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s the final seconds ticked _  _     _     {
away, joe B. Hall main- t»: ..   * ·A _ ...,  ., s     `‘l‘ Li     l
tained a stoic, nearly relaxed { jg   · . ,.5  _   ».   ¤  
expression on the sidelines,  .»   T .   . ` tl `‘~:_  g     __       {   , ij    3
Mime latch M0 players hoisted the ‘ .   `  Z'-,        ‘i liiv   . ~   l
(jt)a(;l'i upOr1 Illfilr SllOUlClCI`S l`OI" the llI'l?1l   ,  (S:   ,_  »     si         T I ii
°“"°‘ It W (W"'   T T     ilii       l
The scene was not from the Universi-   ·   ‘     `
ty of Kentucky’s 1985 regional loss to Z     ___.   Q. K
St. _lohn’s in Denver, but a college all-   K I   ·`»»   S
star game nine days later_ The players  ;,\» _ g      »-p     ,
were not Bret Bcarup and Kenny V\/ally     ( X",  ,r  ~ A
_ er, but Bobby lice Hurt of Alabama .-  \_    i 
and Iiugene McDowell of Florida. Still,       __A_A   ,_, » `
ll WMS the final gamcjoe Beasmim Hal]   _ t-   .  
After 29 years, the last 13 directing   \§
UK, Hall decided to remain loyal to a * `:`’l Q  
promise made to his wife, Katherine,   I   I
long ago. Shortly after accepting his `
first basketball job, Hall promised that  
he would not coach beyond age 55. He i
exceeded that promise by only one year.   _
Rated as perhaps the toughest _job in   ,. `S 3
college athletics, the UK head basket- 2 i  
ball coach is subject to thc scrutiny of — i¤— ·
media, fans and sometimes the players ll I , i
themselves. The pressure may have _i ,, _
broken many men, but Hall survived ` S
and with rcniarkal>le success. He could Kqthqrine und Joe,H¤Ilwit|·»tfieir f¤milY4d¤¤9h*é¤  
*·¤·~’<* sm <>·· amd <‘<~·<*l¤¢<* ¤¤<>th¤t I3 $’°V°·°°¤*°*·¤¤·* ·’¤··.¤***°?K¤***YW‘*“**¤***°°“*’ Mlfe  ttss i if `rsi?  
seasons, but long ago the 56-year old
Hall decided that he was not going to be comfortably into private life, away from and individual accomplishments take a
an "old coach." the questioning and probing of UK back seat to Hall’s top priority.
The memories of keeping the tradi— fans, Hall will consider some ofthe nu- "Your greatest success is your play-
tion at UK intact were appreciated by merous offers he has received since ers and what they amount tO,” Hall
tlie ll,0(l(l—plus fans who attended the March. says. "Their growth and development
National Association of Basketball ()I`I—IaIl’g future, one thing ig certain, as people and their progress toward a
(loaclies all—star game at Memorial Col- He will continue to frequent the streams degree and becoming alumni is most
iseuni. lt was only fitting that when and ponds of not only Kentucky, but lmP0Tf3¤l- Your blgg€$l laallufi? is lh0$€
llall walked down the corridor for thc the nation as w€ll_ Reeently_ he partici- kids you failed to reach, who somehow
final time. the place where he started at pated in a television fishing special, or another did not fit into the program l
UK 20 years ago, the Coliseum, with its The success of a coach is often mea- when they came here.” j
storied history and mystique, would be sured in wins, losses and champion- Of 33 players that completed their el- i
the final chapter in his basketball ca- ships. With that in mind,Joe Hall must igibility under Hall, all but five earned l
l`l`<`l`. be judged as a good coach, In 13 sea- their undergraduate d€gI`€€S.  
()ver a nionth following his retire- sons at Kentucky, his teams won or During his tenure at UK, Hall pro-
ntcnt, _]oe llall finds civilian life relax- shared eight Southeastern Conference duced three academic all-Americans
ing. No longer does he concern himself championships, one national title, 11 and six academic all-SEC players, cho-
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