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§ Certified copies of the Spanish documents and sometimes the originals ’
g were used by the Boards of Commissioners and with other papers were by
F ..- . , . .
j law turned over to the respective neepors vden the Boards and their suc-
i{ cessors, the Registers and Receivers, had completed the work of adjudi-
i » : 1 '~»· 1 `
gl cotlng land clains.
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} ln l844 Congress raised the question oz dispensing with the offices
of Keepers of the Public Archives in Florida and transferring the records
, to the office of the Commissioner of the General Land Office or to some
public office in the Territory of Florida. The committee on public lands _
2 s °
reported adversely and the resolution was tabled. POUT Y€@TS léiéf,
. . . . . . , __ . , . B
however, in a deficiency appropriation, the offices were abolisned,
= and on October lo, l848, the Secretary of the Treasury through the Oom-
• 5 missioner of the General Land Office instructed Antonio Alvarez and Jo- '
, seph E. Caro, Keepers for East and West Florida respectively, to make
schedules in duplicate of the archives in their possession and deliver,
each, one of the schedules and the archives to Robert Butler, United
V States Surveyor—General for Florida, those office was in St. Augustine, E
. . . . -. , C, _ A , _. , 4
retaining one sciedule signed or tne >urveyor—een?ral as a receipt.
Neither of the late Keepers complied and on Hay V, l€49, Commissioner
il Young of the Gsniral Lend Office instructed Benjamin 4. Putnam, who had
‘ T7 ,, 7 1,.,- sas .-we s . AQ; A
i l. c. S. stat. at Large, IJ, ire, 4oe—eoo, 4Os, eso. lO6.
2. Report Jo. lsG, 5. of R., Both Cong., l soss.
· 5. U. S. Stat. at larse, II, El5.
Q 4. Bicbard h. Toung, Co;. of Gtr. Land Off., to Robert Butler.--
» "Letters froi Corm;esioner," Vol. V, l?é7-l8é9, p. 505, in Fi ld Note
i Div., Dept. of Ar., Tallahassee.
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