If authority is granted to proceed, it is contemplated that the new Student Pub-
lications Board would assume its duties next September 1. The functioning
of the student publications would remain the responsibility of the School of
Journalism until that time and student editorial appointments usually made dur-
ing the spring would be handled as in the past. It is planned, however, that
the members of the new Student Publications Board will be selected before the
end of the current semester.

    In the discussion that followed the presentation of the report, Dr. Denham
asked whether this action would provide more or less freedom of the press.
Dr. Oswald responded that he felt it would give the maximum opportunity for
the students to express themselves within the restrictions necessary for a student
paper.  The chairman asked for comments from members of the press and
from the editor of the Kernel but they indicated there were none.

    Mr. Ezelle moved that the Board of Trustees rescind its present policy
which places the responsibility for student publications with the School of Journal-
ism, such policy having been adopted by the Board on October 20, 1937. His
motion was seconded and carried without dissent.

    Mr. Ezelle then moved that the President be authorized to establish a Stu-
dent Publications Board with representation from students, faculty, and admin-
istration which would have responsibility for editorial and financial policy of
student publications and for personnel operating the camnpus-wide student publi-
cations, the Kernel and the Kentuckian. The motion was seconded and carried
without dissent.

    G. Governor Breathitt Welcomed

    Governor Breathitt arrived at 10:35 aim. and after a word of welcome from
Dr. Angelucci on behalf of the Board, the meeting was turned over to him.

    H. Financial Statement and Audits

    At the request of Governor Breathitt, Dr. Oswald continued with his pre-
sentation of the following report relative to the financial statement and audits
prepared by the firm of Peat, Marwick, Mitchell and Company:


Recommendation: that the Board of Trustees accept the financial statement for
the fiscal. year 1962-63 and the audit reports prepared by Peat, Marwick, Mitchell
and Company on each of the following.