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V. or ( success.)  ·
i » Success is a most fleet-footed-almost a phantom—goddess.  
  You pl1I‘Bll€ her eagerly illld SGGID to gI`2LSp hél`, and tl'1SI1 yOU U I  
  see her speeding on in front again. ‘ This is, of course, because  
` ` · erre is rarely satisied with present success. There is always  
  something yet to be attained. To speak personally, I never  
  worked harder in my life than I am working now. If I should  it
V ° relax, I fear that the structure which I have built up would  2-
  come tumbling about my ears. It is my desire to advance my  
standard every year, to plant it higher upon the hill, and to  .
». never yield a foot of ground. This requires constant effort.  
    I had my reward, not in financial returns, for these are hardly I   ·
~, _ s commensurate with the outlay of labor; nor in the applause of  
.· “ others, for this is not always discriminativo or judicious ; but  ,
i ' in the practice of my art. This suggests what, it seems to me,  
l is the true secret of success.  
. “Love your work; then you will do it well. It is its own re-    ·—.
ward, though it brings others. If a young man would rather  I
be an actor than anything else, and he knows what he is about,  Y
let him, by all means, he an actor. He will probably become  
a good one. It is the same, of course. in many occupations.  
If you like your work, hold on to it, and eventually you are  
_ 4 likely to win. If you don’t like it, you can’t be too quick in  
i"“ · getting into something that suits you better.  
I "I began as a dry goods clerk in Boston, and was a very  
mediocre clerk. Afterwards I became a painter in London,  
and was starving at that. Finally, like water, I found my `  
i A level in dramatic art." I  
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