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As a member of the class of ’96 beholds this show otyanity, he  
asks: Is not ierfect irmorance werfeet bliss? But then we seniors V
D . . . (
must not be t1oo hard on the juniors, for We know what longmgs and 1
anxieties possess them, how they sigh for the last year when they shall ,
be numbered among the wise. Surely anticipation is the half-sister to  
ignorance as the above illustrates. The 2`ll‘tlSt~ was certainly occupying 2
in his imagination the exalted sphere of a senior when he drew this de-  
sign; for who, acquainted or unaequainted with them, would accuse
vain `uniors of beine as wise as the iicture suggests? The ¤·reatest i
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trial We seniors have had to bear was to give the sympathy and pity Y
which those deludedjuniors have wrestled from us. The only balm E
for t1his malady was the thought that next year. these mortals, now  
most pitiable. would be suhjeeted to the same galliug yoke. XVe sen- E
iors see but one redeemine feature in them, only one ho ve for them, ’ ‘
D . l l