hormone-boron, 3.1 pounds; and sugar·hormone-boron- nature, slightly soluble in methyl alcohol, dialysable,
··¤. fertilizer, 3.3 pounds. and adsorbable on charcoal. The factor studied in
j gv Glass-house early yields were larger because the the laboratory was shown to produce bloat in sheep
'_ plants were set sooner and the harvest period was when given to the animal via a stomach tube. This
3 longer. type of study is an excellent example of how animal
MH Total Yields Higher studies and purely laboratory techniques may be co- U
’ ___ As for total yields, the plants averaged about 18 Ordmatcd m H C?nC€"€id_ cllolihm Solve Qllc Ol the
lm Pounds of fruit Per plant, considerably above the many complex problems in rummant nutrition.
ty?} usual 12 pounds—per-plant average of spring crops. Field Investigations
-* The highest total yield, nearly 19 pounds per plant, For many years the Kentucky livestock producer has
{ was obtained in one of the plastic greenhouses. while been plagued by losses from grass tetany. Five years "
the highest yield in the glass greenhouse was about ago the Animal Nutrition Section with the Animal
· 17 pounds. Pathology Department initiated an investigation of
fi The sugar was in the form of a 0.125 molar solution. grass tetany in Kentucky. The most logical approach
—.q· The hormone-boron material, a commercially mar- seemed through production of the condition in con- _
keted product, consisted of a synthetic growth-regulat- trolled experimental animals. After three years` in-
{4 ing substance and a soluble boron compound. The vestigation it became apparent that uncomplicated
l yy product was developed by Dr. Emmert and a patent grass tetany could not be produced in ewes under
n protecting it has been applied for by the Kentucky practical or semi-synthetic feeding regimes on the
· Research Foundation of the University of Kentucky. University of Kentucky experimental farm. Therefore,
· yl;. The commercial fertilizer consisted of various soil ap- the greatest progress was made through field investi-
plications of ammonium nitrate, 43% acid phosphate, gation.
' and potassium sulfate. ln all cases of grass tetany in cattle studied in 1955
.,. According to Emmert, the hormone (a synthetic) from the field the symptoms of grass tetany were ob-
acts to stimulate growth; the boron activates the served by an attending veterinarian. Only 2 cases of
N hormone and helps in the assimulation of sugar by the 20 exhaustively studied responded to accepted
·•·$ the plants, and the sugar provides a source of carbohy- therapy for grass tetany cases. A typical symptom of
F drate for growth when photosynthesis is curtailed, the Great Plains grassy tetany is a deficiency of 1nag—
3 such as during days of short-light periods. nesit1m in the blood. ln most of the cases studied near
‘ -{,>—· Associated with Dr. Emmert is Dr. Dudley Martin Lexington the blood serum magnesium was normal.
and (lornelius \\’ilson, _[r., technician, also of the However, it was noted that a dehciency of copper
Horticulture Department. existed in most of the cases investigated. This low-
`. . blood copper and the poor response to accepted ther- A
yl Work of Allilllal Nutrition S€CIl0Il apy for grass tetany indicated the presence of a com-
_ _ i (C0’lll'""’d 7c'°”l Pagc 5) plicated grass tetany syndrome in Kentucky cattle.
fs. thylstilbestrol per animal daily via the feed or a 2.59/,, Research Service Laboratory
w Sllllplclllelll Gt Tulilllll YCRSL The staff of the Animal Nutrition Section operates
. Di€¤11>’l$¤ilb€S¤‘¤l al the level Ol 0-5 mg Pcl llollllll in conjunction with the teaching program a research
"\· al il S€ll‘l€‘l¤ P€ll€l€‘li lilllclllllg lalloll that mmilllled and service laboratory for the Animal Husbandry,
{ $11% lilllillcllbs Slglllgclllllllf lnclicllscll lll? Killlls of Poultry and Dairy Sections. Analyses lor major and
- l€€d€1 lfllllbb llllllllg ‘l 59*laY lccdlllg P€llOd· minor elements, protein, ash, moisture, crude fiber.
Bloct crude fat. cellulose, lignin, and plant pigments. and
. .-\n ever—prevalent problem in a pasture program determinations to indicate the characteristics of ani-
` using legumes such as alfalfa and 1.adino clover, mal tissues are conducted for research workers in .~\ui-
bloat has been studied through laboratory and animal mal lndustry. During the year of 1957. 11,000 deter-
· investigations for the last 3 years. These investigations minations, or approximately 4,000 samples. were
prompted the Animal Nutrition Section to report in analy/ed. Its research program, coordinated with its
. . ` 1055 that one of the factors contained in alfalfa that expanding graduate program, has pushed tl·e Animal
· was involved in the production of bloat had the fol- Nutrition Section forward to recognition. \\'ith ex-
lowing properties: panded and adetptate facilities, more research data.
lt is heat—stab1c, soluble in water, nou—protein in basic and applied may be evident.
Kicxrucxr Faust AND Hosta Sc:rr»:r·:<:r1:—\Vrr~11aaa 1958 7 ’