Z `   ’   l·  f
` i 1  `
    of weeks. Three units of those men have completed: work under the direction
  - of the University and are now in the service. j Q
Q ———¤;——   `
i Commencement week exercises for the class of 1918 began with the bacca—  
. laureate program Sunday afternoon, _Iune 2, at Wootlland auditorium when the ;  L
  ’ Rev. Charles NV. V\'elch, of Louisville, delivered the address of the occasion, Q
  President Frank L. McYey presided and a selected choir furnished the music,  
  · — The auditorium was decorated with palms and flags and the members of the Q  I,
  faculties of the University and the extension division staff in academic dress C. i,
{ I assembled at the southeast entrance of the park and marched to the auditorium  1 C
entrance in ascending rank. V\/hen the first two persons, leading the march  
l » arrived at the auditorium entrance the procession halted, the lines separated, and   G
  President McVey escorting the speaker marched between the tiles followed by i_ 
  the individuals of the faculties in descending scale into the auditorium.  _
l Monday of Commencement week was more or less a reunion day for former   H
_ i I students and alumni and the Senior ball, given at the Phoenix hotel, was a 1  X
, delightful social feature of the week.  ` H
l Tuesday the class day exercises were held in the morning and the formal  V H.
  · , 1 installation of Dr. McVey, as president of the University, was held in the after- 1· I,]
· Q noon with all the members of the faculties and extension division in academic gg
~ dress attending. _  t ti
Tuesday evening a beautiful reception was given to the students and faculty I 8,
i by President and Mrs. McVey in honor of the Senior class. The guests num- ‘  S,
l bered several hundred persons, among them former students in the uniform of  _ CE
the United States Army, Navy or Aviation service. Q CC
` \Vednesday was Commencement day and concluded the week`s program, g ic
. giving time after the exercises of the day for the Alumni luncheon and business  ‘ CC
meeting and the presentation of the portrait of Joseph Dicker`s portrait to the Y 
_ University.  1 tc
1 ` ‘ ° ———;o————-——— . tli
l The installation of Dr. Frank McVey as president of the University of Ken- V  
. g tucky was held in the tent on the campus Tuesday afternoon, June 4, 1918, and , rc
was attended by the members of the faculty, Extension Division staff, clerical _ HE
. force, students, alumni and friends of the institution.
Governor A. O. Stanley presided at the exercises and the invocation Wil?  ‘ an
_ given by Dr. R. H. Crosstield, of Transylvania College. An address of welcome , Hr
‘ was made by Dr. Glanville Terrell, of the University faculty, and to thi! tk
- responses were made by; ` bc
_ For the Educational Institutions of Kentucl