State C0/lege Summer Sc/zavl. 7 4
,» U From the above statement it is easily seen that the total cost of
attending the Summer School need not exceed the following:
{ Fee ....................,.........,...,........,......... . .... $ 6 00
I Room Rent Free ........... . ...... . ..................... 0 00
l Board for six weeks at $2.00 to $3.00 ...... . ..... 12 00 to $18 00
P Total .   ,... . .................... . .............. $18 00 to $24 00
This does not include cost of laundry or books.
The following text books will be used during the summer term :
Ray's Arithmetics, W€DtW0fth,S Higher Algebra, Beman and Smith’s
Geometry, McLean and B1aisdell’s Steps in English, Williams’ Composition A
and Rhetoric, ]ohnson’s History of English and American Literature, `
Blaisdell’s First Steps with English and American Authors, Montgomery’s
History, Natural Advanced Geography, Petern1an’s Civil Government,
Martin’s Human Body, Gage‘s Elements of Physics, Smiley and Storke’s
Latin Grammar, Branson’s Edition of Page's Theory and Practice of
Teaching, and' Halleck’s Psychology. _
Other information may be had by writing to l
119 Washington Ave., Lexington, Ky. L