University of Kentucky
                        Summary of Appropriations
                     Fiscal Years 1963-64 and 1964-65

                                     Proposed      Proposed
Appropriations:                      1963-64        1 %4-65

I.  Departments of Instruction & Res. $10, 146, 000 $12, 035, 000

II. Community Colleges                  778, 000   1,298,000

III. Summer Session                                  354, 000

IV. Organized Activities                372, 000     488, 000

V. Organized Research                 3,616,000    4,246, 000

VI. Libraries                           838,000      956,000

VII. Extension and Public Services   4, 884, 000  5, 142, 000

VIII.Maintenance and Operation of Plant  2, 616, 000  3, 040, 000

IX. Major Improvements                   85,000      225,000

X. Acquisition of Equipment              25, 000     200, 000

XI. Hospital-Excluding Indigent Care  1,674, 000  2,375,000

XII. Hospital-Indigent Care            1,814,000   3,519,000

XIII. Retirement System                              850, 000

XIV. General Administration            812, 000      936, 000

XV. Student Services                    713,000       857,000

XVI.Staff Benefits (Social Security)  368, 000       455, 000

XVII. General Instit. Services and Expense 590, 000  650, 000

XVIII.Student Aid                        14,000        14,000

XIX.Service Enterprises                 355,000       430,000

XX. Debt Service Costs                  650,000     1,101,000

XXI. Provision for Contingencies                      150,000

       Totals                       $30,350,000  $39,321, 000


$ 1,889,000



    116, 000

    630, 000

    118, 000


    424, 000

    140, 000

    175, 000



     850, 000

     124, 000

     144, 000

     87, 000

     60, 000

     75, 000

     451, 000

     150, 000

  $8, 971, 000