the expense of the following!









t- -

(Journalism Class). "It in
interesting to note the origin of the
various slang expressions which come
Mr- -

How doth the gentle laundress
Search out the weakest points,
And always scrape the buttons
At the most strngctic points?


Does any one know why

Into usage.

girls nre referred to as peaches?
Fresh Soph. Because, the more you
handle them the mushier they got.
Sad Hut True
Mnry doesn't rouge her lips,
Neither docs she pnint;
"Is she n hit among the men?"
well she nin't
You know d

For Dog Lovers
Brack "Nice dog you hnvo there."
Tnylo'r "Yes, but he's a consumptive.'
Hrack "Consumptive ?"
Truman "Yes, Spitz blood."
Once is Enough
Hombrook "Basketball is sure a rough
She "Do plnycrs get killed often?"
Hombrook '"No, dear, only once."

The yellow slip for mo
New Bonks In the Library
"The Ice Man," n study of the great Below, below, the prof- - lectures low
Sleep, thou foolish one, sleep thou foolish
white weigh by Hooda Thunktt.
"His B. V. D's," n story of the underone, sleep.
world by "Toddy" Bnyrc.
"Bull Durham," a story in the mak-ln- ',
One Better
by Phil Thee.
He "May I call you revenge?"
P. S. This paper will be discontinued
"Gcrly's Carter," by E. Lastlquc, this
She "Why?"
Is a snappy tale, gang.
the first of the year.
He "Because revenge Is sweet."
She "I will call you vcngcncc then."
Again Slush!
Oh Slush!-AnIt Pays to Advertise
lie "Why?"
Bess "Dear, the moonbeams look very
She "Because vengeance is mine."
"Your money or your

pure tonight."
Doug Potter Sez
Johnny "Yes, love, they arc filtering
"Shoot if you please, I wear
A famous
Paris Carters and no metal can touch down through the branches of the trees."
painter met his death
Because ho couldn't draw his breath.


Icy Inspiration
sit here pounding wheezes,
I enn feel the winter breezes,
Put It Out
As they seem to say 'tween sneezes,
Tuller "I hear your father won't let
you have a enr at school since Lucille "Better wear thick Becvccdcczcs."

Her lips wore ashen with passion.

As I



Ought to Have


Frosh "That girl treats

Jun "Yes, she has had you on
for n long time."

has gone to school."
Conner "Yes- - Ho says ho doesn't
want me burning the midnight oil so
close to an old flame." Lord Jeff.

His lips were ashen with passion.
"Ashes to ashes."

"Nurse, did you kill the germs in
baby's milk?"
"Yes, ma'am; I run it through the
meat chopper twice."

me like

So-L- o
No Use Now
Dick Potter "The doctor told mc if Sweet nnd low, sweet nnd low,
I didn't slop smoking
I would be
,Arc the grades that come to mc;
Next wool: every student will bo
Low,low, too darn low
thoroughly convinced that the slogan
We hereby resolve to ban from the
Biehl "Then, why in the devil did you
To acquire my credits three.
"They shall not pass" originated nt U. of columns of this paper all jokes made at stop?"
Red and Black.
In the morning mail the fated blow


the modorn styles in women's
It's time for drastic action.
The wife who was once your better half
Is your improper fraction.



rolling bone gathers much loss.

I'll Say It Is
Draa "Whnt is georgette?"
"K" "Sheer waste, dummy."


"Yes! What about?"

"? It it so?"
Prof. Hicks (who had been
cussing the matter) "'A corsets so."
Even Mary is a vegetarian
is a mushroom.



Nerve G'wan!
Orange Peel.



her parlor

Though College days
Have their delights
They can't compare
With College night3,





a night like

Tease mc an' I will

The Psychology Club will meet on the
first Thursday afternoon of the second
semester, in the psychology laboratory,
second floor, Neville Hall, Miss Lowe will
lead the discussion which will be on "Insanity." Refreshments will be served.
The department of Vocational Teaching is offering this semester, three new
courses of general interest to students
in the College of Arts and Sciences;
particularly to those majoring in educationThe first of these is Vocational Teacher Training, 29. This is an informational
course which takes up vocational education from the standpoint of the worker in
the rural field. The second course parallel
to the first, is Vocational Teacher Training 31. This course takes up urban voAnother course is
cational education.
and application,
Community Analyses
given two hours a week by Mr. Sindell.
Studies are made of all types of rural and
some urban agencies and basic principles
for encouraging organiation of desired
agencies. The first two courses mentioned, arc planned to give general training
and to sketch the field in two points;
the angular view in the first is that of the
open country or small town. The second
is urban vocation which deals with the

large industrial centers.
Up to his girls house came Rick
But when he arrived she was taking a
dear, slip on something,
down, moi cher chic!"
So she slipped on the soap and came
down mighty quick.

Nikola Tesla
of Nikola Tcsla will always
with the invention and earlier
developments of the induction motor. In fact,
at one time this typo of apparatus was known
almost exclusively as the "Tcsla" motor.
Tcsla devised this motor back near the beginnings of the electrical business, when practically everything was built by "cut and try"
methods, and none of the accurate analytical processes of later days had been developed. It may bo
said broadly that Tesla knew two fundamental
facts first, that if a magnet were moved across
a sheet of conducting metal, it would tend to
drag this metal along; and, second, that the
effects of such a moving magnet could be produced by suitably disposed polyphase currents
acting on a stationary magnetic structure.
Perhaps others, at that time, also knew these
two facts, but if so, apparently they knew them
only as two isolated facts. Tesla considered
them in combination and the result was the
Tesla motor, or what is now known broadly as
the "induction motor." These two facts, in
combination, represent a fundamental conception, and all of the many millions of horsepower
of induction motors in use today throughout the
world, are based upon these two fundamentals.
Naturally, Westinghousc, having fought single
handed to advance the alternating current system,
was supremely interested in the new type of
motor. What if the new motor did require


polyphase circuits, while all existing circuits
were single phase?
What if it did require
lower frequency than .any existing commercial,
circuits? These were merely details of the future
universal alternating system.
The important
thing was to obtain an ideally simple type of
alternating current motor, which Tesla's invention offered. Tcsla furnished the fundamental idea.
lie and his associates, working for Mr. Westinghousc, proved that thoroughly operative
induction motors could be built, provided suitable
frequencies and phases were available. What
matter if they did not produce an operative
commercial system at the time? AVhat matter if
it needed the powerful analytical engineers of
later date to bring the system to a truly practicable stage men with intimate constructive
knowledge of magnetic circuits men on intimate
terms with reactive coefficients and other magnetic
attributes totally unknown to Tcsla and his coworkers? In time the motor was made commercial, and it has been a tremendous factor in
revolutionizing the electrical industry.
Probably no one electrical device has had more
analytical and mathematical ability
expended upon it than the induction motor.
The practical result has been one of the simplest
and most effective types of power machinery in
use today. Thus Tesla's fundamental ideas and
Wcstinghouse's foresight have led to an enormous
advance in the world's development.


Poor Thing





Dram "I don't know, why?"
Slim ''Uccauso his quiver is in the

wrong place"


"I hear prohibition hit him so hard
he went olf and killed himself."
"No. hcrpicide."
Oh You Hudson!
Fat.."My clutch ia awfully weak,'- -'
Fair One,"Yes, so I have noticed.'--'

Westing house



