my D0 Youths Quit School ? youths could be relieved of some unpaid work at home p
aud it the community could provide them l1101'€ part- .1;,
fC""'l"“"d f""" P"¥” 7) time paid work during the school term,   if school if
school. This finding applied to both the poorer and personnel would help youths from poorer families find  
"better-off" youth. The amount of paid work the youth suitable roles in extracurricular activities, and 4) if Q5.,
did while he was in school appeared to influence his teachers would encourage youths to remain in school. —
continuing his education. In this case, the youth who T *`
took advantage of opportunities to earn money while _ _ *,,,
he was going to school found that this money helped Wllcrc Kelltucklalls NOW Llvc
him “finance" his high school education. Although the (Caamzued from Page 5) *4 '
American public school is “free" to all children in the hgld those jr already bag (who are u SOI-{ gf "buj]t-ju" ff
school community, there is a substantial cost attzlehed assurance of a continuing high rate of natural in- ‘
tt) 2l.ttCll(l1lll(J(‘. Tile yOlltll \Vltl10Llt S\1fTl(Jl€I)t fLlD(lS is (;I·€;]_g€)’ 50 that p()1)ul;)_ti()]] i]]C]·r39_5g there jg ghpogt al-lt'}
barred from many school activities and cannot be in- certain. This will be true even if the rate of gain  
(l(‘}_)()ll(lL‘llt lll lllS (l€ZlllllgS \Vltl1 l1lS 5011001 fI`lC1l(lS. Tll€ [h[·()ugh ]](gt ]]]igI‘;]ti()[] (l@(;]·Q;_1g€S (;()uSidg]·al)ly_ V n
probable consequence is that he tends to withdraw The explmmtjou of population Changes in other W"
fl'()ll1 {lll \lll]_)l(‘ilS2l.llt Sltll1ltl()ll.   y0l1tl]S COlll(l l)(i TC- ;u·g;rg of the gtgtg is gjynilgr to that ()H€1·(g(l for Changes pi'-,.
ll(‘V(’(l of SONIC \lllp21l(l \V()I‘l< Ht l10ll1C 1lll(l   tilt} COIN- in Jgffgrgqu (;()ui]ty and E(;()u()l]]i(; Arg;]   It Should A _
mimity could pr<>vir<· part-time paid Work for be emplrasizetl that in all the other areas, rmmml in- A`?
youths during the school term—moro youths would be rrrcusc played an important role. Nletropolitan Area B 17·_ 
=1l>l¢‘ to Y<‘¤¤#1i¤¤ in lll}-{ll $€ll<><>l- had a slight gain through net migration, but more T
than seven times as great an increase through natural TT
Ycuthsl Attitudes and Chcrccteristiés increase. Metropolitan Area C lost through migration. wss
Similar to their parents. the youths who possessed but had a slight population increase because of a size- _ # ,
more favorable attitudes about the value of formal able natural increase. All of the non-metropolitan T"  ‘ ·
education tended to continue in school, while those economic areas lost through net migration and gained ,{~ ,
with less strong convictions about formal education through natural increase. The llOll—lll€tl'()P0lltllll areas {J
tended to drop out. Symptoms of ill-health were not which gained in population from 1950 to 1957 were imh
related to the youths` continuing or discontinuing their those with rates of loss from civilian migration less ykis.-
formal education. Nlental ability, as measured by LQ. than 10 percent of their 1950 populations, for their )**` `
tests. was significantly related to continuing in high rates of natural increase were large enough to offset
school. Apparently youths who had skill in solving the losses through migration. The five non-metro-
problems commonly found in l.Q. tests found these politan areas losing in population were those with gu.,
same skills useful in school. By virtue of their "doing rates of loss through migration greater than 10 per- J 
well." their teachers and friends probably encouraged cent; their migration losses were so heavy that natural i‘·‘
them to continue formal education. increase, great as it was in some cases, could not offset wx.
This survey showed that, aside from economic con- them. ‘~
ditions. other factors account for many youths drop- The data indicate that in the future, natural increase %*¤~‘
ping out of school. A larger percentage of Kentucky will less and less be able to offset heavy out·migration xm _~
rural youths could be influenced to obtain the benefits in the non-metropolitai1 areas. In the immediate A ‘·
of a high school education. 1) provided parents and future. at least, natural increase may well be more *°
youths could he influenced to adopt more favorable at- important in the increases of the population of Ken- g;,_
titudes about the value of formal education. ZZ) if tueky`s urban areas than net migration.
Kmml-ky Awlfulmlul lixlmlxwl Smlml I‘l·"<-\l Tr ron l’Rl\`\'I`l·` usr ’r ‘ hg
University of keulut ·y ‘· · ' ’ * · “ O A` Ol
I'Hi"gm"_ Ky l‘.\Y\iliN'l` or ros’r,x<:|c, saoo #3
riaweror .
l·`llEE-- Annual Report or Bulletin if
or Report of Progress ly}
· as.
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