for the freight from said region to New Orleans   the cost of getting back the goods to the West. Of the difference in time from the purchase of the cotton to the sale of the goods, great additional capital consequently necessary as well as agencies, &c. making altogether a difference of fully 20 per cent, on the value of goods manufactured if of coarse cottons, at present prices.

8th. That a demonstration of said advantages from actual experiment must ultimately transfer capital from Europe, if not from the Eastern States, to the West.

9th. That the most commanding point with proper energy and enterprize can be made to attract capital in preference to all others, and that Bon Harbor needs only those requisites to make it a city even by the aid of its manufactures, but by the extent of its coal trade.

10th. An immense business can be done, and great employment can be given to labor in this line, almost to an unlimited extent, and shewing that from the value of the mines alone, almost any estimate of the property would fall below the mark.

11 th. That it is the finest point, in the West for ship building, because of the unlimited supply of fine white oak timber, which it commands, and because of the rigging and sails which may be manufactured on the spot, and also because of abundant freights always to be had for direct shipment to Europe or elsewhere.

12th. As a point of commerce. Because its geographical position will enable it to command the country for a great extent in the interior, and in all probability make it the terminus on the Ohio, of the Georgia and South Carolina railroad.

13th. That capital invested in the United States is more secure than in any country on the globe. That the best investment is in real estate well chosen, but more especially if that estate be of coal property on navigation, convenient to the cotton region, healthy and well adapted to manufacturing, and that just such a point is Bon Harbor,