Drefatorg Remarks
HE SUMMER SCHOOL of the State College of Kentucky ,
  invites to its halls and laboratories any earnest student who S
desires during the summer vacation to pursue any of the iv
various courses herein offered. Attention is called to the announce- l
ments of these tive schools offering as they do more than thirty —
courses of instruction. The laboratories of State College, physiological, 1
physical, and mechanical, excelling as they do all other such labora-
tories in the state, will thus be opened to all students in Kentucky
or adjoining states at a time when they may take advantage of them.
The Summer School for Teachers and the Summer School of Arts
0Her unusual opportunities, the one for teachers, the other for college
students or those preparing for college.
The College, with its commodious dormitories for both men and
_ women, situated in broad, shady, well-kept grounds, just within the
southern limits of the city of Lexington, is an ideal place to spend a
summer vacation.
The rooms of the dormitories are free of rent to all students of
the Summer School. Those expecting to use these rooms should pro-
vide themselves with the necessary bed linen and such covers as they
may need. Good table board may be had for two or three dollars a
week. U
All the schools begin between the fifth and twelfth of june. The
exact date of beginning, the length of term, and the fees charged,
vary with the different schools and may be found in the announce-
ments which follow.