Western and Southern papers after the death of one
of the authors. There is general recognition on the
part of the writers of these articles that while the
books served well their purpose of teaching the art
of reading, their greatest value consisted in the
choice of masterpieces in literature which by their
contents taught morality, and patriotism and by their
beauty served as a gateway to pure literature. One
editor, who used these books in his school career,
said, "Thousands of men and women owe their
wholesome viewG of life, as well as whatever success
they may have attained to tbe wholesome maxims
and precepts found on every page of these valuable
books. The seed they scattered has Vyelded a mil-
ilon-fold. All honor to the name and memory of
this excellent and Useful man."
  One of the wise mern of the oJden time cared not
who wrote the laws if he might write their songs.
Among a people devoid of books the folk-songs are
early lodged firmly in the mind of every child. They
influence his whole life. The modern schoolbooks-
particularly the readers -furnish the basis of the
moral and intellectual training of the youth in every
community. The McGuffey Readers, from their own
peculiar inherent qualities, retained their hold upon
the schools until in some states laws were passed
which in their operation caused schoolbooks to be
regarded as commodities estimated almost solely up-
on the cost of paper, printing and binding. The
value of these material things can easily be ascer-