Day" Chapel
Address Concerns The
Universities Problems

"Between-U- s

formed thnt it has been such n short
time since the Sponsors took charge of
their commnnds but last year's election
was not held until the year wns almost
gone. The commissions will be presented
ntsomc period during the progrnm of the
Militnry Bnll in the Armory and the
event will be so plnnncd thnt it will be an
impressive devintion from tho regular
order which has hnd quite the snmcness
yenr from year.

minutes to piny Lavin started the Wildcats comebnek with n field gonl tying the
scoreThis performance wns duplicnted


Hnyden nnd King
by Adkins.
mndc a field goal apiece nnd Georgetown called time out just ns Kink started
left to play. In thnt 40 seconds King
lef to piny. In thnt 40 seconds King
shot tho foul and nlso mndc a field

"Home of Students"
Good Things To


Georgetown (17)
Kentucky (26)
(7) Funk
The bulletin bonrd holds nn interesting Hnyden (2)
President McVcy's principnl request
(2) Dnniels
chnrt showing standing of the three W. King (0)
day" mes- Companies ns result of the Compnny Adkins (10)
his semiannual "betwecn-u- s
(6) Forwood
sage to students nnd fnculty Tucsdny competition mnrks for last semester. Lnvin (5)
(2) Porter
morning nt Chnpel wns "Do your own
Their standings with number of points Burnhnm
thinking." His address wns concerning are; C first, 701; B second, 697; A third
Georgetown :
J ncoby
the evolution measure which has recent- G84.
for Dnniels.
ly been introduced into the Legislature
and in which every teacher nnd student
The rifle tenm is now shooting the KENTUKY LEGISLATURE GUESTS OF
in Kentucky is deeply interested and con- second phase which includes two posiBOARD OF COMMERCE
cerning the appropriation for which the tions, prone and standing. On next
(Continued from pnge 1)
University is asking.
Thursday the match with University of
Dr. McVey is of the opinion thnt the
The committee from the University
Indiana, Bloomington, will take place,
legislature wnnts to support the Uni- and the "visitors" have asked for the which will hnve charge of the entertainversity in its expansion progrnm but prone position to bo fired. During these ing consists of: Enoch Grehan, chaircannot see the way for n lnrger appro- matches none of the teams leave their man, Carroll M. Sax, W. S. Hamilton,
priation nt present. There is no con- respective universities but just exchange Grant C. Knight, Misses Frances Jewell,
nection between the agitation
Margaret McLaughlin, Virginia Anderrecords of results.
evolution and the chances for greater
son, Ruth Elliott, Mabclle Carnell, Paulfinancial support, so far as he can learn,
This week the firing in tho Fifth Corps ine Wherry, and Mrs. Wherry.
he said.
Area will be staged with fifteen men in
"Dnrwinism is nn explanation of n
the aggregation from which ten highest INTERESTING PROGRAM OF LITTLE
hnvc abanprocess, nnd most scientists
shots will be taken. The result of last
doned his theory as inndequnte to mod- week's firing reveals the standing of
(Continued from page 1)
ern science," Dr. McVey said. "No repu- points; Baumgarten, 95;
table scientist has hitched man to the F. A. C, 93; Enlow, 91; Johnson, V. D. tained all of the spirit and style of the
monkey and made acceptance of such
89; Wells, 88; Bentley, 87; Wilkins, 85; original story. This bill wil be presented
a relation necessary to the whole scien- Wilson, 85 Johnson, 84; Anderson, C. on March 6 and 7 in The Little Theatre.
tific process of development.
The second big feature of the season's
84; Trusty, 83; Davidson, 86; Phillips,
is n great general principle of growth, 83; Dean, 82.
program will be a bill of three plays
an idea of development during long ages
which will be presented of the 24 and
under varying influences of climate, sur25 of March. The first of the numbers
A wild rumor to the effect that an
roundings and food, the belief that the
play written by Prof.
will be a one-athings now found in the heavens and election, which is an entirely new C. M. Sax of the Art Department of the
activities, is to be
"wrinkle" in student
earth evolved gradually and slowly.
University. It is medieval in design and
"The question of religion is an individ- staged with the ultimate result that costums.
The second play will be "The
by the
ual motter. It must not be confused with nurses will be chosen for and
First and The Last" by John Galsworthy
As students you should not Battalion some time in the near future. and the parts will be taken by Mrs. Sallie
allow yourselves to be confused with The method of selection to be the
Bullock Cave, Prof. W. H. Mikesell and
and statements, but do as employed in choosing the sponsorsmere assertions
Mr. Gus Gay. It is a play in three
After exhausting every known means scenes and is a very tragic and promises
your own thinking. Much of the present
(known only to
agitation about evolution is due to half obtaining information
to be one of the best pices of drama
news reportfirst class and high-type- d
baked statements by students in arguproduction which has been given in the
ments with persons who have no back- ers) ; after tracing every clew presenting Little Theatre. The third of the series
itself; after interviewing many officials
ground of modern science."
will be "The Man Who Married a Dumb
and visiting the Department of PsycholWife" by Antolo France and its principal
ogy and subjecting the matter to a
parts will be taken by Miss Anna Peck
severe test, it was both found and dewho will take the part of Catherine and
that there was absolutely not a
On Monday and Tuesday, February 13 termined
Prof. Grant C. Knight who will take
will select the spark of truth in the
and 14, the Battalion
the part of Judge Botal the husband of
Then the next thing to consider was
Cadet Sponsor for this semester and
Catherine. This last play which has
logical question, how did the report
first semester of next year and on the the
been so popular and given with very
was the foundation for
following two days the Sponsors for the start and what
marked success will be a treat to those
thing and the only solution to
companies and platoons will be chosen to such a
will realize the value of a play written
situation was that because of the by
serve the same length of time. The the
the hand of Anatole France.
"handed" us by the Budget Comballoting will be done by the Cadets dur- "deal"
The Third big feature for the year will
and the furor
ing the regular periods they report for mission of the
take place in the latter part of April and
caused over Evolution have both made
military recitation work.
will be a play which is based on the life
is a real need of
According to Colonel Freeman only us so sick that there
in Kentucky. It promises to be a new
several nurses for some time
freshman, sophomore and junior girls services of
departure from the regular programs of
to come.
will be elegible to receive these honors
The Little Theatre and will be a demonand only those who have standings of 1.
stration of the Little Theatre as being an
Other words, a senior is not elegible be- OLD "KENTUCKY'S" FIVE DEFEATS educational force in the community as
cause since Sponsors will be chosen to
well as of splendid entertaining quali(Continued from page 1)
serve this semester and the first one of
ties. The Little Theatre desires to make
next year a girl graduating in June
further announcement of details of the
would in all probability not be here next tain the record already made this sea- April play.
year. He also made it clear that present son.
The weekly matinees of the dramatic
Monday night the Wildcats will battle Production class which will be given
incumbents who will not be graduated
before the close of next semester will be with University of Virginia Basketball every Thursday afternoon at 4 o'clock
Team on the Charlottesville floor. A promises to be of unusual success this
also elegible.
For Cadet Sponsor a member of the comparison of scores shows that Virginia for the first series of plays and the first
Battalion will place upon his ballot the is not as strong as Washington and Lee year. Rehearsals are already in progress
name of only one for Company and and tho victory of Kentucky over Washone to be presented will be Campbell of
Platoon Sponsors only names of three ington and Lee gives the wearers of the Kilmhor by J. A. Furgerson. Feb. 24.
girls, and members of the Band will write Blue and White a decided edge over the The purpose of these weekly plays is not
only two. For the office of Cadet Spon- University of Virginia Quintet.
merely to train students in dramatic insor the girl receiving the highest numterpretation but to experiment in various
ber of votes will bo declared the winner, WILDCATS ADD SCALP OF TIGERS lichting and scenic effects. The student
body and general public are freely in
the one receiving the highest number
(Continued from page 1)
cast by each Company will represent
vited to attend.
that particular group and the girl reFor tho Big Features of tho Little
ceiving the highest number cast in the rush, running a 0 lead a little after Theatre Program Trof. C. M. Sax will be
end of
Season tickets for tho
entire Platoon is proclaimed Platoon tho opening whistle. Toward the
Art Director.
overtook and
By the system of voting for the first half Kentucky
three big features of tho Season's proby a 10 to
three, it will make it possible for honors passed tho lead of Georgetown
gram are $2.00 and are on sale in the
end of
to be distributed among a greater num- 8 score, but a minute before the
Little Theatre office and applications arc
than if n less number tho first period, just to make things
in order.
ber of the
absent-mindedl- y
considered. Colonel Freeman pointwere
weekly matinee is freely open to students
15 foot mark and
ed out that it is possible for one girl to shot a goal from tho
faculty and nublic.
appear on the ballot of every Company the knot wns tied again.
Tigers eased
In tho second period tho
but tho one giving her the largest num
12 to 10 lead.
ber of votes would claim her, and out of by Kentucky with a
be little later Lavin shot a foul and Adkins
(!,, numtwit- - nf vntfn enst
made a sensational goal from the middle
selected the Platoon Sponsors.
seconds he
Tho contest will not be so spirited in of the floor. In a few
only the matter made a goul from un even greater disSHOP
tho Band for it will bo
the girl tance. Not to be outdone Forwood of
of ono being selected
goal and Funk again
who receives tho largest vote will bo the Tigers shot a
knotted tho score at 15 with u foul, and
awarded the honor.
Tigers in the
Election being staged at tho regular a few minutes put the
field goal. With only nine
time this year but it seems to tho unin leud with a


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