  1, ul
I   i
  The Appropriation.  
V The inenihers of the last General Assemhly were financiers.  
1 The $60,000 appropriated (or rather invested) to State College i
` will return :1 hundred fold.
A .;*.2*.,*
  The Next Legislature. t
Clmrlottesyille, Ya.
Law [
'l`he ahoye advertiseinent is soinething like the general an-  
nouncenient of `\'irginia’s famous Ilniversity. I11 college vernacular  
"Its up to the Legislature" as to how long they will allow the i
University of Kentucky (the legal name of which is the A. &
I Z\I. College of Kentucky) to exist only half university. Vl'hy can-
not Ol1l“ next Legislature catch the spirit of that of ’yS and
hreathe new life into this scl1o0l—that Legislature which said:
"\\'e owe it to ourselves and our posterity to estahlish a I I}H.'Z'(`l'— ,
xfrfit like unto that which has made Virginia scarce less famous T
than the achieveinents "0f ll(fl` greatest sons."
\\1’e need a Law School, a Medical and a Dental Dcpartnient,   1
Tl1ere’s no reason why they should not he estahlislied i11 connec— f,
tion with this institution. Agitationl Tlierein lies their success.  
I The people fro111 Pike to Fulton, from tl1e county of Kenton to i'
Cunilierland Gap should he made faniilar with tl1e great work of "
the State College. They should he made to know its necessities.
They should he taught to feel a pride in the school and when the
next (leueral Assembly meets, if proper steps are taken, it will
appropriate $25(),O()() in order to place this in the front rank of  
great ITlll\`Cl`SltlLiS. This can he accomplished, hut like all great 1
, things it will take il world of intelligent hustling to do it.   ·