7 . , K $!26$•••v··  
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i vw if f A  E'
"([wzr1‘01rs :1%*:/:1* /1':·r_/im‘z·w·,-" if
"l$ut uzteh true kniglttstill:1idtl1erigl1t. `
` However cynies mock it,  
_ '|`o uid Love‘s law, we ntoelerns drnw I
The money l`l`l|lIl the pueket." _
'I`he best loved people in the world Ill'€ those who are liberal; ~
the most hated are those who are pnrsiinonious. This is a day and ‘
nge when it takes more 111oney to make more, and the save-a· ` 1 .
(lllll€·Zlll(l·l(`·$€·{`l·(lOll£ll‘ policy is not eliamcteristic of the success- :
ful man. It is It hoy`s duty to aid i11 every good College enter-
prise. lf you did not give soniething to nid the Athletic Asso- l
eiation you ought to be ftSllEll1l€(l of yourself. It is not too late ;
now. (live the money to \\'ade l·’erl:1tor. It should be drained, cleaned, gruveled  
. . - U