4 Stale College Summer Se/wal. It
  Summer;Schoollof 1905. Seven obtained State Certificates with averages ~
  above @95 per cent.; three obtained County Superintendents’ Certincates, i
  and many others, high grade County Certificates, some averaging above 98 `
l per cent. i
Q The aims of the Summer School for Teachers are as follows 2 L
Q 1. To prepare teachers to pass successfully all examinations for County  
  Certificate, State Certificate, and State Diploma. This requires a thorough  
l and comprehensive knowledge of the branches contained in the curriculum; 4
i therefore, searching reviews in all these branches will be conducted by  
{ teachers;who are experts in their respective lines.  
E 2.f' T0 give to teachers such instruction and training in educational l
{ method and school management as will prepare them to do the most effec- li
I tive worklin their schools. The science of education and the art of teaching
§ will receive special attention in a course of lectures extending throughout
* the term.
Q 3. To offer to teachers the very best opportunities for self—in1provement
l at a time when they are not engaged in teaching and at a cost so low as to
  be easily within the reach of all.
  ‘ Thousands of Kentucky teachers who desire to become more eflicient
Q, in their work cannot go to school except during the summer mouths.
l Traveling expenses to the summer schools of the North would amount to l
l more than the entire cost of a term here. The Kentucky State Summer
School removes all these difiiculties. lt ofTers courses of study selected
g especially to meet the needs of Kentucky teachers. It is located at the l
, State College where it has the full benefit of the largest and most beautiful ·
L campus in the State; it uses, free of charge, the buildings, laboratories, and (
other equipments of the College; and its students get full benefit of the V 
dormitories free of rent.  
; The Summer School for Teachers will open on Monday, June the llth,   `
L and continue six weeks. A special examination for State Certificate will  
gv be held at the close by the teachers in charge.  
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