xt7dfn10r10t https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7dfn10r10t/data/mets.xml Florida Florida Historical Records Survey 1941 Other creators: United States Commissioners for ascertaining claims to lands in East Florida; Commissioners for Ascertaining Claims to Lands in West Florida (U.S.); Florida. State Library Board.; United States. Work Projects Administration. Division of Professional and Service Projects. Reproduced from type-written copy. UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Program libraries. Call number FW 4.14:F 663/5. journals  English Tallahassee, Fl. : State Library Board This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Florida Works Progress Administration Publications Spanish Land Grants in Florida: Briefed Translations from the Archives of the Board of Commissioners for Ascertaining Claims and Titles to Land in the Territory of Florida- Vol. 3: Confirmed Claims: D-J, prepared by the Historical Records Survey, Division of Professional and Service Projects, Work Projects Administration, March 1941 text Spanish Land Grants in Florida: Briefed Translations from the Archives of the Board of Commissioners for Ascertaining Claims and Titles to Land in the Territory of Florida- Vol. 3: Confirmed Claims: D-J, prepared by the Historical Records Survey, Division of Professional and Service Projects, Work Projects Administration, March 1941 1941 1941 2015 true xt7dfn10r10t section xt7dfn10r10t       ?Iu»»~ u »u¤u nmummmu            
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  Driefed Translations
  from the Archives of` the Boards oi` (jommissiouers
  ‘ for Asccrtnining Claims and Titles to Land
  in the Territory of Florida
ij MARCH 1941
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Qi The Historicel Records Survey progrem opergtes es s series of
gi ‘ stete—wide projects in the several stetes under the Resesrch end Records
QQ ~ Section, Division of Professionsl ond Service Frojects, fork Projects
?  · Administration. The program wes organized in Florida in l95c under the
so ' notional direction of Dr. Luther H. Evans. On Merch l, l€4C, Dr. Lv ns
ffl left to become Director of the Legislative Reference Section ci the
;Q_ Library of Congress end wss succeeded by Sargent B. Child.
EYQ L The survey program includes en inventory or state, county, muni— c
Q’£ I cipsl end church erchives, of Americen imprints ond of msnuscript de-
fi, positories end collections. In keeping with its object to were hither-
i_j T to inaccessible materiel evailoble to students, the survey trogrem in
g , ' Floridn undertook the project of translating end trenscribing the c
;} archives in Floride known ss the Spanish Lend Grsnts, which required ‘
, pructicelly three years to complete. The work was edited end the
g V Introduction written in our office by Dr. Louise Biles Hill, Qonuscripts
ir it Editor. The Uncontirmed Claims nppeer in Volume I, the Confirmed
`Q Claims in the four succeeding volumes. `
liv uf` Our epprecintion is due to the professionol historisns of our Stite 4
Advisory Committee end to students of Spenish—gm>ricin history outside
I i the stete, who from its inception have been interested in the Spgnish
, yi A Lend Grents project and hsve given freely of their advice end counsel.
E , Our thinks ore due also to the honorable =ri Nethon Mayo, Conhdssioner of
T Agriculture, through whose courtesy our translators were given desk
- i room in the Field note Division, Tollwheesee, during the time in which
T they were engsged in the task of translating the Spanish lgnd grants.
T Publications of the Florida Historical Records Survey, e list of
t which will be found et the end of this volume, are issued for free dis-
-j tribution to public end institutional libruries. Requests for inform@—
* tion concerning the publications or the work of the Survey in florida
~ _ should be addressed to the Stete Sugervisor, nistoricsl Records Survey,
i 49 West Duval St., Jncksonville, Florida.
DUB A,. 1*Ji°.l;’JJ?l1ElT‘
y , o Stete Sugervisor
5 i Fliride Historical Records Survey _
_ Jacksonville, Florida ‘
é _ Lsrch l94l
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QQ] The Unconfirmed Claims which form Volume I of Spanish Land Grants
xiii; ‘-""-‘ ’_""‘ ·—·"‘_'
,@; in Florida are the records of those claims which after the cession of
‘tq ’“'“‘“""’
  . . .
3%; Edorida the United States autnorities found invalid. COHYITHQG Claims
x- .
W. . . .
§@% make up the remaining volumes of the series.
@§i The work of translation and transcription of the Spanish land
  _ _ ' A .
@@ grants was done under the supervision or Professor E. V. Gage, former
*.l, unl
dd heed of the Deoartment of Modern Languages at Florida Btate College for
@§ i M J s
?# V C
Lg Women,vho was assisted by two vorkers of Bpanish descent.
if The original documents of foolscap size comprise a linear footage
CQW of eleven feet and five inches. The work of translation and transcrip-
a . . A . . — .
,‘ ‘- tion required about three years. Every scrap or writing was examined
h, , and included and every name mentioned--whether governor, grantee, at-
§g, torney, witness, register, notary, surveyor, or chain bearer. The spell-
  · T
@§J ing in the original manuscript: has been preserved. The form in which
  -  ” ` `
EQ  the claims appear in the present volume is that adopted by the transla-
5%% tor and follows somewhat closely the form in which the manuscripts are
¥%% now filed. Each ss arate document is numbered and is followed b 3 or
.§%§ E to indicate whether the laneueee is Seanish or Enslish. Notntions of
‘;~· rs] r D ‘ r
=f§» lovernors registers and notsries on marains are indicated and the de-
_,,,,.,_,| 7 .4 1 ., 1
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igj crees of the United States Boards of Commissioners wno examined and
4¥%‘ _ .
t'l. 32% passed upon the validity of the claims are included whenever the decrees .
gsgl were found in tne Oflglhil documents. hissing decrees may be found in
QMQI American State Papers Public Lands references to which are riven in
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4 oil but s vtry few instances. _ggq _
4 While prncticully svcry claim sppcsrs in somc form in thc abovc MOH- 駧
tioucd publication, thc grant majority are shown ss mrrc abstracts in §§j
tfbulnr form, without thc supporting pvidcncc which gives to tho présont i f
·s i·f.;.j
,2  yggi
. . . - · _ r ‘1E·J7j'::,'
volum» its interest ono velus. For oxsmpls, Jgmcs Dsrloy dopplics for d g}
. . . Q A 4, . ,, T  
land mrcnt, promising to import ud slaves from Alricn. no scnus s sch0on— ing
of and sloop for them. Th; sloop is caught in a storm off the coast of pi
Santo Domingo, thc slovcs revolt, murder soma of thc cr;w, and flcc into gr
` th; intvrior. Dcrley is undsr th; n ccssity or going after thom, rc- rf]
triovinq his property, and proving it before ths courts, which roquircs ;?
two y ~rs. Such storizs app or in print for tho first time in this ’j
V ' 43
.   A
an 1 r i » e s . cy:
· .,2 ·
A l Whcncv r s full transcription of s claim is qivon in Amcricsn Ststc }
Popvrn, the trmnelctor hos meds that clwim corrsspondingly briof that ,
· 2
, th ri mov bo no unduc repetition.
Tho vwluc of tru trnnslction of tho Spcnish land grants vnd their »
nupportinn docum nts is clso onhinc d bv tha inclusion of gsogrcphicnl ‘2
uwtw ¤uoh ww th; n~mcs vnd loc tions of crooks, rotds, wud Indian trsils, FE
#1 m~ll us bssic iniormution on the sizz, locztion ond basis of each QQ
cl im, ull of which, it is hop d, will bp found to bi important social `Y
vnd oconomic data on both th: English occupation of Florida (l”6$—85) if
L. lu t oa· c~sos which dc not apps r in American Ststc Papers - L
tht cl imo w To subst~;ti;t¤d ncithcr by docum nts nor by titnsssws. Q
Z·].`».1r:WOl. I, D =l. g
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§§ and th » _, second Spanish occupation (l793—l82l).
Qs ` For convenience the Gal;s x Seaton and tab Duxf Green eaitions of
 ~:  . . . - ., . . . . . . . A
§§ Amerie n State Pap rs, rublic Lands, are indicatrd by tac initial; GKS
ya; “”***""" *’""‘*""“‘ "—"" “"“‘"
ti, s _
¤§ and DG rsspzctivrly. A list of tbz governors of East arc Rest Florica
@§ from l755 to l82l rua the n’m¢s of the survqyors and their d putics for
xs; , . , . ,
?;, tac same psrioc are includeu.
I izgf `
¥~ Arcnives ir Tallahassee consist of dossicrs containing the papers
§f‘ filed in evidence before the United Qtates Boards of Commissioners;
QW books or record containing the minutes of the Eoaris; transcripts of
Q? original papers ani translations of rome of the transcripts; maps, jlats,
tv H i
fg and surveys; sud a large file of untranslated Spanish docuxents of a
—+g 3 miscellaneous character labeled "spanish Frotocols, l§Oé—l9", consist-
ing of wills, deeds, titles, testimony, and bills of sale. Many docu-
} ments for claims in West Florida are unoccouotebly missing; the trans-
] lator often foino dossiars which contained only a survey and s certifi-
Qi V cate from the Tallahassee luna office for a patent. V
QQ Each separate lard claim with its supporting documents is encased
EQ, in a manila jacket on the outside of which appear th: nate of the claiu—
QQ ` ant, his number within the letter of th~ alphabet in which his name be-
QQ longs, the number of acres claimed, disrositior of tbe claim, and page
, gf , . ,. L V I-
_; reference to American stats rowers.
'iji 1-_—_—-_ —-_-t lj-;
ii l. This ststexatic arran¢er=;t was wade c?.l95O b? Dr. 2. E.
` Chapin, chief clerk if the surt;jor—ge;er¤l'# :ffic~, ir L. L. §car—
{ lett'; ad¤iMistratio;.~—Uol. II, C 37.
4   I
‘ 1
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 . ` . ' ` I I   Q _ H ' ` ~ .1 V.
4 r ' ‘·¤
t vi #¥i
tracty of Fcbruary 2Q, 1819, providing for tho anncxation of Florida to §QVk
. -_ . W . . . + . I .  
tha United states rcquirsa that tho arcnivcs anu documcnts relating di- § pp
‘ r&§i
r;ct1y to the propsrty and sovsroignty of that tarritory ba loft in pos- @§,;
.=.f  .>
xnxsion of officials of thc United States. Two ycars prior to Spain's §§§g
r 1in;uishr;nt of thc Floridas 2 large number of such rscords wsrc rc- §§.j
viii? .
movsd to Havana. Even after thc transrcr Spanish officials continusc to %gg=
V rvmovc dccnmonts contrary to tha provisions of tha trsaty until prohibitcd §§}Q
from doing so by officials of thc United Statss. A dstsrminsd cffort was %§I
V madc by tha United Statcs Dcpartmsnt of Stats to hava thass papers raturnsd. Q5]
ill ac¤ntn——Co1onc1 Iamcs Grant Toross, Captain James Riddle, Jndgs Thomas ggy
Randall, Honorablw Danicl F. Cook, Gsnaral Q. K. Call, and Jsramy Robin- EE
‘ son--wars sent to Havana over a period cxtsndini from 1821 to 1834 in ; . §§§
' i srccial missions for this purposc. But each agent was prsvsntgd from ‘W?p ·
achieving result; by delays and corrupt practicss on thc part of Spanish
officials and Am rican land intcr sts. Finally a total of 45 documents
i . 1 . 1 V
w~re r turncd, but tnsy provcc to bc 8lKOET worthless. _`
Thr follotiga 1~.. account o tds early history of tha documonts in East Y. __.,·
_. 2 . \ , . , .... . _, §[’»
pygplqq war given oy artonio alvarcz in tcstimony in a suit in tnc sn- ip?
p rior court or East Florida in 1933: Th; archives wars forcibly taksn éai
from th. Spanish sacrctary’s office in Et. Augustinc by Amcrican authority ;fqQ
at th- tim» of th, c=ssion ani x ro storcd at thc old customs house. A si yt_`. <
  y»'’ ,
1. A. I. H nne, "Diplonmtic Missicns of th: Unit d Statss to Cuba C .6
to S·cnr th ipa ish nrchivgs or Florida", in manuscript. "i
". Th rrovinc.s oC East and Yxst Eloridc wor; cstablishrd ani thc .i
dividi;~ lin. fit d as the np lichicoln River by the King of England in -V y
th iroc1~mwtion of Oct. 7, 1765. A y
3 I
_ 5 •
•- FF { •
` n

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gg  W vii ,
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Qy— commission of five, eppointed to exemine them end select those cleimed by
  , . P, ·, . —, » -1 ~ ·w
@s£ 4,,, the United stetes under the treat mede e list oi tne bundles but oid
§;~$§;§¤}, . ., . . . .
,tt; not inventorv the oeners. Three oi the members of tee conmission were
  ` " ‘
AQQ (Petrick?) Lynch, Hilliem Reynolds, end Antnelm Gey. They stored the
%§,j pepers in en office "in the lower bert of e building nor occupied es e
Q7? ,‘is, court nouse," where they were cered fer by (Edmund9) Lew, (Le="er .·_· end
@§Y Noterv). The pepers next went to (Innes S.?) Tinele, (leter Clerk of the
@rs ,.·i,
’*?! . . - .. . .
{Ee. Circvit Court? end in lF2o to Uilliam Revnolds who the rrevious veer
Q,. 3 ` 9 I c y
?%?` . -, 1 M . . . . .
gg; wes epnointed neepor oi the lublic Archives by tna Governor end the legis- .
§§§ .
@3 leture meeting in Pensecole. Bono of the pepers while in the possession
m? 1 . r I , r ., - .
@g of Reynolds were delivered to nr. (EQWGTG d.) GlD?OD end Dr. (“. E,)
hir at
rtéziié _
‘g§, Simmons. From Reynolds the peners pesseo to (Thomas?) murphy, end were
4q;* t delivered to Alveroz himeelf in l329 (es Keeper of the Public Archives),
in boxes, by the U. G. mersnel. nlvire; also roceivzd en inventory mede
by R€>5T1]rO]_d_S hjmS;_]_f_]‘ AlT3.]T€Z. 55651115 to ll&VQ¤ bcbill 1}El3lQ5rZGTl VJITYIX I‘:TI`·3I‘·
}Q_ once to the role of the state in the eppointmrnt of keepers. In l822
QQ the Territorial Council pesscd en Act creeting tn: offices of Keepers ,
%f » of the Public Archives esbointmgnts to be mede br the novzrnor. On
,;£’:;i'; ’ I `I '
EQZ I July 3, l825, the Act wes em ·.`: ndid. On January l, IQEE, rh;n ther; wes e
?§l »·(= Y blenkot repeel of e nunb>r of territoriul lews, the Act of lE?2 nes con-
¤¥$£—,; 1
$3* I c
§X· , tinued in force, but on November 25, IQBQ, it mas reprelqd. On the
(Ar ( l. G%3. VIII, 2°l—27?. For sketch of Alv*rrz' slrvicurveyor—een?ral as a receipt.
Neither of the late Keepers complied and on Hay V, l€49, Commissioner
il Young of the Gsniral Lend Office instructed Benjamin 4. Putnam, who had
‘ T7 ,, 7 1,.,- sas .-we s . AQ; A
i l. c. S. stat. at Large, IJ, ire, 4oe—eoo, 4Os, eso. lO6.
2. Report Jo. lsG, 5. of R., Both Cong., l soss.
· 5. U. S. Stat. at larse, II, El5.
Q 4. Bicbard h. Toung, Co;. of Gtr. Land Off., to Robert Butler.--
» "Letters froi Corm;esioner," Vol. V, l?é7-l8é9, p. 505, in Fi ld Note
i Div., Dept. of Ar., Tallahassee.
. •
|~ , 1
I U · Q ‘ "‘ ` -

 t T;  ~&
C   Ti _l C. . -, q .1 C2
succzodid nutlor, to demand tic archivis ior East Florioa from Alvarez.
i no ior th: West Florida archives, thc Commissionar stated that ha would ’
inztruct thc clsrx of tha Unitad States district court at Pcnsacola to do- l
wand and w2c;ivc thcm from Caro and hold thom at Pensacola until oithsr tha
su~v;yor—genar¤i should bo ordcrzd by tha Dopartmznt of tho lntarior, which §
now hwd chario of the matt;r, to take posscssion of thcm or until somc Q
i othcr disposition should bc made und r thc fifth section of the Act cf 3i
Conrr ss of Larch 5, l949. This Act, makin? appropriations for the civil {I
~ and dirlomatic cxpcnsas ot thc jovcrnm nt, diroctnd, "Thut whcncvor it shall ll
bt shown to th. Prpsidant of the United State: thnt the State of Florida Q
hoe by law providrd for the sdf? custcdv of tho public orchivos, which wcrc 5
l forn=rlv Mont ct At. Aug~stin; and P¢n;ncola, it shall bs lawful for him to ji —
_ . , . P . n , 5 ` °
l coun; io bw daliv;r¤d to duly auttorizad oificsrs or tic stota, such of thc
archivos as do not rzlatc to grcnts of land which remain unconfiimcd or
unsurv~y d, providnd thst thc Prssidant of the Uhitid Stntgs may suspend
th~ -x»cution of this provision, if in his judgmant the public intarcst
roquiris it."O
lhs Nirfcr ~to~ nc» in th; disposition nrooosad at this tins by thc
~ Co mi siwn r fi: the East Florida archives and those in West Florida was
probably duo in port to tho fact that thc form r wor: in a "sifa building, I
tho prop rtv of th— g`vtrum~nt," 73 stotcd by the Commissioner in his ‘ I
i .1 . l
lv. _lbini. , ri. tif'?. 4 5 i
2. Ibid., in. D *—C“7. i“i
'   I`;~i‘ _  V V

 J l, C, ‘ ‘ s '· .— , "
, T » L #
xii *
_ _ Pcnracola, to which said offica ha has horatoforo baon appointad by tha
_ Covtrnor and General Assambly of this Stata."l ,
In Ordinanca Humber 2O tho Sccosaion Convontion on January l, l86l, {
absliwhod czrtain Federal offices and ordainad "that tho Survovor—Gonaral
of tho lata Fcdoral Governmvnt bo inatructod to dclivor ovor to tha rog— V
V inter of Public Land: at St. Auquitina all th; papers and proncrty appor- ?
» - · — ~ p·•· _ "2 , · . . 3
taining to zaic o-iico, . . . nft;r two war the Constitutional Convon— 3
tion, on October BP, l3d5, repaal d the ordinances of tho Socossion Con- ‘
. n I ~
, . . . . o ,
vsntion, includinv tho ono mentioned above.
nccordinq to instructions oi rzdcral authority, tno archivos for g
East Florida wor; d;liv;rod by Alvarez to tho survayor—goncral in St. E
i Auiugtinc on Juno 5, l8d9, and on Juno 7, l849, tha survoyor—goncral ro- , A
A ’ ported tho matter to Comnissioncr Young, stating that in accord with in- ;
struction; ho had had tho files and furniturc which balongod to Alvarez
anpraiscd. A roquisition for $l22 was issuod in favor of Alvarez by tho J
. . 4
COl.lYT“l;lF`¥lOHCl". A
On Juno 22, l°G9, Joscph 5. Wilson, Commissionar for tha General
L~nd Office, Washington, instructed M. L. Staarna of Quincy, Florida, l
l n wly ~nnoin+ d nurvoyor—g;n;r¤l for the state, to removo to Tallahassoo
l. Florida Acta, ljflj Ch. l?@6, a.c. F.
2. Journ l o£_th= £jE£;;;iE;;j o;_th_ Conv ntion of tho Feorla of
Tlorid~ .... l*6l (T llunioa ., l@$i), r,pridtcd (Jocknonvilla,
M`}? ), ji. ll‘QJ.—
IS. Hurry F. ikillnnn, Cori., fh. Conrilcd Gonoral tins of Florida, V
, l&“YY’ (J.tl*w;t·;, l€“TU E, n. lik).
l. E. A. Futnou to Commission r Young.——"Lottcr2 of Surv€yor—
C-n r~l," l¤2%-lV;%, Vol. VIII, p. l0. R;nlv of Commissioner, FLattara
f`r.i:‘ Co:‘.::ai;;:ion r," Vol. V, tx. Gill.
s   V
I . I I ·

 _ I xiii ‘
the surveyor—general's office then et St. Augustine, "the location of
  the office prior to the commencement of our late domestic ui;ficulTies ·
* in l86l." Seven dave later the survevor—~encral reverted tint is had
F V . n,
-, arrived in Tallahassee on the 27th in his official caoacitv. Instruct-
’» ed to obtain from U. S. District Attorney H. Bishee, Jr., the Spanish
j archives stored in St. Augustine, Stearns leenred that H. Eisbee had
i .
{ never had them in his possession end had no knomledge of them. Stearns
i found them in the custodv of I. F. Goss, Collector of customs, Port of
i ~ St. Augustine, who :·- turned them over to him. There were seven large boxes I
{ but no invoice.l
i When in IQOT the Federal government made known its intention to
l abolish the office of surveyor—general, o state law directed the
»— ‘ 4 Commissioner of agriculture to take charge of all field not s, surveys, ·
• .
l i maps, plats, papers and records, a part of which were those pertaining
to Spanish lano grants, and created the Field Mote Division as a deposi-
By the Treaty of Paris which in IVSE ended the Seven Years War
l Spain cedzd to Great Britain the province of Florida. In the war with
_ Spain durinn the American Revolution Grget nritcin lost West Florida
. 5
to Spain and in ICQE ced d to hor both Ilorides. In the twenty years
l. "lgttors froi Co&ni~:ionoT". l9F9—l€7Z, Vol. IX, CP. 3-4; "Let—
tors of €UT.—GfD.", l$§?—l*Tl, Vol. XI. j. E: St frrs to Yilson, Ibid.,
D. 9.
2. Florida Acts, CL. {CII, To. l€, Acts of ISF", iyirovii Mov E2;
TwentN—fifth Vitnriwl R PQQt cf th> D-hor. cri of gcrioglrxro of the
Stat; of Florid ·.*. : Lin} ind Fi li Rot; Divigion. ._. . I¤?o—l%;¥.
Iallahessee, July l, luii.
Q  ,. '

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T xiv it
t of British ocoupetion the government mode repid progress in colonization,
T grantinr thousends of acres of lend. The treaty of l755 end instructions
to British governors promised to Spanish subjects recognition of ell
authentic titles to immovable property. To those who wished to remain in ~
Florida the British government offered liberty in their Catholic religion.
Those who preferred to emigrete were given eighteen months in which to _
P dispose of their property, provided they sold to British subjects. There E
was no difficulty over private property in St. Augustine, but when Jesse
, 1
A Fish and John Gordon acquired ten million acres of land to dispose of for `
Spanish citizens, in addition to the property in St. Augustine, the British if
» . .. , »*
government disallowed the sele. The British government felt that the [
, Spanish civilian population had been too smell to have acquired authentic I
2 · A
` . l m ,_ __ . - . i o l
, _ titles to that amount or lend. ihese lands were later QTQHYGC to hTltlSh · ,, 9
subjects. j
In lin: with their usuel nolicy toward the Indians the British in
i l765 mvde e tr stv with than in which e definite boundary wes fixed. t
` By th~ t~rms of the trcotv the eros south of St. Harys River ind east
. __ _ Q
of th; J:. Johns River, toqithrr with the entire const line, was opened t
L. Charles L. Hotat, E§E;_llorida as a British Province, l765—
lffd, Eh. D. thesis in University of Mint sotn Qitreiv, l§Z9, po. 6,
$$8. hmiwr ·.-» tion was encourenod bi the Zpinish ;overnm—nt which pro-
viu d Fx$tL;NTLt3 for its subj;c1¢ in Cub; and swnt a commissory to
Flori¤u tv mwk. vuluetion of nrorbrtj f;vo:iole to the owners, the
;Jv»rnm—nt making up the diff r nc; b;tw;;n the valuation end tn; price
r oeoved.—-Ibid., p. E4.
·$ I •
* 1

 V" 'I .· \ V I
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t ' . `
;` XV
. . l
to colonization.
Lond in Florida was offsrod to scttlsrs by tho British government A
undcr tho so-called "fomily right", to bc granted by ths councils of
A Eost and Wost Florida. The head of a family could obtain l00 ocrss and »
for soon mombor of the family, whether whitc or block, 50 ocrss. If s
,` family could cultivate moro, 2 potent for on additional amount up to `
Q .
1 » 1,000 ocrco would bo issued, with other gronts if coniitions wsro ful-
, filled. Tho numbsr of ocros to bc clcorod or druinod csc? voor and the `
, 1 —
E number of livootock to bc msintoinsd were snocificd. Grants were laid
ll out in lorollcloqrnms tho front mcusurinq one~tbird of thc lsnctn.
, I ,, ) c M
I Tnot the cnoicoct locations might not bo monojolizod bv tn; for, the
' lonqtb sxtondod inland rntbor tbon ulong 2 bixbmnv, rivsr, or cr~»k.2 ‘
‘* 2, * Quit rsnts of ono nolf—ponny por ncro were roquirtd mftor tn; first two `
, yours of grace.
V Grants of 20,000 ocrcs or more wor; mods only bv Ordcro of tho King
A in Council ond to tbosc who petitioned the Board of Trado promising to
scttlo o spccificd nurbsr of families uocn tho land within o givcn tim;.
l. Spain never ucd; fornal trsstics with thc Indians, altnoupb tho
Low of tna Irdics rocognizcd toc right of Indians to tn; land tncy occu-
piod and used. Wbcn ; village sit; or otn r Indisn leno vos token, tncy
were compcnsatwd with lands olscwncro, or individual gr ntncs purcnosgd
thi Indian titl¢s.——Eignto2ntn Annuil R jort of tho Busegu of Etbnologv,
l836—lB97. Port 2. "Indian Lani C;ssiors in tho United 5tst¤s." Com— —
pilcd by Charles C. Royce, pp. E39 342. So, also n discussion of the
subjoct in G&3, VIII, 2 .ll· 0, ond R. K. Call'; caustic criti