7(   RM HOMEtfZz(e/ue  
Volume 4, Number 1 ...................... VVinter 1958 F
A report of progress published quarterly by the Kentucky Agricultural
Experiment Station, University of Kentucky, Lexington
l{I·ZN'I`U(jl{Y AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT Materia] appearing in this nnhiieatihn may he _
ST ATION reproduced without further permission, provided
FRANK ]. WELCII ................................................ Director that {ui] acknowledgment is made O{ the source ·
ui l¥l’g1c:r; ..,...................,.................. M..Acting gireetor and that no Change in headings Oi. text is made
. . ARHIGUS ...... , ......................... SSOC13 6 l1'€C Of ,•th , i b , th h t `
\Vu.i.rA1xr A. Sims ........... . ........................ Adm. Assistant `H Out apprma l C aut or
]. ALLAN SMITH ..............................,. Agricultural Editor Address correspondence about articles in this puh- »_
Kentucky Farm and Home Science lication to either the authors orlthe Department of  
. Public Information and Educational Aids, Experi-
josnm-1 C. Duncan ................................................ Editor tst . B .ld. U ._ . {K k L _   -
Omnuu jonnson & Bmw F. Emznnrmrrr Asst. Editors {mm anon ul mg' mlersny O cmuc Y’ cl"
llomznr C. MAY ........................................ Photographer mgt°n‘ t
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