportunity to do so, and it affords those students who have
neglected some studies a chance to redeem themselves.
But there are other matters, too, that need our consideration. There is the attractive program that has
been planned for the twelve weeks, during which the
summer school will be in session. Dean Taylor, who
is in charge of the summer term, is making every effort to see that the teachers' and students' stay here
will be an enjoyable one. In connection with this, a
series of Bluegrass tours have been planned which will
give the students a chance to view many of the .historic and scenic places around Lexington.
The University will also present each registered
student with a season ticket to the Redpath Chautauqua which will give a week's program here beginning
July 3.
Each year, the summer school has proved more
popular and University authorities believe that this
summer it will not prove less so. The Kernel, having
observed the summer session of past years, believes
that the University's hope will Be more than realized,
and that those teachers and students who come to the
University this summer will find the time spent to be
most profitable as well as enjoyable.

Many students in college today are disillusioned.
They wonder if the time spent in college is, after, all,
of any considerable worth.
Some have the idea that
it is simply the "bunk," and that it is wholly unnecessary in making life a success.
We know, too, that it was not so long ago that the
requirements of the day were fully met by the man
without a college education. We believe, however, that
such times have passed. One must remember that the
present and future work of life is becoming ever more
Competition is keener.

The mind that is trained to think and reason by four
years of hard college study will be better able, we believe, to solve those problems one must meet in competition with other minds, in the eternal struggle for
success in life. The sacrifices college students make by
coming to college for four years, if there are any worthy
of mentioning, are well rewarded in the ultimate results
gained by the study.
Like a small brook, whose course can so easily be
changed by canals, so that it takes a different ,route, so
with the same facility can one change the course of his
life and its ultimate achievements by dropping out of
To avoid being disillusioned and losing courage may require continual effort on the part of the
student, but how thankful ho will be some day if he
While numbers of men without a university or college
education have been, are at the present time, and will
continue to be successful, statistics show that those
having the advantage of a college education have forged
of the successful
ahead in all walks of life.
men and women in the United States recorded in "Who's
Who" have a college education. The college graduate
group has furnished:





We note in an exchange that 25 of the University
of Iowa baseball squad of 35 bat right-hande- d.
have found an equally interesting statistical fact on
our campus all but one of Kentucky students walk on
their feet and she'll soon be able to throw away her


of our presidents.

of our members of congress.
of our speakers of the house.
of our vice presidents.
of our secretaries of state.
52 of our secretaries of the treasury.
of our attorney generals.
of our supreme court justices.
The country needs in professions and in statesmanship men and women of vision, with jcharacter and with
a sense of citizenship, who are trained to think for
ithemselves; men and women who have an investigative
attitude toward the problems of life; men and women
who, because of their habit of trained thinking nave the
power to succeed in whatever they undertake.


he Critics In

(By Ollie M. James)
Handel's "Mesiah," that magnificent tonal epic of the Christ, will be
presented again on May 9 by the Central Kentucky Choral Society, a coalition of the finest amateur and professional singers in the Bluegrass.
This program, now about to be sung
and played for the eighteenth annual
time, embraces the most proficient
vocalists procurable in Lexington,
Winchester, Frankfort, Georgetown,
Paris, and Berea, several noted soloists in the oratorical field, and the
University Philharmonic orchestra,
which has won distinction of accompanying the work after a long period
of preparation. The University glee
club will furnish individual voices,
but will not take part en masse.
Of all sermons in song, this work
is undoubtedly the greatest.
prophecies of an Isaiah have never
sounded more significant than through
this pronouncement. The angel song
"Peace On Earth," has never been
surpassed, as a symbolization of the
suffering and death of the Savior, nor
our salvation through him more poig
nantly and glorifying translated that
in that poem of song, the "Hallelu
iah Chorus." The Messiah is in
tegrally a part of
ture, and has been reproduced yearly
by choral unions in England for over
a hundred years. Prof. Carl A. Lam- pert, head of the University musical
department, has been signally honored with the direction of the classic,
the presentation of which is being
sponsored by the University.
The arrival of a large number of
Algerian and Moroccoan paintings by
Louis J. Endres, which are now on
formal display in the Art Center, will
gladden the hearts of the artistically
inclined students. The paintings have
as their motif the local color of the
most interesting cities in north Af
rica. The canvases portray the rath
er unusual architecture of the coun
try, witn its kaliedoscope decorations
and the crumbling turreted walls of
the cities punctuated by huge arched
gateways. Natives in their picturesque garb form many interesting portraits. The artist made the most of
his genuine traveling to points in
search of subjects which had hitherto
been considered unsafe for travel.

In view of the recent epidemic, we rise to remark
that our student body is getting more and more

Harold Wynn

James Shropshire
Univ. 74
Phones 6800

Fred Conn
Virgil L. Couch


Affording as it does, the one time of the year when
teachers of the state may assemble to discuss their
mutual problems, the Kentucky Educational Association fulfils a vital need in the educational program of
Perhaps no other body than this one derives a greater degree of benefit from the association of its members. Annually now, the K. E. A. has met,"discussed
and solved a large number of those problems that must
inevitably confront the educator. This year, again assembled in their convention halls, and with some of the
most celebrated educators in America on the program
to guide their thought, this body of men and women,
to whom Kentucky must look to ihstruct its youth,
cannot but find inspiration and a new sense of accomplishment in the task which they have set for themselves.
The Kernel, assuredly, hopes that this may be so,
and that on the close of their meeting they may return
once again to their work, reinvigorated in their life's
purpose, inspired again with the vision of their calling.


Wayman Thomasson
Laurence Shropshire
Herman Sharp


THE K. E. A.

We have a vague feeling that some of our neighboys will want to know what we mean
boring rah-ra- h
by "getting more measly."

Our prayer for the week:
a real Queen. And how?""

"May the May Queen be

The boyish pranks carried out recently in the Mens
do'rm have, we learn, turned out to be a real washout,
and figuratively.


The person who says that the fire loss is $4.75
annually in the United States, never had a date
with one of these
"warm mamas." That figure
is merely one evening's loss.

The dishes crashed to the flood, the glass clinked
among them and the cafeteria grew quiet as
the waiter blushed. Then it happened . . . "What
about China?" a voice piped, and the crisis was passed.






The band at Ohio State is producing songs on phonograph records.
New York State College has abolished scholastic requirements for fra-

ternity membership.


"The Gay Defender"
Richard Dix, football player, prize
fighter, soldier, sailor, Indian, and
cowboy, twirls knives,
his mustache, to say nothing of beau- -'
tiful young ladies, for the remainder
of the week at the Kentucky theater. '
Richard gayly defends the poor, weak
women, although they are every one
beautiful, Thelma Todd, the feminine
lead in particular, while wicked American
are deservingly
butchered by his flashing Mexican
For the first time in three years,
Dix has the part of a young foreigner. In the "Gay Defender," his is tho
character of Joaquin Murietta, a
Spanish rancher of California in '49
who turns to
after American desperadoes rob him
of his gold, home, sweetheart, and
honor. In fact, they .stripped him of
everything except his mustache, which
he wears entertainingly throughout
the remainder of the picture. The
way in which Richard comes back is
enough to gladden the heart of any
small boy.
"The Patent-Leath"Flanders' fields of poppies, the
teeming East Side of New York, the
entangletrenches and barbed-wir- e
ments of No Man's Land, New York
cabarets, boxing arenas and night
life, and field hospitals behind the
front are all in Richard Barthelmess
latest, "The Patent Leather Kid,"
which will entertain Kentucky theater
goers beginning Sunday.
The story, as Rupert Hughes wrote
it, involves a prize fighter, the Patent
Leather Kid, who was the biggest
drawing card of his day because of
his widely hated affectations and his
sleek, shiny hair. The Kid's extraor
dinary character, his refusal to don
the uniform of his country and his
amazing adventures overseas consti
tute the framework of the story which
very nearly resorts to deus ex ma- china in order to secure a happy end
ing. You won't notice this, however,
with Barthelmess acting, as only Mr,
Barthelmess can act this type of
characterization, and Molly O'Day,
dear old Molly, on the feminine end
of the usual osculations. Alfred San-te- ll
the megaphone, and
Broadway paid $2.20 a seat to see it.
Judge for yourself.



I Read Where


Fifty Candidates Will Receive

A Letter To A Son
Wherein a Father Asks Cooperation Financially and
Requests "Good Grades at Reasonable Prices"
The following letter with names changed is the exact communication written by a father to his youngest son. The father
is sending three children through college, and the drain upon
his resources is evident. We reproduce it, believing that other
sons who read it will remember that their parents, too, are
making sacrifices for their sakes and the only reward that most
of them ask is "good grades at reasonable prices, manhood
and womanhood worthy of the dreams and ideals of right thinking men and women. Editor's Note.
St. Louis, Mo., February 15, 1928.
Dear Bob:
I received your letter, also one from Dick and Lucille. I am
sorry, Bob, to have written as I did, but I was worried. I just
couldn't seem to see my way clear and felt that you were
spending more money than you needed to.
I think you, will agree with me when you stop to figure. Your
deposits have been in round numbers $500, in addition to your
band money, and $15 I gave you when you left, making more
than $500 you have spent so far, for you have only a balance
of $29 or $30. You can easily see that would run up to $1,100
or better for the year, which would be $200 or $300 "more than
either Dick or Lucille would receive.
I am not finding fault, Bob, but I just ask you to be careful
for I am anxious to help you all, all I can, and I surely want
you to have the best education I am able to give you, for I believe I know what is in you, and that you 'are capable of making good so that some day I may look to you with considerable
pride, happy that I was able to help you.
Just this thought you are a member of Martin and Sons,
and your cooperation is much needed for the success of the firm.
I am glad that Ted is such a loyal friend to you, and I know
if you will take him into the firm he will help you to make it
win, and also help yourself at the same time.
I have cashed in some Liberty Bonds and am shifting my
insurance to get some ready cash. These are sacrifices I am
glad to mace, even if I will, have to work harder in years to
come to close the gap between me and my old age, should I be
fortunate enough to enjoy that privilege. I just want you fellows to get down and dig for I have to and make the most
of your opportunities. Then I need not worry or worry you
with my problems- You and Dick go right on at the houe as you had planned
to do. I would suggest this that you sit down, when you have
time, figure your necessary expenses, then budget what you
think a fair amount of spending money a month, add it all up
and send it to me, keeping a copy for yourself. Then try to
live within that budget. Have Ted figure with you, if you
like, and I am sure we'll come out O. K. I hope, Bob, I have
made myself understood, for I wouldn't hurt "you for a good
deal, and I believe I have always been a good Dad to you, and
still want to be for I love you all. Our firm's slogan is "Good
Grades at Reasonable Prices." Is that O. K.?
Delta Chi Quarterly.


Love from all,

Advanced Degrees In May;
Club to Hold Annual Banquet
May 8.

Shall Teachers Have Free
Hand?" Is Issue in Education

The graduate school at the Univer
At Colgate University six students
are earning part of their tuition by sity now ranks as one of the largest
sleeping for some psychological ex- departments of the institution, having
I cannot tell the fate that lies in store
periments being conducted there.
this year an enrollment of nearly 500
For me as I peer vainly down the dim
students. Of this number about 300
Vague aisle of years. I dare' not hope that dreams,
Stanford University will dedicate have been in attendance during the
Based on intense desire, will then come true.
its 1928 annual to Herbert Hoover, a regular college year, and 200 in the
"The crucial issue in education to driven, as we are so often today, to
I cannot lift "lame hands of faith" to plead
graduate of that institution. This summer school.
day is whether schools and teachers
by throwing
My cause with God or gods that may or may
Many of these students are doing are to be free to deal with their rationalize our failures
may mean a few votes for the genial
not be beyond the veil. I only know
secretary and then again it may not. only
work and there is a problems and questions with a bit of the blame upon politicians, parents,
That here life is one constant strife and strain
growing demand on the part of teach the wonderful intelligence which they young people.
To gain a moment's happiness and love;
"Put in another way, the one cruThe University of Oklahoma will ers for opportunity to continue their are supposed to possess and which
That each of us stands on the plain of life,
put its first competitive golf team on graduate studies while still engaged they are forever recommending to cial issue becomes this: Are we really
in their professional duties. To meet their students,"concluded Joseph X going to admit intelligence into our
Unconscious of the close proximity
the links this season. Four men will
be chosen to compete with 10 other his demand, the summer session pro Hart, professor of education at the educational discussions, and are we
Of Death, who may in kindness wait a span
Members of the team will ?ram has been greatly enlarged in regional convention of the American going to work for intelligence in our
Of years, or may in moments of caprice
schools and colleges?
be chosen by tournament elimination. ts graduate curriculum and special Association of University Women.
Arise in wrath and sweep us off the plain.
graduate classes have been scheduled
"We mostly hold that the way to
"Democracy implies in education an
They tell me, those who know, that this great sphere
regular session at late afMen students at the University of during the
adventure of the type permitted to get an education is to learn lessons!
Of ours, a helpless atom in the cosmic whole,
ternoon hours and on Saturdays.
Now for every individual who has
who admit no bounds
Nevada are not as good students as
Goes hurtling through the seething Beas of space;
About 50 candidates expect to re scientists,
the women, if the number of delin- ceive
their investigations and who follow found accomplishment in that way, I
their advanced degrees at Com the lead of their imaginations to the could muster a hundred who have
That other worlds have gone before, and worlds
quent notices sent out lately is any
mencement next month,
Unformed as yet will slowly shape themselves
been ruined by that process, and anbeyond," he said.
criterion. Out of 431 notices, 315 completed their work last and
December, horizon and
Within the womb of distant future years;
went to men and 116 to women.
"Looking at our current education other hundred who have been saved
Beginning this year, for he first
That species come and species go and man
of by not following it. Education is
time, the University offered work literature today, I find scoreshis- mostly a matter of happy accident!
The athletic association of NorthWith all the rest shall strive his hour or two
leading to the doctor's degree. These burning interests: Shall we have
western University recently opened a departments are chemistry, physics, tory in the sixth grade, or wait until Pedants are made by learning lesAlong the great cycloidal arc of progress
drive for funds. One system was that mathematics, psychology, economics, the seventh to take up that formal sons, but educated men are not!
And decay, until the cosmic tidal strains
"We have another doctrine that
of "honor candy stands." It is said and education. It is expected that study? Shall we teach straight up
Have stopped the whirling of our globe, and locked
that $600 was lost through the use other departments will be rapidly and down penmanship, or shall we let great men became great by processes
The last of life in everlasting ice.
of intellectual plodding. Great men
of buttons, slugs and the like in place
added to this list. The University of our boys and girls get a run and
And so I live but in the Now to work
have done
things: They,
of proper coins.
Kentucky is one of the few universi jump on their letters? The number while their tiresome
For those I love, that they be spared the pain
companions slept, were
ties in the South which offers the doc of issues is very great. There are at toiling upward in the night,' no doubt.
Of disillusionment, that they be saved
Included in the enrollment of the
requires least ten burning educational issues But
As long as possible from Nature's claws.
toiling was not of the set
University of Washington are fifty torate. The doctor's degree
two examinations
the "qualifying in every village in America, and the kind that
Russian students who were exiled examination" before the candidate be number increases in geometrical ratio
And while my powers shall last, be it for days
children until the child is intellectualfrom the nation of their birth after gins his last year's work in which he as the population grows.
Or years, from this alone my joys shall come,
ly dead." Daily Nebraskan.
flag of the must pass
having fought under the
My love of life be measured by their love.
Discards Issues
both written and oral tests
And then when Death's grim form shall sound the blast "White Armies" in an effort to main- in his general field and satisfy two
"I shall sweep all these burning
tain the old regime in Russia.
requirements in modern languages, issues into the discard, and set beThat marks the period of my fate, I'll rise,
and a final oral examination at which fore you one single issue that in- 83
I hope, as may become a man, and launch
A petition by 116 students at Bosdissertation is presented.
cludes them all.
My failing bark once more upon the sea;
ton University to the dean, to allow hisAn important feature
of the
"It is this: Shall we Americans
Do combat with the waves that seek to suck
bridge playing between classes, was
is the Gradu
issues, to- Seven New
Me down into the gulf, and gazing toward
recently rejected. The dean claimed ate school organization graduate stu really admit that we haveeyes
Instructors Are Inwhich all
to the
day? Shall we open our
The western sky, behold the sun decline
that the practice would be both dan- dentsClub of
cluded in Notable
are members. The president of world that is about us and face facts ?
gerous and unbusinesslike. One outTo rest, while twilight slowly gathers depth,
Line-u- p
this year is Mr. George W. Lengthy editorials on education, tell
standing, fact of the petition was that the club of
And thickens into night; a gasp for breath,
Lester, W. Va.; vice presi- us that if the politicians would let
30 of the 116 students who had signed
A moment's anguish, blinding pain, and then
Eighty-thre- e
Lex the schools alone, we should have no
Miss Frances Roberts,
professors in six de
it were on scholastic probation while dent, secretary, Miss Lydia of
My bark shall glide beyond the breakers' surge,
Fremd, problems in education. Our college partments will have charge of the in
20 had received warnings.
The Graduate Club presidents tell us that if the students
While blackness closes o'er, and I sink down
struction of summer school students
get their
hohls an
To sleep upon the bosom of oblivion,
Four teams of journalism students year, will annual banquet which, this would problems lessons, there would for the two terms during June and
in the universities.
be held on May 8, with Dr. be no
To rest, and not to wake forever more.
at the University of Minnesota, with George F. Arps, of Ohio State Uni Our teachers tell us that if parents July this year. Included in this group
four members to each team, have just
as the
the work of the
returned from a spring trip in which versity,graduate speaker. offers five fel- would support be no problems schools are some of the most outstanding
in the men the campus boasts and the board
there would
they edited four Minnesota weeklies.
grad public schools. That is to say, everyThe purpose of the trip was to put lowships and ten scholarships to
is fortunate in getting them to re- into practicability the theories of the uate students. These awards are where we go we find people trying to
Love is such a transient thing, they say,
made on the basis of scholarship and make out that there are no real probacdepartment of journalism and
Why then may I not start today
There are seven new instructors
quaint the students with the country ability shown in undergraduatehonors lems in education.
With a forgetful heart?
and are recognized as high
"That word Mf is one of the chief among this group, namely: G. Ivan
newspaper field.
Perhaps it is because you left me tears,
The winners of these fellowships and obstacles to sound thought. The poli Barnes, A. M., of Frankfort, who will
An aching love which will remember through the years
Does the college boy or girl dislike scholarships will be announced in The tician isn't going to let the schools teach vocational education; Ernest J.
Your slightest smile.
alone; he is one of the problems 'of Eberling A. M., of Vanderbilt Uni
the average college movie which por- Kernel in the issue of May 4.
Oh, I shall go on living without doubt,
education today. College students versity professor of economics; Laur-enttrays them as the original modern
are not going to study; they don't
Laughing even, but I never may cast out
youth ?
Hansen, M. A., of Columbia
know how to study, and they are not University, instructor of home eco
College editors throughout the counThoughts of you.
Louisville strong enough to withdraw from the nomics and education; J. B. Holloway,
try have been bewailing the false
Well, let me try anew this morn,
crowds and seek quiet for study; M. A., of Frankfort, professor of edlight in which the college student is
With such beauty about I cannot be forlorn
they are problems in our education. ucation; J. L. Leggett, M. A., of
The Kentucky Ornithological
placed by the average moving picture
Too long.
which will meet at 2 o'clock Fri- Parents are not going to support the Transylvania professor of education;
portrayal of 'college life, but a survey
of Colubmus theaters in the vicinity day afternoon at the Hotel Henry schools; they are going to criticise John Howard Payne, superintendent
of Ohio State University has reveal- Watterson in Louisville, in connection the schools and rightly so because of schools, Maysville, professor of edTHIS KNOWING WORLD
ed that no pictures attract so many with the convention of the Kentucky schools do not know how to educate, ucation; and A. S. White, A. M., Uniundergraduates as those which are of Educational Association, has announc today, and though parents dont versity of Nebraska instructor in
The air is polluted with
know how either, they are able to see
college life.
ed the following program:
The stench of ages of
"Let Us Teach Nature Study," Miss that schools need criticism That word
Other tastes of the college student
The officers of the summer session
Men and strife.
were revealed. They also like Wst-er- n Mary May Wyman, head of the Sci if solves no problems; it merely are: Frank L. McVey, Ph. P., LL. D..
The odor of perspiring wisdom
makes us believe that when we say president; W. C. Bell, M. A., state
movies, they dislike triangle love ence department of the Louisville
the magic word, all problems dis superintendent of schools; William S.
And unpurified sophistication
affairs, and they won't stand for Normal School; "The Bird of
of the J. Stoddard solve.
mingled with
Taylor, Ph. D., director of the sumIs
Admit Problems
Miss Henrietta
Johnston School,
News reels or educational films.
mer session; and Wellington Patrick,
A thousand different blends
'The field of education is nothing Ph. D., assistant director of the 'sumIt also was found that the students Hoehle, principal; "Bird Baths," puOf rotting worms
as a whole are a well behaved bunch pils of the George H. Tingley School, but problems today. The crucial is- mer session. Mrs. P. K- - Holmes of
And petrified church mice.
in the movie theater. On occasions, directed by Miss Susie Brooks, and sue is whether we are going to admit Sayre College, Lexington, who has
A louse is crushed
it was found, some "country hick an address on "Bird Life In Ken- that fact, or deny it. If we admit served as dean of women in Sarah G.
Beneath the foot of
tucky," by Dr. W. D. Funkhouser, it, then we can face a world of reali Blanding's place for several summers
thinks he can pull his
An unseeing Seer.
stuff," but he soon learns to the con- dean of the Graduate School, Univer- ties, with some chance of understand past, will again serve in that capac-M. H.
sity of Kentucky.
Alas, this knowing world!
trary and falls into line with the rest.
ing wha we have to do. So we are tor.




Professors to
Here This Summer


Ornithologists to
Meet at




