tain. HG iS an intelligénfle C0}- Carol Dan Browning ’82 is Belvoir, Va. During the the Winchester Road-New Cir-
y l€Ct1QH maf1a·g€r at ihé Penta- a civil engineer with the U.S. course, newly commissioned cle interchange. He first joined
g0¤ Irl WHSh1¤gt0¤,   with Army Corps of Engineers in Corps of Engineers ofiicers are the auto industry in 1946 as a
the D€f€r1S€ Intelligence Louisville. He is a member of taught management principles salesman for Charleston M0-
Ag€UCY· the American Society of Civil and were familiarized with the tors in Virginia. He quickly ad-
i Engineers and lives in Frank- weaponry and equipment used vanced to sales manager and
.   fort. in their future duties as platoon assistant general manager be-
l A Bm D- Ballcmcdt ’8° Q- lcadm iZ2€diZi`;i?Sias1§ZAd§€VZZ”§°§tEi
i has been promoted to sales rep-   ers named h?m general mana?
i Y€S€Y{“}“Y€¤ r°$p°“Slbl° for B` M{“`k Edward Meade ,83 ls Sylvia Boggs ’84 has joined er of the dealership in Ports-
, F Spirits sales in the downstate a civil engineer. He works for Kuykcndau & CO_ as media mouth Ohio He returned to
Illinois market. He. earned his Palmer Engineering Co. in planner On all accounm She Charlcstonin 1951 as president
baehelor’s degree in business Winqhggtgp previously served as media and general manager Of Roger
administration from the Uni- b { · y .
_ uyer 'or _]errico Inc. s Abbott Dean Inc., a Ford dealership,
  V"“">’· mr- Advcruslng Agency. mmmiicd by Beasley. In 1953,
j Thomas Henry Irwin ,82  — when Beasley received approval
  of Lexington has received one Jo Ann Alexander ’84 is an fI`01’¤ FQI`d· for 3. Roger Dean
‘ El. b h A lb ,81 O; 20 Ggrman Academic EX- associate in the iaw Erm Or d·==>1¢rSh¤p¤¤ I-¤>¤¤s<¤¤, Mrilér
1 im Z; ctundgrphiitgr {O; ie; Change Service grams to Study MCBHYH, McGinnis, Leslie headed for the Bluegrass as IIS
V1 Insuianclg com an Of G€OI__ law in West Germany for ten and Kirkland in Lexington. President and genera] manage?
rl ia has earned 5 rciowshi di- momhe H6 graduated from I" 1955 h° b°“gh‘ D°a“ S
; S I _ P Western Kcmucky University  — share of. the dealership and
I i>1¤m¤ fmm the L1f·= Ma¤¤s€· in 1979 with 3 bachclcps d€_ _ _ changed its name to Paul Min-
4 ment Institute. She joined Life _ Kevin B· M¢f¢d1fh ’84, F d B I al dt
i . . gm in German and from the d 1- t · th U S " Or · cascy . S0 agrcc °
‘ <>fG¢¤rs1¤1¤ 1981 as 3 SYOUP Universit Of Kcmuck CONC C Scum mu Cném m ° _ · · sell out, and Miller fully ac-
I actuarial technical assistant, Y   g AFYHY, was 1¤V0lV€d 1¤ 3 quired the dca1crshipby1967·
’ and was promoted to actuarial °fLaW’ P”““dY* h° ‘S th° law NATO-Sp¤¤S<>r¢d exercise by In 1976 when he was named
l . . clerk for Kentucky Supreme t- · t· - th A , * _
, SpCC1a11St 3 y€ZiI` later. In   COuI_t‘]ustiCc ROY Vancc par lclpa lng In e rmy S rc` Dealer of {hc Year by Tgmg
  she was advanced to senior ac- i turn of forces {O G€Tm?mY magazine, he bought a dealer-
g tuarial specialist. Applyby is a _;i (REFORGER) 1985 Hc is a ship in Nashville, Tenn., which
  member of the High Museum tank platoon leader with the 4-th he later Sold to a Young fellow,
; of Art, junior Committee of john F. Nelson was has been Infantry DiviSi<>¤ at Fort Car- ,0 help him Ou, in much the
i gw gtlanta Symphony and a commissioned a second lieuten- SOIL Colo- same way Beasley had hclpcd
_ hi mega alumna. ant in the U.S. Air Force upon ·· ·· hjm_ Today he has Cay dcajcy-
l graduation from Ofiiccr Trainr Cheryl Smith ’84 has been ships in Winchester, Somerset
   . mg S€h00l ar Lackland Air named manager of Lexingt0n’s and Richmond.
_· Force Base in Texas. He will new Ronald McDonald H0usc_  
Z , now be assigned at Laughlin Operated by the Childrcys
{ _ Jag;   gust;] 81 gas Air Force Base in Texas. ()nc0]0gy Service, the house, H. Lawrence Khul has
  L°§”`§m§J"`Or tEV§iZEmO.dZ; with 17 b¤d¤><>mS M bm is bmi med rmidm and  
t ——-; 3 place fg; Ou[-Of-[own pggplg ecutive officer of [h€ IJ0IldOl'\
  law She. {mmm]? Wogkcd 3; . . , to stay while their children are Bank and Trust. H6 also is
  the Le;mgtonD alw rm 0 Kristine Kraft 84 has been in the hospital' president Of the UK/Cumbcr-
l greelalg alilqm, hO and MC- pI‘.?H1doleCl'IOl'I1ar1?)g€l`O{E1€lI`€— land Vall€y_Wcst Alumni
ona ,w ere s ewas an asso- tai ivision at resto oor— Club
ciate in real estate and mineral graphics of Lexington. She re- i
   CS}fle gragjpated from the cently reoeivedUaKdegree in ad-   .. .
l O Cgc O aw' Vcmsmg mm `   Car0ly¤ WiUS`haS been ap—
{ Paul Miller, president of pointed academic dean at
; Paul Miller Ford·Mazda in Shawnee College in Ullin, Ill.
I Joe M_ Abell ’81’ 3 certified Denise Dabson Kragel ·84 Lexington, says, "Yes, there She will continue as director of
Q public accountant, has joined has been named manager ofthe really is a Paul Miller behind guidance and counseling,
’ Bradford Life Insurance Co. of Fortunate Life Center in all those advcnlscmcmsj Where She has been €mPl°Y€d
Lexington as senior manager of Nicholasville, which specializes Ma“Y PEO}-ll? Fisk that question for th'? Y€a"S· She earned h¢r
internal audit. He previously IH supervised weight loss pro— when th€Y Vlslt the Showroom- m{*$tF*` S d'?gr€€ m business ad‘
· had been a Senior auditor {Or gmmS_ She is the former CO_ Miller does try to keep a low mimstration from Murray
  Ernst &Whinn€y‘ manager Of Shapes New Di_ profile, but his name IS heard State University. She attended
Ll mansions Health and Fitness all over Central Kentucky ad- the University of Kentucky be-
( __ Center in Lexington vertising his dealership which fore receiving a bachelor of arts
has ranked best in the Louis- degree from Kentucky Wesley-
‘ Donald Paul Delafield ’81 ville district for the fourth year an. She has been an elementary
and Mark Douglas johnson in a row. Miller owns more school teacher, director of the
’8l graduated from the South- _]a.mes·P. Hodskins ’84, a than 60 acres in the New Circle Pennyrile Family Planning
em Baptist Theological Semi- second l1€\Ji€¤ar1i in lh€ Air Road area of Lexington, in- Agency, director of child care
nary in Louisville. They earned Force R€S€rV€, has graduated eluding the site of the Fortune of Massac County and the di-
their master’s degrees in di- from the UAS. Army engineer Business Centre that his son rector of donor resources for
vinity. officer basic course at Fort and others are developing near the American Red Cross.
UK 23