OF SCOTT COUNTY

                 IX August, 1904, the writer started
           4 Z to issue a simall pamphlet, giving a
                 blrief sketch of the early history of
                 Scott county. A number ot our
                 closest friends knew we had been
                 s-ekitig in rorlniation of a historieal
                 n-.ture fromii old citizens an(d col-
                 lecting likenesses of the oldest
                 citizens and houses. They urged
                 that this pamphlet be made a econa-
plete history, and probably our soi, Oliver Wallace
Gaines, iii late years might take uip the work and
publish it in three volumes, as the writer intended
to do within the niext five years.
   The size in which the history appears was urged
ly some of the leadling historians. in the country.
fistories pIltblished in book forim the size of the
family Bible to be plaeed in the cornier of a parlor or
library to catch the dinst of the room is a thing dTr
,he past. The obhject n10w is to catch the eye of the
younger generation, and for this reason and sugges-
tion the history apl)ears in this shape. The publica-
rioii of this book hlas required a long time, hard labor
titld a great expellse. We have had inany things to
eon te n(d wit fi- or instance, a flre. The writer has
beeni pulllishter, prinlter, pressman, pllhotographer,
besides editing the Georgetown News, the Scott
County Democrat and looking after the business of
tile B. 0. Gai aies Printery, anid twler such condition-s
there are bound to be iany errors and the work
badly eoipiled. The purchaser of tile book, how-
ever, will feel that he miade a good investment wheta
he btiys one at tie dollars.