Old Blue Rolls Agoin Support for Business Reporting S
After several years of carrying students ` ‘ The Knight Foundation has awarded
and visitors around the UK campus,   i   $50,000 to the UK School of journal-
"Old Blue," UK’s double-decker Eng- "'”-W ism to support instruction in business
lish bus, was beginning to show its age. journalism. l
But ajust-completed restoration has re- Creed Black, chairman and publish- |
turned the 30-year-old coach to its for- er of Knight-Ridder Co.’s Lexington
mer glory. i Hemld—Leader, presented a check to the
It was the first major renovation since , Q i M  , school to endow the course in business
the bus was bought, refurbished and     , ·_ reporting and writing.
donated to UK by the UK National   @®Um\li;;i§n·ydKENiL(ir·rEQiyig, i` Edmund Lambeth, director of the
Alumni Association in 1974. =   " journalism school, said the foundation
The project started in late 1984- when   · · grant would have "a major impact on
workers in UK’s physical plant division gt?  i rl g  the enrichment of the school’s curricu-
removed the massive British Leyland i i __  ____ _   lum."
engine. By january, Old Blue had been i rq., `Q_ 1;;  _  ,      V    » — Interest on the investment, Lambeth
moved to the PPD body shop where the _______-1; said, will be used to hire from the re-
task of removing some seven coats of gion a "Knight visiting professional in
Old Paint was Und€ttak€n· Old Blue, looking better than ever, is business lnntnalismi i tn teach tn€
February saw the renovation effort now back at its Old job Of providing COUYSC.
intensify. While workers were busy guided {Oui-S gf the UK campus _ _ _ Tl1€ funds also will bring distin-
$tYiPPi¤g ih€ im€¤”i0F, €Xt€1”i0Y b0dY· that is, after one final detail was taken guished spcciansts tv Lexington tO 3~P`
work was completed and a fresh coat of Care Of_..th€ trimming Of iOw-hanging pear in the Class and at the University.
UK blue paint was applied Bragg fl;- tree branches SO rhny WOnidn¤r hit Oid Books and instructional materials will
tings and trim, which previously had Blur;-’S frcshiymaimcd {Op d€Ck_ be purchased with funds from the grant.
been painted over, were stripped and Lambeth added, "American journal- —·
polished. Much of the electrical wiring ism in recent years has recognized the
was replaced. An all-new interior in increasing importance of giving the
white and contrasting shades of blue public not only timely and reliable busi-
was installed, and by the end of the Collqloo Poetry Series Goes to ¤¢SS ¤ewS, but in-depth reports on an
month a newly-rebuilt engine (bought Europe increasingly complex economy."
in Virginia) was lowered into place.   Lambeth said he and the faculty also
By the end of March, with new pad- _ hope to enlist similar support for the
ded velour seats and wall-to-wall carpet- The Canalon POCUY Series, 3 PnbnCn` establishment of specialized courses
ing insrriiirriy Oid Blue was ready in tion designed and printed entirely at in Science and arts reporting ¢¤ was made by me Naricml En- am be Osama inthefal1of1986. ti
dowment for the Arts book in their dis-
Also, the Callaloo Poetry Series,     ,
which has published four chapbooks of   .
poetry, has received a $2,250 grant II "   if  i
from the Kentucky Arts Council. .---”w"’*"""*=**=~··r-...erV 1@:,—,§*"!'€l_'°i 
Charles H. Rowell, English, is editor of       I-
the Series, as well as editor of Callaloo    
magazine. !_’;.;_i·_··_:_~s.._i_t:•_'_.·§___  rn ;} 
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2 UK