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» This photograph by Feulures
I BQLLLEE S“€’ .1 il’£l‘§“§ mf E“?}E?T»69 F FFFeeF~F~eeFF or-   F F F F F   F
` I` H Y P C CO · HD l II · • .
. lnnnnn nl nnnnns len Anlllnnnl Mushburn. Seurchmg for Hrmself A New York reporter 6
I turing UK T0 order takes a look atjamal Mashburn and sees a young man whose
°°p‘€S’ `mfc Or ea are PRESIDENTELECT world has expanded along with his proficiency in basketball.
. UK Alumni T. Eugene *
Association. Spragens,jr. ’57
Labaaaa For He¤ven’s Suke Alumnus Reid Thompson ’73 looks to I0
‘ Vol. 63 no. l ISNO732- h h . h. l.f 7 k ln. _ _ . h d I d
6297 The Kemncky TREASURER t e eavens 1n IS 1 C\’\OI` 0 mtetptetrng t e ata gat 1ere
A Alumnus is ublished I/Villiam T. Uzzle ’62 D IHIICIZII ’ €X lOl`3.[lOHS ITOIH Vo ’3. CI` {IV-DVS to G2ll1l€O,S l`€-
P Y P `> P 5 S . . P
quarterly by the Birmingham, Ala. SCHIJOUYHCY {O Jupiter.
i University of Kentucky
~ Alumni Association, SECRETARY _ •
A 400 Rose Street, Bob C. Whitaker `58 T€¤Chmg, Flrsf Alumna Mary Frances Richardson ’63, ’67 I 2
F Egggglgwg   F m"k[°1`[ talks about her profession after being named Canada’s
# cemmrrmerrtaens, rue., Assocmrron srrtrr Pf0feSS0r of the Yeali
r Lexington, Kentucky,
for its dues-paying DIRECTOR 1, , _ .
members. Opinions Bob C. Vllhlmner .58 SQ Wh¤'I' Tclkes So Liang . UK s Center for Phannaceuucal I6
` expressed are not nec- Sc1ence and Technology arms to shorten the trme 1t takes to move a
€S$a“lY fh°$"f Of me EDITOR drug from discovery to the phannacist`s shelfwhere it can be dis-
` Unrversrty oi Kentucky, Lrz I-Ioward ’68 d 1 h d .
. [hc UKAIUIHIU p€HS€ to p€Op C VV O I.I€€ It.
Association or Host ASST. EDITOR
Communications. Kayjohnson ’86 Former
rerwmdrrlg and ourruarxcrr,/cturss ¤eP¤r'm¢n*$
address correction Stan Key ’72 -- - - -
,‘ requested. Send to The · . · . . l · _
Kclmmkynlmmusy MEMBERSHIW Around C¤mpUS S1te chosen for l1b1a1y, Dean s List 2
‘ Assacialiaa r Tasha Kala `89 Sports W¤fCI1 On being No. I; Football signees 4
l Lexmgton, Kentucky
40506. STAFF
( Brenda Bain CI¤$s NOI'€S A class by class update 20
é PRINTING julia Brothers
I-Iost Linda Brumfleld _ _ _
  Communications, Inc. Margie Carby   Authors A Vamcty ef rcadlug  
{ Rebecca Foley
l ADVERTISING, Ruhr H"‘i?ll" Fuxline Focus Mega-doses of violence 32
l For advertrsrng infor- Char les Livingston
.   mation, contact Carolyn Rhorer
Susan Lester at Tom White .
l (606) 25;>»2220. Umverslty r°~rClnV€¤
l   . _ I ·._¤
l Margaret l. Nm; lnbruy - 5 crib
ll Unlvxrslty ol Kentucky
ll Lcxlngicn, Kentucky 40506
r` ·. · · ’ 2 ’ ’/ ” x
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