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l  Department of P/zyszcs i
  ’»`4_ I   The Department of Physics was cstablishccl by act of thc Board of Trustees to German and one eaclris givcn to history and political economy, and one to logic, .l  
  at its meeting in Junc, 18%, and Prof. Ponce was appointcd instructor in this mental and moal philosopliy. Five months arc assigned to zoology and iiyc to ‘  
  department. Instruction in physics, howcvcr, has previously been givcn since the geology. l ‘   
l   n collcgc first bcgan work. For 21 long time physics and chemistry were taught by The work proper in physics licgins in thc Sophomore ycar. (ll1l`lHg‘ tho first 1
- ‘_,;_i thc same person, who was professor of physics and chemistry. Then, latcr: for a term of which there arc lcctnrcs, fully illustrated by cxpcriiiiviits. with rccitaiions i
"   r fcw years, thc professor of civil cnginccring taught physics. Gradually the col- one hour daily. This work oinlmicns thc subjects ol` molar, mol<~<·nla1· and othcr l Q
Q,   lege developed and broadened its line of work. ln sonic cases old departments of dynamics, treating of the general properties of matter, sound. heat ligl1t<—lcct1·icity _  
A z   instruction branched into new clctiartnicnts and other new dc iartincnts wore and magnctisin, and is intended to vivo the student a qcncral lmowlcrc of ihysical
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V fj; created. Opportunity was given for niorc thorough work in many subjects. In phenomena and of physical laws, and to prcparc him for thc practical work that  
V _···_ ffl;. fact, more thorough work was required. Xcw graduate courscs, sonic lcading to new l follows. ·
  degrees, were established. ln this development, the most prominent, perliops, Laboratory practice, one and one-half liours daily, follows and l‘0llTl!1ll("F dur-
_ __»,` ;_LQj»_ have been the advances in scicntiiio work. Thcrc are now splendid facilities and ing tho remainder of thc year. Experimental work is donc in thc lllf‘£‘ll2ll1l("F of
  exceptional opportunities for doing work in many of the scioncos, solids, liquids and gases, and in heat. during thc sccond tcrin; and in electricity
    The course in physics is otfcrcd to those who may {ind in its schedule of studios and muSDCllF“l¤ Smmd ml lmllt in HW llllm l(`l`“l·
  __,` lines of work which pursued may enable them to enter succossfully on some lifo Tho iidvamod work of the junior your is speciiiocl. 'l`l1cr¢1· arc llll1$tl'G.1TT‘ll lcct-
* _’-, Z`- profcssion. lt is intended for those whosc natural tastes and abilities lead them urea and 1`(‘(‘ll'i1llOl]S one hour daily tlll`Ull{Il1Ullli thc _v¤·a1·. l·]lr·ctriciiy and magnv- ’
__  to pursue such studies as well as for those who wish to teach physics or to do tism arc studied during the first term; heat, thc second term, and light. the third.
l jj.:15.}g;l; work in physical science. ln thc prcscnt highly scientific ago, tho greatest tlcvoloiw Much importance is attached to all work in thc laboratory. liacli sturlcnt is
,.,._   ments have been in physical sciences and those who are host able to recognize physi- furnirliod with the iiocessa¤·y apparatus and must kocp :1 systvniatic record of all _
—   cal laws and accurately intcrprct physical plicnoniena. his oxpcriincnts giving data and rcsults of cach.
  Tho course is not tcclmical. It is as broadly scientific as the conditions under During thu senior your, licsidcs carrying thc othcr sluclics rcqnircd in this
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  which It cmsts will allow. Thrco ycars are devoted to theoretical and oxporiniontp,1 course, the student givcs his time mainly to thc ])I‘E‘])31Ht10ll ot a thesis. vllmh is
l   Jhsics. thrcc and onc-half to niatlicniatics and astronomy. two to ldiiolisli. two rot uircd for racluation.
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