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  Accounting for partnerships, ventures, agencies and branches. .  
'  v`‘   Accounting features of insolvent concerns and of consolidations g
  and mergers. Estate Accounting. Prerequisites: Com. 7a·b.  
{ ?l‘f’ r 110 BUSINESS CYCLES. (4) Palmer  
  Q The nature and characteristics of the economic factors which  
 V M   underlie the cyclical fluctuations in business conditions; the  Q.
 ;1€[g _ methods of business and investment forecasting. Prerequisites:  
E    Com. 1 and an elementary course in statistics. °_
 Q Y =
 2 Q, 13211 C. P. A. PROBLEMS (3) Beals
 i   Continuation of 132a · - 
 *,1* .·
 . in 145 OFFICE MANAGEMENT. (4) Lawrence  
 éY‘l”j Planning and scheduling of work; employment procedure; super-  
 {Qi, vision of employees, retraining, promotion; equipment. ii 
 i   148 EUROPEAN BUSINESS LEADERS. (2) Jennings 1;; 
I iv Biographical sketches of a selected list of men including their F§ 
.   business achievements and their relationships to the economic " 
 `giq and social life of their time. Prerequisite: Com. 2 or consent of  
"y   instructor. 3 
i iii  
 T $¢` 154 URBAN,REAL ESTATE. (4) Ketchum ,-
 ‘,{,__ Urban land economics; the growth and planning of urban com- Q
' 5 munities; survey of the real estate business and institutions; " 
  ~ essentials of real estate law and contracts; the financing of real
 ’ git estate transactions; the problem of property valuation and ap- 2. 
'   praisal; the management of real estate properties; the problem g
 Q ! of ownership versus rental; the problem of real estate securities ;_ 
  ‘ as investments. Governmental activities, Prerequisite: Com. 117.  
 Q     A 155 INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS. (4) Carter Y 
 `   Historical development of industrial relations; the economic im- _`
 .- ij plications of job analysis, recruitment, selection and training for L 
 °   ` industry; wages, hours, promotion and health policies; employee  if
 QQ j representation, collective bargaining, established policies, prac- {
 L { j tices, and procedures under the law; Union-management coopera- _; 
    tion, building morale; the public service ii 
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