._  1   .    ,._,   ,, "    .. 1.    ·_éA, 1-  .   Q M - E i e . . ee? ‘
  • Uirgil McClure. G90"8`9 A- Bain.  ii?
    Athletic Goods _  
  . . .  
  \§’° R, .\\ °  
.   Gymnasium Sum and Show Prmtzng, Jtatzanery, Erzgravmg, B00ks.  E,.
` m   Fishing ·l—ackl€_ ./I Full Line of College ’1'ext=B00ks.  
,‘ m A m?   \\  
_ [=;,m%;?'i;y_ {talking Machines.   LEXINGTON, — - — KENTUCKY.  
. . ‘ TQ-    :7,..
  Complete Line of Bicycles. r eg;         y jp;  
1       i‘‘l"‘“                    
‘ · Sundries and Repairs.                 ·‘‘‘   ‘‘-»‘   n       .___,_.}?-       K_.-~»·   rl)  
Bl C I C ‘ u  
  E M8 TGSS yi'} Q 0. 1 §LQR§$Tm , 
‘ ( 116 East Main, Lexington. Phone 503 r  
. Tm “  m iiine Dome Geown Cut flowers a Specialty.  
  The Dtmubtll-Htgtlmtll      
» ‘ ·l*’E’   t 131 W. Mem   Phone 254.  
    For Young Women. } m....         ele.
T Well Equipped Faculty azmii. m_0st i          
Modern end Comfortahle @@01- l MANUFACTURE  
1 lege Buildings in the @0uth .,.. { K ml  E
i Thorough Instruction in Music, A:·t and Elocution.            
I ‘ G mnasium, Capable Teacher in Ph sicul Culture. ¤ _  
. schoolyopcns september Sth, 1903- Fc; Catalogue address é Repairing neatly executed. Special discount to students,  J
' l . `  ;.
  B. C. Hagerman, Pres., Lexington, Ky.   105 East Main Street, Lexington, Ky. J