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UK’s new library will l WW • y architectural firm which will design y
*·¤v¤ ¤*·¤¤*¤¤7»¤<{° l Home of New Library l the library, Kaiimami Mckmneii &
square feet ¤nd will {   _,,_...l_._._.f ,__t.,_________, ___  r W d I AI h. {-B M
cos, un estimated $58     OO , IIC., C IICCESO OSllO1'1, HSS.
million. The university T UK has chosen a specific site within y Malcolm Holzman, a senior part- ,
:;‘;';:$?:n';‘:;ii:;"3:   30 acres known as the Clifton Park ner in the planning firm, presented
and wrpomte c°nm_ l area where it will build a new central the planning services report to the
butions toward the l and life sciences library. university’s administration.
an d;‘v‘;:1;$;°g:"€ l The property is bounded by Rose y Denny said the detailed presenta-
P°r,;,_·",e Kemuglg, Street, Columbia, Hilltop and Wood- , tion, which included many drawings
General Assembly land avenues.   of optional uses for the buildable
°"°h‘::;":‘1l:§\:°hP:}?é y The specific site is slightly offset   land in the area, took into considera-
Plmming und gesign   from the center of the property and is   tion such characteristics as extensive 5
stages witlithe pri-   on a "highly buildable site between l green space, pedestrian circulation
"°'° °°""'b""°""   two natural depressions," says UK   patterns, the property’s relationship
  architect Warren Denny.   to the rest of the campus and the
W The library site and suggestions for   slope of the land. w
y locating future academic buildings in   Casual observers might think that I
r the area were recommended by the A the land there is relatively flat, but, i
physical planning services firm of ; actually, it is characterized by a gentle
Hardy Holzman Pfeiffer Associates of slope which rises from Rose Street to
NewYork City.   University Drive and then levels
An extensive study of the area was   toward Woodland Avenue. A
performed by the planning firm work-   "The planners took that into con-
ing in close cooperation with the 1 sideration as they chose the site for _
2 Kentucky Alumnus Spring 1993 1