~ A  
Q To date, the following funds of $100 each have been established: l
' i Alpha Zeta, two. V A A I
S South Africa Club, one. , _ l
g.¢;`RCH, _ Class ,95 ,0116. A _ I
.  , Class ’96, two. A
—- ··—~  j Class ,90, two. _  
ffice at Class ’06, one. A
 i Class ’08, one. ·
A YEAR  » Other classes and clubs have indicated their intention of establishing funds,  
m.  A but have not done much toward raising the money. Every alumnus should be  
Fm  A fl stockholder in a project of this sort. The secretary of the Association will  
mmittee ‘ gladly assist you in securing stock. E
ents tho -——-;-O   
SMAEAAMA  A A WORD To ALUMNI Another half year has passed since the last issue  
Amd the r . SECRETARIES ot Tnc ALuMNus and it did seem that the ma-  
` terial could not be procured for this issue. While  
21 i there was a great deal to record so many other urgent duties intruded themselves i  
l that the summer passed and no manuscript was prepared. E
A It was deemed advisable not to issue TH12 ALUMNUS during the summer be-  
- `  N cause so many of the addresses of the Alumni had been changed and were in ~  
ful that - most instances just temporary and while so many plans were made and so much _ i
at if he  A in process of construction and alteration there was very little finished during the i -
ire, the summer and everyone was as busy as could possibly be, Every effort, however,
e other will be made to put out subsequent issues in February, April and Iune and- by ;
ught to A that time let us hope affairs will be in a more settled state and each one required A ’
itemeut “ to do a fewer number of tasks. ·
his un- V  Possibly because there was no set time for sending notes there has not been .
assum— _  ` a line received from a secretary by the editor of THE ALUMNUS nor has there , '
iis duty A been any communications from clubs. These conditions are very probably due E
also in part to the fact that so many secretaries are, or have been, in theservice,  
for thc _~ but every one of them should send notes in for the next issue of THE ALUMNUS  N
i assure by January I2 and if it is impossible for them to prepare the letter in the form  A _
rn is in they would like them to appear, the editor will be glad to attend to that also, if
in lifc, A thc notes are supplied. Surely every secretary has heard some interesting news  · ' ‘
lighting A Of a few of his or her classmates when the American boys from everv state in _
me boy The Union have accomplished so much and some University of Kentucky alumni  1 A
:1 rela-  ‘ are in every state. Do not forget the date and try to send a few notes or an ? ,
: meant Q  expression of felicitation so we will know Tm; Acmmus is not forgotten. . 5}
o thosc . —0——— l
A "l\Iaxwell Place," the historic home of the Mulli— g .
ry boys ‘ IMPROVEMENTS xmnm gan family with the large lots to the front and A   .
ted the rear of the residence was purchased by the Un-- i  
zrieucecl versity last year for the president`s residence. The place had not been repaired ,  
is funtl A  OT fefilecorated for years and a great deal of time and labor was needed to Znakc t 1
of each . it desirable as a home for the president of the University. The grounds had rare i  
. , l ·