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· ccsscs of Schrm] organnzaflon amd g0v0r11mcnT. (3) T0 1I]ust1‘:1’n¤ tho most mfimml HW did,im_im._l\. P1,0j·C<Q`\` 15 Irl‘if\l]l lll H10 lilii [PF1!} nl HIP ><\]>ll*\lIl*WI'l‘ \'<’2il`. Jlllil °
V , From those oouwos haw gmac out some wm successful TLO2l(,‘ll&‘Y`S mw 1110 publw _ 1 I I I · · ·_ _ 3 i I I I Y I — _ 1
A rr · l - 1% t‘ l`]`] ‘ 1l`)llJ`l T.} · }"l1l:ll1llU2 YW) Y "ll`S. {`1· I I1‘l` \\’ >T ` \ { W (*1l1l‘F ‘ IS [Hill O
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’ .· · 7 - ·""\’ `( UFS ‘ l.` not H1 \` "H *f·§l‘l· PHI VU l‘S$l<1ll2l €‘<>lll`¥l‘. lll IS ‘l SH CU UI"]
,   the <·0m‘sr¤ 111 Gmmml 1’<*d:1g0g)‘, and have boon (‘1]2Il}1C‘d Thorchy to takn up tho work pg- _ ° ` ` _ l °· " ( _ ll ` ‘ ~;
  Of t(`.1ChiHU· in qohoolq Of high (,1..ldP IH E} 1`HQIW (1‘»£‘ wl Nw {UNI]. · '
.~ ji Many of those who have complctcd the COUIITY CO1'J[jHCii1tC or State C'<·1·iiIi0ai`<~ )Im1_x· _muug mm uml \\'<1i}H*ll lmw 1·¤·c·ug11iz¤·¤] its vnlmv in both 1'L‘S]')(‘CY$, and _
  Course are now County Supwi11tc~11d011ts, C`0u111·y ]·]xmuium·s, or in clmrgc nf thu lmw €l\'Llj](’(] tl1c111s¢·lx·<~s of its {mining and disuiplimn Lust _\`l*ill` ilxrerv w<¤1·¤· eight _
  best schools in their 1·cs]>0ct.iv0 lnculitics. As Z1 result the Normal Splmol of the Q`I'2l<]ll2\i(‘S .:111l<»y<2d ¢—i‘rl1c·1· in doing smnw i]l}P0l"i'flUi slmrv (
    State College reaches and favorably affects the very sources to which the cmllogc 0f the wo1‘1d`s work or in CO1N`i11Ui1]g` their studios in gqudlmxtc c·m1rsus.
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