l State Summer School for Zfeacbers  
june 11th-——]uly 2oth. p
FACU 1:rv. {
z Mrmvoao Warm, M. S., Director, j
Psychology, Pedagogy, and Mathematics.
J. T. C. Nos, M. A., .
English, Latin, and History. *
J. W. Pnvok, M. D.,  
Physiology. `
M. L. Pmzca, M. S.,
WM. S. WEBB, M. S.,
Free-hand Drawing.
At the annual meeting of the Trustees of the State College of Ken-
tucky held in December, 1902, the Kentucky State Summer School for
Teachers was established and placed under the direction of the Depart-
ment of Pedagogy of the College. The sole object of the Summer School ’
is to prepare teachers for more effective work in the public schools of
Kentucky. Its success during the three years of its existence has demon-
strated its usefulness in the iield in which it operates. It is, therefore, no
i longer an experiment. It has come to stay and will open its doors annually
` to those who wish to enter and pursue its courses of study.
, ` necono.
The Summer School points with pleasure to its record of past years.
The number of its matriculates has increased steadily year after year and
its courses of study have been broadened and strengthened from time to
time. Not a single failure was made in examination by any member of the