Tl1e annual banquet of the Alumni of State College was held on
Thursday evening, June 4, at the Merrick Lodge building. A large
nuniber of the graduates were present,. together with many professors
and invited guests. The costumes of the ladies were very beautiful,
while the simple decorations with exquisite ferns made a most charm-
ing effect. At 9:30 a nice menu was served, after which many ad-
journed to the dancing hall. Mr. F. Clay Elkin, ’92, was toastmaster
of the occasion and acted his part well., The following toasts were rc-
sponded to during the evening:
" Our College ” ............ Dr. John Shackleford.
" Class of ’96 " ............... Smith E. Alford. l
Poem, "Twilight Reveries" . Mrs. Katherine Adams Moore, ’93.  
" The Money Question from My Point of View,”  
Butler T. Southgate, ’92.  
The occasion was highly enjoyed by all whose good fortune it was ,
to be present. l
One of the things to be noted in the year’s work just completed, is _
the great improvement in the oratory of the college. Nor has her
elocutionary training been ill vain. More interest in declamation was
taken than ever before. The declaimers always were well drilled if
they were going into a contest. They were not afraid of too much
practice and preparation. Our declaimers have made the best records .
lin all the contests they have entered. T _
The progress in oratory has been very marked. Our orators have A
in every instance delivered good orations. The style of oratory is not f
bombastic and meaningless, but is simple, graceful, becoming and force-
ful. The l1ortatory and didactic are intermingled and, if either, the .
hortatory prcdominates. YVe need but mention again that State Col-
lege won the Inter—collegiate Oratorical Contest. {
Instruction in elocution and oratory is free to all. It is, we hope,
firmly established at State College. The instruction is practical and
highly beneficial to all who take it. The department this year was in
charge of E. F. Brown, who did much for the success of our orators
any dcelaiiners.