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I   I-Iea Power
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A , The Sweet Strairfs ol
  A Can Be Soothiiiti a
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  As apple blossoms flutter down and hawks circle By SUSUWI l..i0ll’Vl[7€Vf
  Sugar Loaf bluff, I feel the harp music blending . - - . A A — A_·A »`_` t A     AA i A y A_ 7A t rg     _j
, with the song of birds and the whir of frogs and A · A  .__—- I     AMI I ,* g A· AAA A;  ¥`,i‘§ A · ' A  
I think, “Yes, this would be a nice way to die." It isn’t   *· -A F- ’ \   RA ;)?   _.  · . )_—"sl__    
. an idle thought on this lovely May morning. The   }i  A      A [ gg if     1
I woman pulling the strings of the harp is Diane    __ ` {rf 1 i . A .`.f1_[·___ Ai'; J. P, I
Schneider. She is aA theologian and chaplain who   A ' _ ‘ AA 1. Ser  if ·`       1 { *’ t
A plays at the bedsides of the ill and dying. \-[` A I . ~é _, _;%`x·Q..A But what’s even more fascinating is the ability of   fl A — . · 1 "     •·A`   _ .f Ai ji A I   "g·__ ‘    
, harp music to soothe and help heal people who   igy ’ 1*     A i  T }:  ’ . ; Ai'/   A
A are still among the living. Schneider, who earned a ·’A fh   `     fyi; . ’» I    AA R,  yy / _` M A .— if f`--;   ··
bachelor’s degree at UK in communications in 1971 A   A.   Af ’   Ai  {Eg, A  if-gf! A ’ \‘\y\l\*\_ A '1 ·
and then a law degree in 1974, was one of the , · 3, ,_   ‘€'   A" (P`_.j=* 1 1` · ff   l- -. .
_ speakers at an international symposium on "Heal- ;;»§€Al , Q_ . Q- AYj"i?;_fji t ‘   ?_,   I 1 . ~ 'tqt; =
1 ing I·Iarps" in May at North Illinois University in i   Q ‘ A,Q,A?·A’·_y£   ._ TI;. 1 _   V Af _ s A ” ' j ·
DeKalb.   ,     ,     _A    ;`::':_1iA    
A The "Healing Harps" movement was co—founded _  ty; fp.!     I   Aj A5* AAf’$§?; ·..E‘p ¤.;A_; A  As  qéggl
by Liz Cifani, principal harpist for the Lyric Opera   » fn §· i    A ,} . {E5}    ·-:}A•Tf·  c.  A , 1t*i’Q¥   
of Cl1lC2lg(). slit? lIZlS Ll SLll`l]1`I]C‘I` l`lOIH€ I'l€ZlI` Vil`OQLlH, _ Ag;YA__}A;·  T i- ZA     ri `   {Z   ` `T lA A;' Aa    ‘ l  y
Wis., Called Hal·pei·‘g Land, whew she teaches and · A   {     €A  AA   ~   A1; `~    .      ` Af A·
gi\/CS C( )l]CCl`[S Clllflllg [l`1C SLIITIIHCI`. —*      Ai   T  A. A. Ai , A .: 11    A A
Schneider has begun giving lessons to adult be-       pi  ’A §P”· , `g   'faf _U,_&$gé`..·gs   _?   
ginners at her home in Winona, Minn., and at   °.4*'  if    A` A   iw., _
Viterbo College in La Crosse, Wis. Her students ;»¤¥£_,Q,,`       6}/      ,   ~ A  A"   v i .  
tend to be either in the healing professions them- T   =%`,,._ » :  {Al     AQ;       i _    
1 selves or working on their own healing. Schneider [ AA;  Ay V in éf{_. A -,,1     A   A      ; _   WA
says some of her students are dealing with health         I  AA-‘ _,;      » ._,,_ ·¤ 
issues such as depression, post—polio syndrome and ,. A  .;Zi`·/}       7*   ' A” AA     *    ._ A ~ ·* 
CHHCCI-A · i"7 A   ii   Aff if i'   K QiA;¢; ‘A A *AA'A ; _.  A  
The belief is that the vibrations of the harp, '     A \,`AA    A A1  A`   
which players hold to their shoulder, can help in                 I A ai ·5*     A
the healing process. , .‘ A1   ._l·\   .f,‘;A5_·{A°{     7 \_     ·  
lt might sound strange, but whenever  {     t` .   41       AA A     
Schneider`s student, massage therapist Patti Raak, gl- ,     Af iz§?‘A*  !°   I   ’   .A ‘g AA A _ A§ 
hits a certain string on her arpeggios, I feel the vi- if    __ `·;·;’I_§$  {yu [ 'AA· · A    
bration travel across the porch floor, up my legs ¥  1 Eif‘1A i Fig}?  ·¥'Q.€ .‘, QA ~ Ark., Ag', L A   »
and through my body. Schneider later tells me I vi- , ·         ·_ »   ., AI/A  
brate with low IZ. __ R5,  -. .     AA-A gri      A{  EA 
‘ It`s DOI SLll`l)l'lSlI]g \\’C I`CSl7()H(l, Sl`1€ SZIYS, l)€C2lLlS(1‘ t {P_gvA°' "{‘€;A? l§;?"·i, wr. VAQA §mé\.E; if   - gf;   A      y   »
the cells in our bodies vibrate constantly. I       v A· i.*A·:>·  .     A1 ‘ ····   ;AA VA \
In fact. one of the ways a therapeutic harpist s   N *_ A *__     A;       A   it  
works with a patient is to first find what vibrations ~ K `   if / A`A     ’¢· A      Ai_A   ·  
affect the person, and study the pitch of the 1f ‘ A,     ·A I   Q  1A V     A Y
persons voice. Schneider says she tries to find mu- ,"     y   ' :1   A -  _ A . I   .  ·’.
sic that soothes the patient. _- {  f 1 ` _ V 1;A." ._   .   »     A l
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